#usage "Save variant board files."
"RUN save-brd-variants.ulp"
"Switches through all main assembly variants and saves a board file for each variant with name
"filename-variantname.brd. For the default assembly variant default is used as variant name.
"Schematic and board have to be loaded and be in a consistent state.
"This is useful as a preparatory step for CAM processing of the variants.
"If the variant name contains characters which are invalid for file names, a '_' is inserted instead.
"Invalid characters are /\\:<>*|?."
"author support@cadsoft.de"
#require 6.0500;
string Version = "1.0";
// Duplicate the apostroph: Needed for EAGLE commands with arguments with apostrophs allowed
string DupApostroph(string name) {
string t[];
int cnt = strsplit(t, name, '\'');
if (cnt > 1) {
name = "";
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
if (i == 0)
name += t[i];
name += "''" + t[i];
return name;
// Main section
if (project.schematic && project.board)
project.schematic(SCH) {
string cmds, line, info;
string invalidChars = "/\\:<>*|?"; // Chars in variant names that create problems.
info = "Creating variant board files\n\n";
// Currently selected variant. Default variant: The name "''" is disturbing here...
string currVar = (variant() == "''") ? "" : variant();
SCH.variantdefs(VD) {
string varName = (VD.name == "''") ? "default" : VD.name;
// Replace chars which are invalid for filenames with '_'
char ic = invalidChars[0];
for (int i = 0; ic != 0; ic = invalidChars[++i])
for (int pos = strchr(varName, ic); pos != -1; pos = strchr(varName, ic))
varName = strsub(varName, 0, pos) + "_" + strsub(varName, pos + 1);
string fileName = filesetext(SCH.name, "-" + varName + ".brd");
// switch to variant in SCH and write the BRD. "SET CONFIRM NO" in order to confirm question "Do you want to save SCH as well" with no.
sprintf(line, "EDIT .sch; VARIANT '%s'; EDIT .brd; SET CONFIRM NO; WRITE '%s';\n",
(VD.name == "''" ? "" : DupApostroph(VD.name)), DupApostroph(fileName));
cmds += line;
info += fileName + "\n";
sprintf(line, "EDIT .sch; VARIANT '%s'; WRITE;\n", DupApostroph(currVar)); // switch back to current variant
cmds += line;
if (dlgMessageBox(info, "Ok", "Cancel") == 0) // The user may still cancel
dlgMessageBox("No consistent schematic/board pair! ", "Ok");