#usage "Teardrops - v1.05 (02/17/12)\n" "

" "This ULP allows creation of teardrop-shaped connections from a board's vias/pads to their attached wire segments. " "Making these connections teardrop shaped enhances manufacturability and reduces board failure by ensuring " "connectivity between the segment and via/pad in cases where the via hole is not accurately drilled and " "would otherwise sever the segment." "

" "Original Author: Tad Artis (E3Eagle_removethis@E3Switch.com)
" "Modifications: Bob Starr (rtzaudio@comcast.net)
" "Modification: layer selectable (alf@cadsoft.de)
" "

" "This ULP is a variant based on via_teardrops1.ulp by Tad Ardis originally. This version is designed to support pads as well. " "An attempt has been made to implement teardrops in this ULP while maintaining DRC validity. " "Teardrops are implemented as 'two' added wire segments attaching from the original signal, at a short radius from the via, to two tangential " "points at the via's edge. These two attachments form a small triangle and then are further attached to the via's center in order to " "avoid ratsnest dangling segment errors. The user can specify the radius from the via at which the teardrop begins." "

" "The output of this program is an .scr script which may be run to add vias to all signals on the board. " "This .scr file is also properly formatted to allow it to be read into a spreadsheet program as a .csv file which will be found to contain " "detailed information about the signal and via to which each teardrop is being added. The spreadsheet " "columns can be sorted and copied back to an .scr to simplify adding teardrops to only certain net classes, via sizes, layers, etc. " "The spreadsheet format may also allow teardrops to be added to an unused signal layer which would facilitate cutting " "them from undesired portions of the board and might create a cleaner situation for future board upgrades." "

" "This ULP should be used with forethought or on a copy of your board file just before plotting.
" "It may difficult to remove teardrops once added. It may be difficult to run the teardrop ULP a second time on a board which " "already has teardrops. It may be possible to alleviate these concerns by using the spreadsheet output or a find/replace " "on the .scr file to send the " "teardrops to unused signal layers which are then included when the origin signal layer is plotted.
" "One should be aware that there are small hexogonal points at the ends of the added teardrop segments which protrude beyond " "the tangent of the via. In most cases these protrusions are tiny and won't present any design rule violations." "

" "The current software operates using mm units for .scr and only accepts units in mils from the user and in generated spreadsheet values." "

" "Enhancements to the ULP are welcome without the necessity of contacting the author." "

" "This program is provided AS IS and without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied." "This program may be freely modified and distributed." "

" "

" "All text in red shows differences with the previous version of this program." "
" ; #require 5.1200 string Release = "1.06"; string ReleaseDate = "April 04, 2012"; // alf@cadsoft.de string HistoryText1 = "

" "This program was based on the original via_teardrops1.ulp work by Tad Artis (E3Eagle_removethis@E3Switch.com).
" "An attempt has been made to add usable support for teardropping pads as well in this adaptation." "

" "The following is a history of this program (most recent first)." "

" "Version 1.0" "

" ; string HistoryText2 = "

" "The following is a history of this program (most recent first)." "

" "Version History" "

