#usage "Teardrops - v1.05 (02/17/12)\n"
"This ULP allows creation of teardrop-shaped connections from a board's vias/pads to their attached wire segments. "
"Making these connections teardrop shaped enhances manufacturability and reduces board failure by ensuring "
"connectivity between the segment and via/pad in cases where the via hole is not accurately drilled and "
"would otherwise sever the segment."
"Original Author: Tad Artis (E3Eagle_removethis@E3Switch.com)
"Modifications: Bob Starr (rtzaudio@comcast.net)
"Modification: layer selectable (alf@cadsoft.de)
string HelpText = usage +
"This ULP is a variant based on via_teardrops1.ulp by Tad Ardis originally. This version is designed to support pads as well. "
"An attempt has been made to implement teardrops in this ULP while maintaining DRC validity. "
"Teardrops are implemented as 'two' added wire segments attaching from the original signal, at a short radius from the via, to two tangential "
"points at the via's edge. These two attachments form a small triangle and then are further attached to the via's center in order to "
"avoid ratsnest dangling segment errors. The user can specify the radius from the via at which the teardrop begins."
"The output of this program is an .scr script which may be run to add vias to all signals on the board. "
"This .scr file is also properly formatted to allow it to be read into a spreadsheet program as a .csv file which will be found to contain "
"detailed information about the signal and via to which each teardrop is being added. The spreadsheet "
"columns can be sorted and copied back to an .scr to simplify adding teardrops to only certain net classes, via sizes, layers, etc. "
"The spreadsheet format may also allow teardrops to be added to an unused signal layer which would facilitate cutting "
"them from undesired portions of the board and might create a cleaner situation for future board upgrades."
"This ULP should be used with forethought or on a copy of your board file just before plotting.
"It may difficult to remove teardrops once added. It may be difficult to run the teardrop ULP a second time on a board which "
"already has teardrops. It may be possible to alleviate these concerns by using the spreadsheet output or a find/replace "
"on the .scr file to send the "
"teardrops to unused signal layers which are then included when the origin signal layer is plotted.
"One should be aware that there are small hexogonal points at the ends of the added teardrop segments which protrude beyond "
"the tangent of the via. In most cases these protrusions are tiny and won't present any design rule violations."
"The current software operates using mm units for .scr and only accepts units in mils from the user and in generated spreadsheet values."
"Enhancements to the ULP are welcome without the necessity of contacting the author."
"This program is provided AS IS and without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied."
"This program may be freely modified and distributed."
"All text in red shows differences with the previous version of this program."
#require 5.1200
string Release = "1.06";
string ReleaseDate = "April 04, 2012"; // alf@cadsoft.de
string HistoryText1 =
"This program was based on the original via_teardrops1.ulp work by Tad Artis (E3Eagle_removethis@E3Switch.com).
"An attempt has been made to add usable support for teardropping pads as well in this adaptation."
"The following is a history of this program (most recent first)."
"Version 1.0"
"- Initial version. Released on January 5, 2008.
string HistoryText2 =
"The following is a history of this program (most recent first)."
"Version History"
"- v1.00 - Initial release version.
- v1.01 - Added teardropping of pads support.
- v1.02 - Improved pad teardrop support.
- v1.03 - Teardropping of square pad types added support.
