#usage "run a SCRIPT through all schematics in a directory
\n" "Load any schematic from the project directory and execute the SCRIPT.
" string a[], cmd; //-------- main program -------------------------------------------------- if (schematic) { schematic(S) { string sch_path = filedir(S.name); string ScriptFile = dlgFileOpen("Select a SCRIPT to start in all Schematics", "", "*.scr"); if (!ScriptFile) exit(0); int n = fileglob(a, sch_path + "*.sch"); if (n) { for (int xl = 0; xl < n; xl++) { string h; sprintf(h, "EDIT '" + sch_path + filename(a[xl]) + "';\nSCRIPT '" + ScriptFile + "';\n"); cmd += h; } } } exit (cmd); } else dlgMessageBox("Start this ULP from a Schematic", "OK");