" ; int User_Pads = 0; int User_Vias = 1; real User_Tear_Radius = 1.5; real User_Ignore_Width = 25; real User_Ignore_sdratio = 1.5; real uiw_internal; int via_count; int aring; real radius, radius_sq, tangent_radius; //[MUEWA104] int in1,in2; int x_cross, y_cross; real x1, x2, y1, y2; //[MUEWA104] real t; //[MUEWA104] int tstep; //[MUEWA104] int changes = 0; real xstep, ystep, xc, yc; real astart,aend,sin_of_astart,cos_of_astart,wstep,w; real tearseg_delta_w, tearseg_w, tearseg_len; int tearseg_xend, tearseg_yend; string vcount, fname, params; numeric string LayerName[]; int LayerNum[]; int LayerCount = 0; int LayerSel = 0; numeric string TargetLayer[]; // 2012-04-04 int tCount = 0; int LayActiv[]; int IsLayer[]; int TeardropLayer[]; // Output in dual-use .scr and spreadsheet .csv format void output_hdr(void) { printf("# SCR Command, Signal Name, Signal Class, Layer, Width, Via Drill, Via Layer Diameter, Via X, Via Y, Ratio segment_width/Via_drill_size\n"); return; } void output_via_wire(int layer, int width, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, UL_VIA V, UL_WIRE W, UL_SIGNAL S) { if (!LayActiv[layer]) return; // 201-04-04 int lnum = TeardropLayer[layer]; printf("LAYER %d; WIRE '%s' %.8f (%.9f %.9f) (%.9f %.9f);\n", // #129, %s, %s, %d, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.3f, %.3f, %.2f\n", // alf@cadsoft.de lnum, S.name, u2mm(width), u2mm(x1), u2mm(y1), u2mm(x2), u2mm(y2) //S.name, S.class.name, layer, u2mil(width), u2mil(V.drill), u2mil(V.diameter[layer]), u2mil(V.x), u2mil(V.y), real(width)/V.drill ); return; } void output_pad_wire(int layer, int width, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, UL_PAD P, UL_WIRE W, UL_SIGNAL S) { if (!LayActiv[layer]) return; // 201-04-04 int lnum = TeardropLayer[layer]; printf("LAYER %d; WIRE '%s' %.8f (%.9f %.9f) (%.9f %.9f);\n", // #139, %s, %s, %d, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.3f, %.3f, %.2f\n", // alf@cadsoft.de lnum, S.name, u2mm(width), u2mm(x1), u2mm(y1), u2mm(x2), u2mm(y2) //P.name, P.name, layer, u2mil(width), u2mil(P.drill), u2mil(P.diameter[layer]), u2mil(P.x), u2mil(P.y), real(width)/P.drill ); return; } void do_pads(UL_SIGNAL S) { int shape; S.contactrefs(C) { if (C.contact.pad) { via_count++; sprintf(vcount, "Processing Pad #%d -- Signal %s", via_count, C.contact.pad.name); status(vcount); // find wires starting within teardrop-apex radius of the via and ending outside it. //radius = C.contact.pad.drill * (User_Tear_Radius - 0.25); //[RES105] radius = C.contact.pad.drill * (User_Tear_Radius - 0.5); radius_sq = radius * radius; S.wires(W) { // quick check first. See if either wire endpoint is within a square of size 2 x radius of the pad. in1 = 0; in2 = 0; if ((W.width < uiw_internal) && (real(W.width)/C.contact.pad.drill < User_Ignore_sdratio)) { if (W.layer >= 1 && W.layer <= 16) { shape = C.contact.pad.shape[W.layer]; if (shape == PAD_SHAPE_ROUND || shape == PAD_SHAPE_OCTAGON) { // Passed user specified wires to ignore if (abs(W.x1-C.contact.pad.x) radius_sq) //[MUEWA104] in1 = 0; } if (in2) { if ((real(W.x2-C.contact.pad.x)*(W.x2-C.contact.pad.x)+real(W.y2-C.contact.pad.y)*(W.y2-C.contact.pad.y)) > radius_sq) //[MUEWA104] in2 = 0; } } } } } if (in1 ^ in2) { changes = 1; // Calculate point where wire crosses radius. Move calculations relative to via's center. x1 = W.x1-C.contact.pad.x; x2 = W.x2-C.contact.pad.x; y1 = W.y1-C.contact.pad.y; y2 = W.y2-C.contact.pad.y; // Make x1,y1 always the end closest to via center. if (in2) { // Swap start/end t = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = t; t = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = t; } // Perhaps the line and arc intersections equations could be solved directly without too much trouble, // but didn't feel like dealing with it and the special cases. if (!W.arc) { // Easiest to represent the line parametrically and step up it. tstep = max(abs(y2-y1),abs(x2-x1)); xstep = (x2-x1)/real(tstep); ystep = (y2-y1)/real(tstep); tstep = tstep >>1; // We're double testing points here, but don't feel like fixing. for (t = 0; tstep > 0; t = t+tstep) { xc = x1+xstep*t; yc = y1+ystep*t; if ((xc*xc + yc*yc) > radius_sq) { // backup a little