- v1.04 - Added fixes for Eagle v6.0 (Walter Mueller)
" //[MUEWA104]
- v1.05 - Modified pad teardrops to fill better
" //[RES105]
- v1.06 - Modified selectable layer
" //alfcadsoft.de
int User_Pads = 0;
int User_Vias = 1;
real User_Tear_Radius = 1.5;
real User_Ignore_Width = 25;
real User_Ignore_sdratio = 1.5;
real uiw_internal;
int via_count;
int aring;
real radius, radius_sq, tangent_radius; //[MUEWA104]
int in1,in2;
int x_cross, y_cross;
real x1, x2, y1, y2; //[MUEWA104]
real t; //[MUEWA104]
int tstep; //[MUEWA104]
int changes = 0;
real xstep, ystep, xc, yc;
real astart,aend,sin_of_astart,cos_of_astart,wstep,w;
real tearseg_delta_w, tearseg_w, tearseg_len;
int tearseg_xend, tearseg_yend;
string vcount, fname, params;
numeric string LayerName[];
int LayerNum[];
int LayerCount = 0;
int LayerSel = 0;
numeric string TargetLayer[]; // 2012-04-04
int tCount = 0;
int LayActiv[];
int IsLayer[];
int TeardropLayer[];
// Output in dual-use .scr and spreadsheet .csv format
void output_hdr(void) {
printf("# SCR Command, Signal Name, Signal Class, Layer, Width, Via Drill, Via Layer Diameter, Via X, Via Y, Ratio segment_width/Via_drill_size\n");
void output_via_wire(int layer, int width, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, UL_VIA V, UL_WIRE W, UL_SIGNAL S) {
if (!LayActiv[layer]) return; // 201-04-04
int lnum = TeardropLayer[layer];
printf("LAYER %d; WIRE '%s' %.8f (%.9f %.9f) (%.9f %.9f);\n", // #129, %s, %s, %d, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.3f, %.3f, %.2f\n", // alf@cadsoft.de
lnum, S.name, u2mm(width), u2mm(x1), u2mm(y1), u2mm(x2), u2mm(y2)
//S.name, S.class.name, layer, u2mil(width), u2mil(V.drill), u2mil(V.diameter[layer]), u2mil(V.x), u2mil(V.y), real(width)/V.drill
void output_pad_wire(int layer, int width, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, UL_PAD P, UL_WIRE W, UL_SIGNAL S) {
if (!LayActiv[layer]) return; // 201-04-04
int lnum = TeardropLayer[layer];
printf("LAYER %d; WIRE '%s' %.8f (%.9f %.9f) (%.9f %.9f);\n", // #139, %s, %s, %d, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.3f, %.3f, %.2f\n", // alf@cadsoft.de
lnum, S.name, u2mm(width), u2mm(x1), u2mm(y1), u2mm(x2), u2mm(y2)
//P.name, P.name, layer, u2mil(width), u2mil(P.drill), u2mil(P.diameter[layer]), u2mil(P.x), u2mil(P.y), real(width)/P.drill
void do_pads(UL_SIGNAL S) {
int shape;
S.contactrefs(C) {
if (C.contact.pad) {
sprintf(vcount, "Processing Pad #%d -- Signal %s", via_count, C.contact.pad.name);
// find wires starting within teardrop-apex radius of the via and ending outside it.
//radius = C.contact.pad.drill * (User_Tear_Radius - 0.25); //[RES105]
radius = C.contact.pad.drill * (User_Tear_Radius - 0.5);
radius_sq = radius * radius;
S.wires(W) {
// quick check first. See if either wire endpoint is within a square of size 2 x radius of the pad.
in1 = 0;
in2 = 0;
if ((W.width < uiw_internal) && (real(W.width)/C.contact.pad.drill < User_Ignore_sdratio)) {
if (W.layer >= 1 && W.layer <= 16) {
shape = C.contact.pad.shape[W.layer];
if (shape == PAD_SHAPE_ROUND || shape == PAD_SHAPE_OCTAGON) {
// Passed user specified wires to ignore
if (abs(W.x1-C.contact.pad.x) radius_sq) //[MUEWA104]
in1 = 0;
if (in2) {
if ((real(W.x2-C.contact.pad.x)*(W.x2-C.contact.pad.x)+real(W.y2-C.contact.pad.y)*(W.y2-C.contact.pad.y)) > radius_sq) //[MUEWA104]
in2 = 0;
if (in1 ^ in2) {
changes = 1;
// Calculate point where wire crosses radius. Move calculations relative to via's center.
x1 = W.x1-C.contact.pad.x;
x2 = W.x2-C.contact.pad.x;
y1 = W.y1-C.contact.pad.y;
y2 = W.y2-C.contact.pad.y;
// Make x1,y1 always the end closest to via center.
