#usage "Renumber the parts of a schematic
"1 step:
This version checks of empty prefix in deviceset, and check if the deviceset prefix even used prefix.
"2 step:
If not set a prefix in used deviceset, you can select a device to open the device of library to correct the prefix.
"3 step:
Option to update the library
"4 step:
"Please follow the instructions.
"This version use the defined prefix of deviceset to renumber parts.
"This version renumbers devices with and without packages (no supply) "
"sorted by sheets and coordinates (vertical/descending, horizontal/ascending).
"Optional: The starting point for the numeration of parts on the first sheet "
"defines an offset value for the following pages.
" - 0 = R1 ... Rn
" - 100 sheet 1: R101..R199 sheet 2: R201..R299 ...
" - 500 sheet 1: R501..R999 sheet 2: R1001..R1499 ...
" - 1000 sheet 1: R1001..R1999 sheet 2: R2001..R2999 ...
"Author: support@cadsoft.de"
#require 6.0500
string Version = "ULP Version 5.0.2"; // 2006.08.23 alf@cadsoft.de
// correct counter if crossing page by same prefix
// 2008.01.30 alf@cadsoft.de
// renumber only the current sheet by start sheet-number * numerical_order
// 2012-06-21 - corrected sort by Weighting of emphasis in Y-direction
// alf@cadsoft.de
// 2013-03-19 - do not use devicesets without prefix od parts with prefix "U$"
// 1. check PREFIX of Parts in used deviceset
// 2. update librarie
// 3. flag for renumber also symbol without package
// 2013-08-19 - Rename by old-name new-name, if more gates on same origin
// 2013-09-09 - now more Prefixes allowed for "do not renumber with prefix", separated by ";"
// 2016-03-07 - the ULP no longer switches off the grid in the schematic, support@cadsoft.de
string Info = "ATTENTION
" +
"Please verify that the corresponding layout file (if already existing) " +
"has been loaded with the schematic file.
" +
"Otherwise back-/forward-annotation will not work afterwards.";
string Infoplus =
" You can change the following sorting parameters:
" +
" descx = 0 (X ascending [left >> right])
" +
" descx = 1 (X descending [right >> left])
" +
" descy = 0 (Y ascending [bottom >> top])
" +
" descy = 1 (Y descending [top >> bottom])
int descy = 1; // set to 0 sorting ascending
int descx = 0; // set to 1 sorting descending
int numerical_order = 0; // sort from sheet 1, or sort by start counter for sheet
int emphases = 0; // weighting of emphases first X second Y or first Y second X
int actual_sheet = 0; // 2008.01.30
int only_actual_sheet = 0; // 2008.01.30
string sheet_info = "";
numeric string OldNames[], NewNames[], Prefix[];
int x[], y[], Index[], Sheet[];
int nrNames = 0;
numeric string SymNames[]; // Device-Name of Symbol
int symsh[];
int SymX[], SymY[];
int Snr = 0;
int Dnr = 0;
string Error = "";
string SymPrefix[];
string DevPrefix[];
string DevName[];
string SymDevName[];
int RenumWithoutPackage = 1; // 2013-03-19
string NoPrefixRenumber = "TP"; // Prefix do not renumber Testpoints
int ckx[], cky[], cksh[];
string ckname[];
string Cmd;
string c;
real Grid = 100; // in 100 Mil
string lbr[], dev[], sym[];
/* first check PREFIX 2013-03-19 **/
string UndefinedPrefix = "U$"; // all parts without prefix in deviceset, get a name U$ by ADD
numeric string RealPartName[], RealRrefix[];
int CntRN = 0;
string PartName[], PartDeviceSet[], PartLib[], PartPrefix[];
int PartSheet[];
int PartX[], PartY[], X, Y;
int CntP = 0;
string List[];
string PrefixError[];
int CntNoDevPrefix = 0;
int CntNoPartPrefix = 0;
/* first check PREFIX 2013-03-19 */
/****************** Functions **********************/