and increase resolution t = t-tstep; tstep = tstep >> 1; } } } else { // wire segment is an arc // Get correct arc starting end angle for x1,y1 if ((x1+C.contact.pad.x) == W.arc.x1 && (y1+C.contact.pad.y) == W.arc.y1) { astart = W.arc.angle1; aend = W.arc.angle2; } else { // Swap start/end astart = W.arc.angle2; aend = W.arc.angle1; } // wstep is the change in angle to the next point on the arc to test. astart = PI/180 * astart; aend = PI/180 * aend; wstep = (aend-astart)/2; // make wstep 1/2 the difference sin_of_astart = W.arc.radius*sin(astart); cos_of_astart = W.arc.radius*cos(astart); // dy = radius*(sin(astart+dw)-sin(astart)) // dx = radius*(cos(astart+dw)-cos(astart)) // w is the current angle on the arc being tested // We're double testing points here, but don't feel like fixing. for (w = astart+wstep; abs(wstep) > .00001; w = w+wstep) { yc = y1+W.arc.radius*sin(w)-sin_of_astart; xc = x1+W.arc.radius*cos(w)-cos_of_astart; if ((xc*xc + yc*yc) > radius_sq) { // backup a little and increase resolution w = w-wstep; wstep = wstep/2; } } } // Determine location of tangents of via back to wire. // angular offset = sin (viaradius/(seg to via ctr distance)) int wmult = 1; int width = W.width; int aring = C.contact.pad.diameter[W.layer] - C.contact.pad.drill; // printf("# width=%f, drill=%f, diameter=%f, aring=%f\n", u2mil(width), u2mil(C.contact.pad.drill), u2mil(C.contact.pad.diameter[W.layer]), u2mil(aring)); // [RES102] - Adjusted tangent divide ratios and added logic to determine // if wire width is less than 10 mil or the annular ring is less than the wire width, // double the wire width for better fill. if ((u2mil(width) <= 10) || ((u2mil(aring) / 2.0) > u2mil(width))) wmult = 2; width = width * wmult; //if (u2mil(C.contact.pad.diameter[W.layer]) >= 100) // tangent_radius = (C.contact.pad.diameter[W.layer] - (W.width * wmult)) / 4; // [RES102] was 8 //else // tangent_radius = (C.contact.pad.diameter[W.layer] - (W.width * wmult)) / 2; // [RES102] was 4 // [RES105] tangent_radius = (C.contact.pad.diameter[W.layer] - (W.width * wmult)) / 2; if (tangent_radius > 0) { // don't bother if wire is bigger than via tearseg_delta_w = asin(real(tangent_radius)/radius); tearseg_len = sqrt(radius * radius - tangent_radius * tangent_radius); if (xc == 0) { if (yc < 0) tearseg_w = PI*.5; else tearseg_w = -PI*.5; } else { tearseg_w = atan (real(yc)/(xc)); } // Get the right quadrant if (xc > 0) tearseg_w = tearseg_w + PI; tearseg_xend = C.contact.pad.x+xc + tearseg_len*cos(tearseg_w-tearseg_delta_w); tearseg_yend = C.contact.pad.y+yc + tearseg_len*sin(tearseg_w-tearseg_delta_w); // Suggest a script command. output_pad_wire(W.layer, width, int(C.contact.pad.x+xc), int(C.contact.pad.y+yc), tearseg_xend, tearseg_yend, C.contact.pad, W, S); // Now add segment to the center of the via so ratsnest doesn't show up as dangling. output_pad_wire(W.layer, width, int(C.contact.pad.x), int(C.contact.pad.y), tearseg_xend, tearseg_yend, C.contact.pad, W, S); // Now the other side of the tear tearseg_xend = C.contact.pad.x+xc + tearseg_len*cos(tearseg_w+tearseg_delta_w); tearseg_yend = C.contact.pad.y+yc + tearseg_len*sin(tearseg_w+tearseg_delta_w); // Suggest a script command. output_pad_wire(W.layer, width, int(C.contact.pad.x+xc), int(C.contact.pad.y+yc), tearseg_xend, tearseg_yend, C.contact.pad, W, S); // Now add segment to the center of the via so ratsnest doesn't show up as dangling. output_pad_wire(W.layer, width, int(C.contact.pad.x), int(C.contact.pad.y), tearseg_xend, tearseg_yend, C.contact.pad, W, S); } } } } } return; } void do_vias(UL_SIGNAL S) { S.vias(V) { via_count++; sprintf (vcount, "Processing Via #%d -- Signal %s", via_count, S.name); status (vcount); // find wires starting within teardrop-apex radius of the via and ending outside it. radius = V.drill * User_Tear_Radius; radius_sq = radius * radius; S.wires(W) { // quick check first. See if either wire endpoint is within a square of size 2 x radius of the via. in1 = 0; in2 = 0; if ((W.width < uiw_internal) && (real(W.width)/V.drill < User_Ignore_sdratio)) { // Passed user specified wires to ignore if (abs(W.x1-V.x)= V.start && W.layer <= V.end) { if (in1) { if ((real(W.x1-V.x)*(W.x1-V.x) + real(W.y1-V.y)*(W.y1-V.y)) > radius_sq) //[MUEWA104] in1 = 0; } if (in2) { if ((real(W.x2-V.x)*(W.x2-V.x) + real(W.y2-V.y)*(W.y2-V.y)) > radius_sq) //[MUEWA104] in2 = 0; } } else { in1 = 0; in2 = 0; } } } if (in1 ^ in2) { changes = 1; // Calculate point where wire crosses radius. Move calculations relative to via's center. x1 = W.x1-V.x; x2 = W.x2-V.x; y1 = W.y1-V.y; y2 = W.y2-V.y; // Make x1,y1 always the end closest to via center. if (in2) { // Swap start/end t = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = t; t = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = t; } // Perhaps the line and arc intersections equations could be solved directly without too much trouble, // but didn't feel like dealing with it and the special cases. if (!W.arc) { // Easiest to represent the line parametrically and step up it. tstep = max(abs(y2-y1),abs(x2-x1)); xstep = (x2-x1)/real(tstep); ystep = (y2-y1)/real(tstep); tstep = tstep >>1; // We're double testing points here, but don't feel like fixing. for (t = 0; tstep > 0; t = t+tstep) { xc = x1+xstep*t; yc = y1+ystep*t; if ((xc*xc + yc*yc) > radius_sq) { // backup a little and increase resolution t = t-tstep; tstep = tstep >> 1; } } } else { // wire segment is an arc // Get correct arc starting end angle for x1,y1 if ((x1+V.x) == W.arc.x1 && (y1+V.y) == W.arc.y1) { astart = W.arc.angle1; aend = W.arc.angle2; } else { // Swap start/end astart = W.arc.angle2; aend = W.arc.angle1; } // wstep is the change in angle to the next point on the arc to test. astart = PI/180 * astart; aend = PI/180 * aend; wstep = (aend-astart)/2; // make wstep 1/2 the difference sin_of_astart = W.arc.radius*sin(astart); cos_of_astart = W.arc.radius*cos(astart); // dy = radius*(sin(astart+dw)-sin(astart)) // dx = radius*(cos(astart+dw)-cos(astart)) // w is the current angle on the arc being tested // We're double testing points here, but don't feel like fixing. for (w = astart+wstep; abs(wstep) > .00001; w = w+wstep) { yc = y1+W.arc.radius*sin(w)-sin_of_astart; xc = x1+W.arc.radius*cos(w)-cos_of_astart; if ((xc*xc + yc*yc) > radius_sq) { // backup a little and increase resolution w = w-wstep; wstep = wstep/2; } } } // Determine location of tangents of via back to wire. // angular offset = sin (viaradius/(seg to via ctr distance)) tangent_radius = (V.diameter[W.layer] - W.width)/2; if (tangent_radius > 0) { // don't bother if wire is bigger than via tearseg_delta_w = asin(real(tangent_radius)/radius); tearseg_len = sqrt (radius * radius - tangent_radius * tangent_radius); if (xc == 0) { if (yc < 0) tearseg_w = PI*.5; else tearseg_w = -PI*.5; } else { tearseg_w = atan (real(yc)/(xc)); } // Get the right quadrant if (xc > 0) tearseg_w = tearseg_w + PI; tearseg_xend = V.x+xc + tearseg_len*cos(tearseg_w-tearseg_delta_w); tearseg_yend = V.y+yc + tearseg_len*sin(tearseg_w-tearseg_delta_w); // Suggest a script command. output_via_wire (W.layer, W.width, int(V.x+xc), int(V.y+yc), tearseg_xend, tearseg_yend, V, W, S); // Now add segment to the center of the via so ratsnest doesn't show up as dangling. output_via_wire (W.layer, W.width, int(V.x), int(V.y), tearseg_xend, tearseg_yend, V, W, S); // Now the other side of the tear tearseg_xend = V.x+xc + tearseg_len*cos(tearseg_w+tearseg_delta_w); tearseg_yend = V.y+yc + tearseg_len*sin(tearseg_w+tearseg_delta_w); // Suggest a script command. output_via_wire (W.layer, W.width, int(V.x+xc), int(V.y+yc), tearseg_xend, tearseg_yend, V, W, S); // Now add segment to the center of the via so ratsnest doesn't show up as dangling. output_via_wire (W.layer, W.width, int(V.x), int(V.y), tearseg_xend, tearseg_yend, V, W, S); } } } } return; } void setlayerstatus(void) { // 2012-04-04 set layer status string s[]; for (int n = 0; n < LayerCount; n++) { int cnt = strsplit(s, LayerName[n], '\t'); int num = strtol(s[0]); int target = strtol(s[1]); IsLayer[num] = num; TeardropLayer[num] = target; if (s[2] == "yes" ) LayActiv[num] = 1; else LayActiv[num] = 0; } return; } void generate_tears(void) { setlayerstatus(); board(B) { uiw_internal = User_Ignore_Width/u2mil(1); // Convert user mil units to internal units. via_count = 0; fname = filesetext(B.name, "_AddTearDrops.scr"); if (!User_Vias && !User_Pads) { dlgMessageBox("You must check vias and/or pads option."); return; } output(fname, "wtD") { printf("# Script generated to add teardrops to board vias.