if (in2) {
// Swap start/end
t = x1;
x1 = x2;
x2 = t;
t = y1;
y1 = y2;
y2 = t;
// Perhaps the line and arc intersections equations could be solved directly without too much trouble,
// but didn't feel like dealing with it and the special cases.
if (!W.arc) {
// Easiest to represent the line parametrically and step up it.
tstep = max(abs(y2-y1),abs(x2-x1));
xstep = (x2-x1)/real(tstep);
ystep = (y2-y1)/real(tstep);
tstep = tstep >>1;
// We're double testing points here, but don't feel like fixing.
for (t = 0; tstep > 0; t = t+tstep) {
xc = x1+xstep*t;
yc = y1+ystep*t;
if ((xc*xc + yc*yc) > radius_sq) {
// backup a little and increase resolution
t = t-tstep;
tstep = tstep >> 1;
else {
// wire segment is an arc
// Get correct arc starting end angle for x1,y1
if ((x1+C.contact.pad.x) == W.arc.x1 && (y1+C.contact.pad.y) == W.arc.y1) {
astart = W.arc.angle1;
aend = W.arc.angle2;
else {
// Swap start/end
astart = W.arc.angle2;
aend = W.arc.angle1;
// wstep is the change in angle to the next point on the arc to test.
astart = PI/180 * astart;
aend = PI/180 * aend;
wstep = (aend-astart)/2; // make wstep 1/2 the difference
sin_of_astart = W.arc.radius*sin(astart);
cos_of_astart = W.arc.radius*cos(astart);
// dy = radius*(sin(astart+dw)-sin(astart))
// dx = radius*(cos(astart+dw)-cos(astart))
// w is the current angle on the arc being tested
// We're double testing points here, but don't feel like fixing.
for (w = astart+wstep; abs(wstep) > .00001; w = w+wstep) {
yc = y1+W.arc.radius*sin(w)-sin_of_astart;
xc = x1+W.arc.radius*cos(w)-cos_of_astart;
if ((xc*xc + yc*yc) > radius_sq) {
// backup a little and increase resolution
w = w-wstep;
wstep = wstep/2;
// Determine location of tangents of via back to wire.
// angular offset = sin (viaradius/(seg to via ctr distance))
int wmult = 1;
int width = W.width;
int aring = C.contact.pad.diameter[W.layer] - C.contact.pad.drill;
// printf("# width=%f, drill=%f, diameter=%f, aring=%f\n", u2mil(width), u2mil(C.contact.pad.drill), u2mil(C.contact.pad.diameter[W.layer]), u2mil(aring));
// [RES102] - Adjusted tangent divide ratios and added logic to determine
// if wire width is less than 10 mil or the annular ring is less than the wire width,
// double the wire width for better fill.
if ((u2mil(width) <= 10) || ((u2mil(aring) / 2.0) > u2mil(width)))
wmult = 2;
width = width * wmult;
//if (u2mil(C.contact.pad.diameter[W.layer]) >= 100)
// tangent_radius = (C.contact.pad.diameter[W.layer] - (W.width * wmult)) / 4; // [RES102] was 8
// tangent_radius = (C.contact.pad.diameter[W.layer] - (W.width * wmult)) / 2; // [RES102] was 4
// [RES105]
tangent_radius = (C.contact.pad.diameter[W.layer] - (W.width * wmult)) / 2;
if (tangent_radius > 0) {
// don't bother if wire is bigger than via
tearseg_delta_w = asin(real(tangent_radius)/radius);
tearseg_len = sqrt(radius * radius - tangent_radius * tangent_radius);
if (xc == 0) {
if (yc < 0)
tearseg_w = PI*.5;
tearseg_w = -PI*.5;
else {
tearseg_w = atan (real(yc)/(xc));
// Get the right quadrant
if (xc > 0) tearseg_w = tearseg_w + PI;
tearseg_xend = C.contact.pad.x+xc + tearseg_len*cos(tearseg_w-tearseg_delta_w);
tearseg_yend = C.contact.pad.y+yc + tearseg_len*sin(tearseg_w-tearseg_delta_w);
// Suggest a script command.