/******** first check PREFIX 2013-03-19 ************/
int getnum(string name, string prefix) {
int len = strlen(prefix);
return strtol(strsub(name, len));
int getlastnum(string prefix) {
int foundstart = 0;
int foundlast = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < CntRN; n++){
if (RealRrefix[Index[n]] == prefix) {
foundstart = n;
else {
if (foundstart) {
foundlast = foundstart;
else {
if (foundlast) {
return getnum(RealPartName[Index[foundstart]], RealRrefix[Index[foundstart]]);
return 0;
int checksheet(UL_PART P) {
P.instances(I) {
if (I.sheet) {
X = I.x;
Y = I.y;
return I.sheet;
dlgMessageBox("!Das darf nicht vorkommen, Instance auf keinem Sheet.", "OK");
void opendev(int sel) {
string s[];
int cnt = strsplit(s, PrefixError[sel], '\t');
string cmd;
sprintf(cmd, "OPEN '%s';EDIT '%s.DEV';PREFIX", s[1], s[2]);
void updatedev(int sel) {
string s[];
int cnt = strsplit(s, PrefixError[sel], '\t');
string cmd;
sprintf(cmd, "UPDATE '%s'; RUN '%s'", s[1],argv[0]);
/******** first check PREFIX 2013-03-19 ************/
int GetNumberIndex(string Name) {
// Returns the index of the first digit of the numeric part of Name
// -1 indicates there is no numeric part in Name
int l = strlen(Name) - 1;
for (int Index = l; Index >= 0; --Index) {
if (!isdigit(Name[Index]))
return Index < l ? Index + 1 : -1;
return 0;
string GetPrefix(string name) { // Prefix of Device
int num = GetNumberIndex(name);
if (num < 1) return name;
else {
string pfx = name;
pfx[num] = 0;
return pfx;
void DescendingY(void) {
for (int ny = 0; ny < nrNames ; ny++) {
y[ny] = 0 - y[ny];
void DescendingX(void) {
for (int nx = 0; nx < nrNames ; nx++) {
x[nx] = 0 - x[nx];
void SortElements(void) {
// Sorts the elements according to their location, first by ascending
// x coordinates, then by ascending y coordinates.
// If you prefer a different kind of sorting, you can implement this here.
// As a result, the integer array Index[] must contain the new sequence
// in which to renumber the elements.
// 2008-07-24 alf, weighting of emphases first X second Y or first Y second X
if (descy) DescendingY();
if (descx) DescendingX();
if(!numerical_order) {
if (!emphases) sort(nrNames, Index, NewNames, Sheet, x, y);
else sort(nrNames, Index, NewNames, Sheet, y, x);
else {
if (!emphases) sort(nrNames, Index, Sheet, NewNames, x, y);
if (emphases) sort(nrNames, Index, Sheet, NewNames, y, x); // 2012-06-21 correct sort on emphases
if (descy) DescendingY();
if (descx) DescendingX();
/********** in V6 not more used while new option NAME Oldname Newname 2013-08-19
void CheckSameOrigin(int chk) { // eagle can not rename an element
// if another element is on the same coordinate
int index[];
string checklist, h;
sort(chk, index, cksh, ckx, cky);
for (int n = 0; n < nrNames; n++) {
if(ckx[index[n]] == ckx[index[n+1]] && cky[index[n]] == cky[index[n+1]] && cksh[index[n]] == cksh[index[n+1]]) {
sprintf(h, "%s & %s on same coordinate (%d %d) mil in sheet %d\n",
ckname[index[n]], ckname[index[n+1]],
checklist += h;
if (checklist) {
dlgDialog("Check coordinates") {
dlgLabel("Eagle can not rename elements that are placed at the same position!");
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgPushButton("Break") dlgAccept();
void GenerateNames(void) {
string memprefix = "";
int mem_sh = 0;
if(!numerical_order) {
// Generates new numeric parts to the element names in NewNames
int k;
for (int n = 0; n <= nrNames - 1; ++n) {
if (memprefix != NewNames[Index[n]]) {
memprefix = NewNames[Index[n]];
k = 0;
sprintf(NewNames[Index[n]], "%s%d", NewNames[Index[n]], ++k);
else { // renumber sheets by 100.. 200.. 300..