\n"); printf("# Script generated with '%s', *%s* at %s.\n", filename(argv[0]), EAGLE_SIGNATURE, t2string(time(), "Uyyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")); printf("# Script values in mm and spreadsheet values in mils:\n"); printf("# This script generated with the following user parameters:\n"); printf("# Teardrop Apex Radius Factor: %.2f. Ignoring segments >= %.1f mils. Ignoring segments with width/via_hole ratio >= %.1f. ", User_Tear_Radius, User_Ignore_Width, User_Ignore_sdratio); printf("\n"); output_hdr(); printf("SET UNDO_LOG OFF;\n"); printf("SET WIRE_BEND 2;\n"); // straight lines for drawing our teardrop wires. printf("GRID MM;\n"); B.signals(S) { if (User_Vias) do_vias(S); if (User_Pads) do_pads(S); } printf("GRID LAST;\n"); printf("SET UNDO_LOG ON;\n"); if (changes) exit ("script '" + fname + "';\n"); else dlgMessageBox("No teardrops generated with current parameters"); } } return; } string settarget(string sellayer) { // 2012-04-04 string no_change = sellayer; string l[]; strsplit(l, sellayer, '\t'); string s[]; strsplit(s, l[0], '-'); int activ; if (l[2] == "yes") activ = 1; int sel = strtol(l[1]) -1; dlgDialog("Target Layer") { dlgLabel("New layer for " + l[0]); dlgGroup("Layer activ") { dlgRadioButton("&no", activ); dlgRadioButton("&yes", activ); } dlgComboBox(TargetLayer, sel) { sellayer = s[0] + "\t" + TargetLayer[sel]; if (activ) sellayer += "\t" + "yes"; else sellayer += "\t" + "no"; } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("+OK") { sellayer = s[0] + "\t" + TargetLayer[sel]; if (activ) sellayer += "\t" + "yes"; else sellayer += "\t" + "no"; dlgAccept(); } dlgPushButton("-Cancel") { dlgReject(); sellayer = no_change; } } }; return sellayer; } //***************************** string mainscrtext = "\nStatus bar will show progress while generating teardrops.\n\n" "Apex Radius Factor sets the distance from the apex of a teardrop to the associated via's center. " "The Radius Factor entered is multiplied by the via's drill-hole diameter to arrive at a physical distance." "For example, with an entered radius factor of 1.5 operating on a via with a drill size of 10mils, the apex begins " "15 mils from that particular via's center."; if (!board) { dlgMessageBox("You should run this ULP from an open board design."); exit(0); } dlgDialog("Teardrops for Vias") { if (!board) { dlgMessageBox("You should run this ULP from an open board design."); exit(-1); } board(B) { B.layers(L) { if (L.number <= 16) { // 2012-04-04 string lname; if (L.used) { sprintf(lname, "%d-%s\t%d-%s\tyes", L.number, L.name, L.number, L.name); LayerName[LayerCount] = lname; LayerNum[LayerCount] = L.number; ++LayerCount; } } sprintf(TargetLayer[tCount], "%d-%s", L.number, L.name); tCount++; } } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgTabWidget { dlgTabPage("Processing") { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgGroup("Parameters") { dlgSpacing(8); dlgGridLayout { dlgCell( 1, 0) dlgLabel("Teardrop Apex Radius Factor "); dlgCell( 1, 1) dlgRealEdit(User_Tear_Radius, 0.5, 2.5); dlgCell( 2, 0) dlgLabel("Ignore all segments >= "); dlgCell( 2, 1) dlgRealEdit(User_Ignore_Width, 4.0, 400.0); dlgCell( 2, 2) dlgLabel(" mils"); dlgCell( 4, 0) dlgLabel("Ignore all segments/drill ratios >= "); dlgCell( 4, 1) dlgRealEdit(User_Ignore_sdratio, 0.1, 99.0); } dlgVBoxLayout { dlgGroup("Options") { dlgCheckBox("&Teardrop Vias", User_Vias); dlgCheckBox("&Teardrop Pads", User_Pads); dlgSpacing(8); dlgLabel("Click on layer to select :"); dlgListView("Layer Source\tTeardrop Target\tactiv", LayerName, LayerSel) { LayerName[LayerSel] = settarget(LayerName[LayerSel]); } } dlgStretch(1); dlgSpacing(10); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("Teardrop Board") generate_tears(); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); } } } dlgTextView(mainscrtext); } } // tab page dlgTabPage("Overview") { dlgTextView(HelpText); } dlgTabPage("History") { dlgTextView(Release + " " + ReleaseDate + " " + HistoryText2); } } } };