output_pad_wire(W.layer, width, int(C.contact.pad.x+xc), int(C.contact.pad.y+yc), tearseg_xend, tearseg_yend, C.contact.pad, W, S);
// Now add segment to the center of the via so ratsnest doesn't show up as dangling.
output_pad_wire(W.layer, width, int(C.contact.pad.x), int(C.contact.pad.y), tearseg_xend, tearseg_yend, C.contact.pad, W, S);
// Now the other side of the tear
tearseg_xend = C.contact.pad.x+xc + tearseg_len*cos(tearseg_w+tearseg_delta_w);
tearseg_yend = C.contact.pad.y+yc + tearseg_len*sin(tearseg_w+tearseg_delta_w);
// Suggest a script command.
output_pad_wire(W.layer, width, int(C.contact.pad.x+xc), int(C.contact.pad.y+yc), tearseg_xend, tearseg_yend, C.contact.pad, W, S);
// Now add segment to the center of the via so ratsnest doesn't show up as dangling.
output_pad_wire(W.layer, width, int(C.contact.pad.x), int(C.contact.pad.y), tearseg_xend, tearseg_yend, C.contact.pad, W, S);
void do_vias(UL_SIGNAL S) {
S.vias(V) {
sprintf (vcount, "Processing Via #%d -- Signal %s", via_count, S.name);
status (vcount);
// find wires starting within teardrop-apex radius of the via and ending outside it.
radius = V.drill * User_Tear_Radius;
radius_sq = radius * radius;
S.wires(W) {
// quick check first. See if either wire endpoint is within a square of size 2 x radius of the via.
in1 = 0;
in2 = 0;
if ((W.width < uiw_internal) && (real(W.width)/V.drill < User_Ignore_sdratio)) {
// Passed user specified wires to ignore
if (abs(W.x1-V.x)= V.start && W.layer <= V.end) {
if (in1) {
if ((real(W.x1-V.x)*(W.x1-V.x) + real(W.y1-V.y)*(W.y1-V.y)) > radius_sq) //[MUEWA104]
in1 = 0;
if (in2) {
if ((real(W.x2-V.x)*(W.x2-V.x) + real(W.y2-V.y)*(W.y2-V.y)) > radius_sq) //[MUEWA104]
in2 = 0;
else {
in1 = 0;
in2 = 0;
if (in1 ^ in2) {
changes = 1;
// Calculate point where wire crosses radius. Move calculations relative to via's center.
x1 = W.x1-V.x;
x2 = W.x2-V.x;
y1 = W.y1-V.y;
y2 = W.y2-V.y;
// Make x1,y1 always the end closest to via center.
if (in2) {
// Swap start/end
t = x1;
x1 = x2;
x2 = t;
t = y1;
y1 = y2;
y2 = t;
// Perhaps the line and arc intersections equations could be solved directly without too much trouble,
// but didn't feel like dealing with it and the special cases.
if (!W.arc) {
// Easiest to represent the line parametrically and step up it.
tstep = max(abs(y2-y1),abs(x2-x1));
xstep = (x2-x1)/real(tstep);
ystep = (y2-y1)/real(tstep);
tstep = tstep >>1;
// We're double testing points here, but don't feel like fixing.
for (t = 0; tstep > 0; t = t+tstep) {
xc = x1+xstep*t;
yc = y1+ystep*t;
if ((xc*xc + yc*yc) > radius_sq) {
// backup a little and increase resolution
t = t-tstep;
tstep = tstep >> 1;
else {
// wire segment is an arc
// Get correct arc starting end angle for x1,y1
if ((x1+V.x) == W.arc.x1 && (y1+V.y) == W.arc.y1) {
astart = W.arc.angle1;
aend = W.arc.angle2;
else {
// Swap start/end
astart = W.arc.angle2;
aend = W.arc.angle1;
// wstep is the change in angle to the next point on the arc to test.