string h;
int newdevnr;
for(int n = 0; n < nrNames ; ++n) {
if (memprefix != NewNames[Index[n]]) {
memprefix = NewNames[Index[n]];
newdevnr = numerical_order * Sheet[Index[n]] +1;
if (mem_sh != Sheet[Index[n]]) { // a new Sheet is starting by old prefix *** 2006.08.23 alf@cadsoft.de
mem_sh = Sheet[Index[n]];
newdevnr = numerical_order * Sheet[Index[n]] +1;
sprintf(NewNames[Index[n]], "%s%d", NewNames[Index[n]], newdevnr);
if (newdevnr-(Sheet[Index[n]]*numerical_order) >= numerical_order) {
sprintf(h, "More parts with prefix '%s' than starting point %d on sheet %d
Start the ulp with numerical order >= %d",
memprefix, numerical_order, Sheet[Index[n]], numerical_order*10);
dlgMessageBox(h, "Break");
void Rename(int x, int y, string Old, string New) {
// Generates the EAGLE command necessary to change element name Old to New
//sprintf(c, "Name '%s' (%d %d);#297\n", New, x, y);
sprintf(c, "NAME '%s' '%s';#298\n", Old, New); // 2013-08-19
Cmd += c;
void GenerateScript(void) {
// Generates an EAGLE script file that does the whole renumbering.
// The tricky part here is that we cannot rename an element to a name
// that already exists in the schematic (which, e.g. might be necessary if
// we had to swap the names of two elements). Therefore we have to
// use a ScratchName wherever this is necessary.
// If there is nothing to do, the resulting script file will be empty.
string ScratchName[];
int sch = 0;
int n;
int t = time();
for ( n = 0; n < nrNames; ++n) {
if (Sheet[Index[n]] != sch) {
sch = Sheet[Index[n]]; // *** change sheet
sprintf(c, "Edit .s%d;\n", sch);
Cmd += c;
sprintf( ScratchName[Index[n]], "$%d_%d_$_%s", sch, n, t2string(t, "Uyyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-ss")); // 2013-03-19 verhindert Problem für temporäre umbenenung falls früherer Durchlauf abgebrochen
Rename(x[Index[n]],y[Index[n]], OldNames[Index[n]], ScratchName[Index[n]]);
for ( n = 0; n < nrNames; ++n) {
if (Sheet[Index[n]] != sch) {
sch = Sheet[Index[n]]; // *** change sheet
sprintf(c, "Edit .s%d;\n", sch);
Cmd += c;
Rename(x[Index[n]],y[Index[n]], ScratchName[Index[n]], NewNames[Index[n]]);
// *** check collision before rename ***
string CheckNames(void) {
string new_name = ";";
string h;
for (int Dn = 0; Dn < Dnr; Dn++ ) {
for (int Sn = 0; Sn < Snr; Sn++) {
if (DevPrefix[Dn] == SymPrefix[Sn]) {
sprintf(h, "# Do not use Prefix %s on Device with Package (%s) and Device without Package (%s)\n",
SymPrefix[Sn], DevName[Dn], SymDevName[Sn]);
Error += h;
for (int n = 0; n < nrNames - 1; ++n) { // make a long string
new_name += NewNames[n] + ";";
for (int xx = 0; xx < Snr - 1; xx++) {
string sd = SymNames[xx];
if(sd[0] == '$') { // if first character is a $ on Symbolname
Error += "# Do not use $ character at first position in device names\n";
sprintf(h, "# RENAME %s at (%.4f %.4f) - sheet %d before running this ULP again' (%.4f %.4f)\n",