astart = PI/180 * astart;
aend = PI/180 * aend;
wstep = (aend-astart)/2; // make wstep 1/2 the difference
sin_of_astart = W.arc.radius*sin(astart);
cos_of_astart = W.arc.radius*cos(astart);
// dy = radius*(sin(astart+dw)-sin(astart))
// dx = radius*(cos(astart+dw)-cos(astart))
// w is the current angle on the arc being tested
// We're double testing points here, but don't feel like fixing.
for (w = astart+wstep; abs(wstep) > .00001; w = w+wstep) {
yc = y1+W.arc.radius*sin(w)-sin_of_astart;
xc = x1+W.arc.radius*cos(w)-cos_of_astart;
if ((xc*xc + yc*yc) > radius_sq) {
// backup a little and increase resolution
w = w-wstep;
wstep = wstep/2;
// Determine location of tangents of via back to wire.
// angular offset = sin (viaradius/(seg to via ctr distance))
tangent_radius = (V.diameter[W.layer] - W.width)/2;
if (tangent_radius > 0) {
// don't bother if wire is bigger than via
tearseg_delta_w = asin(real(tangent_radius)/radius);
tearseg_len = sqrt (radius * radius - tangent_radius * tangent_radius);
if (xc == 0) {
if (yc < 0) tearseg_w = PI*.5;
else tearseg_w = -PI*.5;
else {
tearseg_w = atan (real(yc)/(xc));
// Get the right quadrant
if (xc > 0)
tearseg_w = tearseg_w + PI;
tearseg_xend = V.x+xc + tearseg_len*cos(tearseg_w-tearseg_delta_w);
tearseg_yend = V.y+yc + tearseg_len*sin(tearseg_w-tearseg_delta_w);
// Suggest a script command.
output_via_wire (W.layer, W.width, int(V.x+xc), int(V.y+yc), tearseg_xend, tearseg_yend, V, W, S);
// Now add segment to the center of the via so ratsnest doesn't show up as dangling.
output_via_wire (W.layer, W.width, int(V.x), int(V.y), tearseg_xend, tearseg_yend, V, W, S);
// Now the other side of the tear
tearseg_xend = V.x+xc + tearseg_len*cos(tearseg_w+tearseg_delta_w);
tearseg_yend = V.y+yc + tearseg_len*sin(tearseg_w+tearseg_delta_w);
// Suggest a script command.
output_via_wire (W.layer, W.width, int(V.x+xc), int(V.y+yc), tearseg_xend, tearseg_yend, V, W, S);
// Now add segment to the center of the via so ratsnest doesn't show up as dangling.
output_via_wire (W.layer, W.width, int(V.x), int(V.y), tearseg_xend, tearseg_yend, V, W, S);
void setlayerstatus(void) { // 2012-04-04 set layer status
string s[];
for (int n = 0; n < LayerCount; n++) {
int cnt = strsplit(s, LayerName[n], '\t');
int num = strtol(s[0]);
int target = strtol(s[1]);
IsLayer[num] = num;
TeardropLayer[num] = target;
if (s[2] == "yes" ) LayActiv[num] = 1;
else LayActiv[num] = 0;
void generate_tears(void) {
board(B) {
uiw_internal = User_Ignore_Width/u2mil(1); // Convert user mil units to internal units.
via_count = 0;
fname = filesetext(B.name, "_AddTearDrops.scr");
if (!User_Vias && !User_Pads) {
dlgMessageBox("You must check vias and/or pads option.");
output(fname, "wtD") {
printf("# Script generated to add teardrops to board vias.\n");
printf("# Script generated with '%s', *%s* at %s.\n", filename(argv[0]), EAGLE_SIGNATURE, t2string(time(), "Uyyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"));
printf("# Script values in mm and spreadsheet values in mils:\n");
printf("# This script generated with the following user parameters:\n");
printf("# Teardrop Apex Radius Factor: %.2f. Ignoring segments >= %.1f mils. Ignoring segments with width/via_hole ratio >= %.1f. ",
User_Tear_Radius, User_Ignore_Width, User_Ignore_sdratio);
printf("SET UNDO_LOG OFF;\n");
printf("SET WIRE_BEND 2;\n"); // straight lines for drawing our teardrop wires.
printf("GRID MM;\n");
B.signals(S) {
if (User_Vias)
if (User_Pads)
printf("GRID LAST;\n");
printf("SET UNDO_LOG ON;\n");
if (changes) exit ("script '" + fname + "';\n");
else dlgMessageBox("No teardrops generated with current parameters");
string settarget(string sellayer) { // 2012-04-04
string no_change = sellayer;
string l[];
strsplit(l, sellayer, '\t');
string s[];
strsplit(s, l[0], '-');
int activ;
if (l[2] == "yes") activ = 1;
int sel = strtol(l[1]) -1;
dlgDialog("Target Layer") {
dlgLabel("New layer for " + l[0]);
dlgGroup("Layer activ") {
dlgRadioButton("&no", activ);
dlgRadioButton("&yes", activ);
dlgComboBox(TargetLayer, sel) {
sellayer = s[0] + "\t" + TargetLayer[sel];
if (activ) sellayer += "\t" + "yes";
else sellayer += "\t" + "no";
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgPushButton("+OK") {
sellayer = s[0] + "\t" + TargetLayer[sel];
if (activ) sellayer += "\t" + "yes";
else sellayer += "\t" + "no";
dlgPushButton("-Cancel") {
sellayer = no_change;
return sellayer;
string mainscrtext =
"\nStatus bar will show progress while generating teardrops.\n\n"
"Apex Radius Factor sets the distance from the apex of a teardrop to the associated via's center. "
"The Radius Factor entered is multiplied by the via's drill-hole diameter to arrive at a physical distance."
"For example, with an entered radius factor of 1.5 operating on a via with a drill size of 10mils, the apex begins "
"15 mils from that particular via's center.";
if (!board) {
dlgMessageBox("You should run this ULP from an open board design.");
dlgDialog("Teardrops for Vias") {
if (!board) {
dlgMessageBox("You should run this ULP from an open board design.");
board(B) {
B.layers(L) {
if (L.number <= 16) { // 2012-04-04
string lname;
if (L.used) {
sprintf(lname, "%d-%s\t%d-%s\tyes", L.number, L.name, L.number, L.name);
LayerName[LayerCount] = lname;
LayerNum[LayerCount] = L.number;
sprintf(TargetLayer[tCount], "%d-%s", L.number, L.name);
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgTabWidget {
dlgTabPage("Processing") {
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgGroup("Parameters") {
dlgGridLayout {
dlgCell( 1, 0) dlgLabel("Teardrop Apex Radius Factor ");
dlgCell( 1, 1) dlgRealEdit(User_Tear_Radius, 0.5, 2.5);
dlgCell( 2, 0) dlgLabel("Ignore all segments >= ");
dlgCell( 2, 1) dlgRealEdit(User_Ignore_Width, 4.0, 400.0);
dlgCell( 2, 2) dlgLabel(" mils");
dlgCell( 4, 0) dlgLabel("Ignore all segments/drill ratios >= ");
dlgCell( 4, 1) dlgRealEdit(User_Ignore_sdratio, 0.1, 99.0);
dlgVBoxLayout {
dlgGroup("Options") {
dlgCheckBox("&Teardrop Vias", User_Vias);
dlgCheckBox("&Teardrop Pads", User_Pads);
dlgLabel("Click on layer to select :");
dlgListView("Layer Source\tTeardrop Target\tactiv", LayerName, LayerSel) {
LayerName[LayerSel] = settarget(LayerName[LayerSel]);
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgPushButton("Teardrop Board") generate_tears();
dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject();
} // tab page
dlgTabPage("Overview") {
dlgTabPage("History") {
dlgTextView(Release + " " + ReleaseDate + " " + HistoryText2);