SymNames[xx], SymX[xx] / 1000.0, SymY[xx] / 1000.0, symsh[xx], SymX[xx] / 1000.0, SymY[xx] / 1000.0);
Error += h;
int s;
int pos = strrstr(new_name, ";" + SymNames[xx] + ";");
if (pos > 0 ) {
for (s = 0; s < nrNames - 1; s++) {
if(NewNames[s] == SymNames[xx]) {
Error += "# Collision of symbol name and device name (eg. Frames, Supply ...)\n";
sprintf(h, "# Rename PREFIX of Device %s at (%.4f %.4f) - sheet %d before renaming %s at (%.4f %.4f) - sheet %d';\n",
SymNames[xx], SymX[xx] / 1000.0, SymY[xx] / 1000.0, symsh[xx],
OldNames[s], x[s] / 1000.0, y[s] / 1000.0, Sheet[s] );
Error += h;
return Error;
void setgridmil (void) {
sprintf(c, "GRID MIL 100;\n");
Cmd += c;
// ## only display layer 94 (symbol) if placed a text
// ## at symbol origin. 15.06.2004 alf@cadsoft.de
//sprintf(c, "DISPLAY NONE 94 -95 -96;\n");
//Cmd += c;
void visible(UL_SCHEMATIC S) {
sprintf(c, "DISP NONE ");
Cmd += c;
S.layers(L) {
if (L.visible) {
sprintf(c, "%d ", L.number);
Cmd += c;
Cmd += ";\n";
void menue(void) {
int Result = dlgDialog("Renumber Schematic") {
dlgLabel("" + Info + "");
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgGroup("Sort X") {
dlgRadioButton("&Ascending", descx);
dlgRadioButton("&Descending", descx);
dlgGroup("Sort Y") {
dlgRadioButton("A&scending", descy);
dlgRadioButton("D&escending", descy);
dlgGroup("Weighting of emphases") {
dlgRadioButton("X-direction", emphases);
dlgRadioButton("Y-direction", emphases);
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgLabel("Do not renumber parts with &Prefixes (separated by ';')");
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgCheckBox("Renumber parts without package ", RenumWithoutPackage); // 2013-03-19
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgVBoxLayout dlgSpacing(180);
dlgGroup("Sheet") {
dlgLabel("Start numbering for sheet at:");
dlgLabel(" - 0 numeration R1...Rn");
dlgLabel(" - 100 sheet 1: R101..R199, sheet 2: R201..R299, ...");
dlgLabel(" - 1000 sheet 1: R1001..R1999, sheet 2: R2001..R2999, ...");
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgLabel("&Numerical order ");
dlgIntEdit(numerical_order, 0, 10000);
dlgVBoxLayout dlgSpacing(10);
dlgCheckBox("Sort in numerical order on the ¤t sheet only", only_actual_sheet) {
if (only_actual_sheet) {
if (numerical_order) {
sprintf(sheet_info, "The starting number of current sheet is %d", actual_sheet * numerical_order);
else {
sprintf(sheet_info, "Please check the numerical order!");
else {
if (!numerical_order) sprintf(sheet_info, "The starting number is 1");
else sprintf(sheet_info, "The starting number on sheet is X * %d", numerical_order);
dlgVBoxLayout dlgSpacing(10);
dlgLabel(sheet_info, 1);
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgPushButton("+&OK") {
if (only_actual_sheet && !numerical_order) {
sprintf(sheet_info, "Please check the numerical order!");
dlgMessageBox(sheet_info, "OK");
else dlgAccept();
dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject();
dlgPushButton("&Help") dlgMessageBox(usage, "OK");
if (!Result) exit (0);
return ;
if (schematic) {
/******** 1 step: check empty and uneven prefix 2013-03-19 ************/
schematic(SCH) {
SCH.parts(P) {
if (!P.deviceset.prefix || strstr(P.name, UndefinedPrefix) == 0 || strstr(P.name, "$") == 0 || strstr(P.name, P.deviceset.prefix) < 0 ) {
PartName[CntP] = P.name;
PartDeviceSet[CntP] = P.deviceset.name;
PartLib[CntP] = P.deviceset.library ;
PartPrefix[CntP] = P.deviceset.prefix;
PartSheet[CntP] = checksheet(P);
PartX[CntP] = X;
PartY[CntP] = Y;
sprintf(List[CntP], "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%d",
if (!PartPrefix[CntP] || PartPrefix[CntP] == UndefinedPrefix ) {
PrefixError[CntNoDevPrefix] = List[CntP];
if (strstr(PartName[CntP], UndefinedPrefix) == 0 || strstr(PartName[CntP], "$") == 0 || strstr(P.name, P.deviceset.prefix) < 0) {
RealPartName[CntRN] = P.deviceset.prefix;
RealRrefix[CntRN] = P.name;
/******** 1 step: check device prefix (library) ********/
int sel = -1;
if (CntNoDevPrefix) {
string Status;
sprintf(Status, "Step 1: Found %d PARTS without PREFIX in deviceset", CntNoDevPrefix+1);
dlgDialog("Prefix check") {
dlgHBoxLayout dlgSpacing(550);
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgVBoxLayout dlgSpacing(500);
dlgListView("Name\tLib\tDevideset\tPrefix\tSheet", PrefixError, sel) opendev(sel);
dlgLabel("Do not use empty PREFIX in deviceset or 'U$' as part prefix!");
dlgLabel("First check and set PREFIX in library (deviceset) and then UPDATE library.");
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgPushButton("OK") {
if (sel < 0) {
dlgMessageBox("First select a part, to set prefix in library.", "OK");
else opendev(sel);
dlgPushButton("UPDATE") {
if (sel < 0) {
dlgMessageBox("First select a part, to UPDATE this library.", "OK");
else updatedev(sel);
dlgPushButton("UPDATE ALL") { dlgReject(); exit("UPDATE; RUN '"+argv[0]+"'"); }
dlgPushButton("CANCEL") { dlgReject(); exit(-2); }
/******** 2 step: rename uneven part prefix by deviceset prefix ********/
sort(CntRN, Index, RealPartName);
int i[];
sort(CntP, i, PartPrefix); // nach dem Prefix der LBR sortiert
string actprefix = "";
int cntnumber;
string s, cmd;
for (int n; n < CntRN; n++) {
if (actprefix != PartPrefix[i[n]]) {
cntnumber = getlastnum(PartPrefix[i[n]]);
actprefix = PartPrefix[i[n]];
sprintf(s, "EDIT .s%d; NAME '%s%d' (%.6fmil %.6fmil);\n",
PartPrefix[i[n]], ++cntnumber,
u2mil(PartX[i[n]]), u2mil(PartY[i[n]])
else {
sprintf(s, "EDIT .s%d; NAME '%s%d' (%.6fmil %.6fmil);\n",
PartPrefix[i[n]], ++cntnumber,
u2mil(PartX[i[n]]), u2mil(PartY[i[n]])
if (CntRN) {
dlgDialog("Step 2: Rename Part by Device-PREFIX") {
dlgHBoxLayout dlgSpacing(450);
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgVBoxLayout dlgSpacing(450);
dlgHBoxLayout { // wenn der Origin des Symbol auf einem Kontaktpunkt liegt, wird das NET umbenannt, nicht das PART!
dlgPushButton("RUN SCRIPT") {
exit("DISPLAY NONE 94;" + cmd + "DISPLAY LAST; RUN '"+argv[0]+"'");
dlgPushButton("CANCEL") { dlgReject(); exit(-2); }
/******** end check PREFIX 2013-03-19 ************/
/******** 4 step: renumber ********/
if (sheet) {
sheet(S) actual_sheet = S.number;
sprintf(sheet_info, "The current sheet is %d", actual_sheet);
schematic(S) {
int l = 1;
int chk;
string NoRenumPrefixes[]; // 2013-09-09
int nPrefixes = strsplit(NoRenumPrefixes,NoPrefixRenumber,';');
S.sheets(SH) {
if (only_actual_sheet) {
; // do not change the actual sheet number
else {
actual_sheet = SH.number; // set the numer to actuel sheet number
if (actual_sheet == SH.number) { // 2008.01.30
SH.parts(P) {
// 2013-03-19 int n = GetNumberIndex(P.name);
// 2013-03-19if (n > 0) {
if (P.device.package || RenumWithoutPackage) { // **** only Devices with Packages
// **** without Supply symbol Frames ect...
// **** DO NOT RENUMBER Elements with this PREFIXES
// 2013-03-19 if (GetPrefix(P.name) == NoPrefixRenumber); old verison
//if (P.deviceset.prefix == NoPrefixRenumber);
int skipRenumber = 0; // 2013-09-09
for (int i = 0; i < nPrefixes && !skipRenumber; ++i) {
if (GetPrefix(P.name) == NoRenumPrefixes[i])
skipRenumber = 1;
if (skipRenumber || GetPrefix(P.name) == NoPrefixRenumber);
else {
// 2013-03-19 DevPrefix[Dnr] = GetPrefix(P.name); old version
DevPrefix[Dnr] = P.deviceset.prefix;
DevName[Dnr] = P.name;
P.instances(I) {
int found = -1;
for (int fn = 0; fn < nrNames; fn++) {
if (OldNames[fn] == P.name) {
found = fn;
if (found < 0) {
x[nrNames] = u2mil(I.x); // cannot use E.x/y directly because of
y[nrNames] = u2mil(I.y); // sort() problem with integers > 32767
OldNames[nrNames] = P.name; // in version 3.50
NewNames[nrNames] = P.deviceset.prefix;; // 2013-03-19 strsub(P.name, 0, n);
Sheet[nrNames] = I.sheet;
Prefix[nrNames] = P.deviceset.prefix; // 2013-03-19 GetPrefix(P.name);
else {
if (Sheet[fn] == I.sheet) {
if ( u2mil(I.x) < x[fn] || u2mil(I.y) > y[fn] ) {
// tausche wenn x kleiner oder y groesser
x[fn] > u2mil(I.x);
y[fn] > u2mil(I.y);
// Only Symbol (Supply, Port, Frame...)
else { // *** check PartName on Symbols Supply, Port, Frame ... ***
SymPrefix[Snr] = GetPrefix(P.name);
SymDevName[Snr] = P.name;
P.instances(I) {
SymNames[Snr] = P.name; // Device-Name of Symbol
SymX[Snr] = u2mil(I.x); // cannot use E.x/y directly because of
SymY[Snr] = u2mil(I.y); // sort() problem with integers > 32767
symsh[Snr] = I.sheet;
// 2013-03-19 }
P.instances(I) {
ckx[chk] = u2mil(I.x); // cannot use E.x/y directly because of
cky[chk] = u2mil(I.y); // sort() problem with integers > 32767
ckname[chk] = I.name;
cksh[chk] = I.sheet;
} // 2008.01.30
//CheckSameOrigin(chk); 2013-08-19
setgridmil ();
if (CheckNames()) {
int select;
dlgDialog("Symbol ref Device Names") {
dlgVBoxLayout {
dlgLabel("Warnings for renumber!");
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgPushButton("+&OK") dlgAccept();
exit (-1);
sprintf(c, "GRID INCH 0.1;\n");
Cmd += c;
sprintf(c, "EDIT .S%d;\n", actual_sheet);
Cmd += c;
string fname = filesetext(S.name, "~renumsch.scr");
output(fname, "wtD") printf("%s", Cmd);
exit ("SCRIPT '" + fname + "';");
else {
dlgMessageBox("\nStart this ULP in a Schematic\n");
exit (0);