#usage "<b>Rename NETs in a schematic with NET name suffix</b><p>" "<author>Author: support@cadsoft.de</author>"; // THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED AS IS AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. string Help = "Wird ein Netz umbenannt, dass aus mehreren Segmenten besteht,\n" + "bzw. auf mehrere Sheets verteilt ist, muss die Abfrage:\n" + " Change Name of:\n" + " This Segment\n" + " Every Segment on this Sheet\n" + " All Segments on all Sheets\n\n" + "immer mit 'Every Segment on this Sheet' bzw.\n" + "'All Segments on all Sheets' beantwortet werden.\n\n"; string Version = "Version 1.0"; // ********************************************* string Suffix = ""; // **** Anhang an den Netznamen, **** // **** kann nach belieben geändert werden. **** // ********************************************* real Grid = 100; // in 100 Mil int index[]; int s = 0, pg = 0; numeric string n[]; // P.name; int is[]; // I.sheet; int ix[]; int iy[]; string fileName; // ### Functions ### void setgridmil (void) { printf("GRID mil 100;\n"); return; } void editsheet(int i) { if (s != is[i]) { // Sheet wechseln s = is[i]; printf("EDIT .S%d;\n",s); } return; } void namescript(void) { for (int i = 0; i < pg; i++) { editsheet(i); // ** Change Sheet printf("NAME '%s%s' (%.2f %.2f);\n", n[i], Suffix, u2mil(ix[i]), u2mil(iy[i])); } return; } int found (string f) { for (int i = 0; i < pg; i++) { if (n[i] == f) return i; } return -1; } // ** MAIN ** if (schematic) { schematic(SCH) { fileName = filesetext(SCH.name, "renamenet-suffix~~~.scr"); int Result = dlgDialog("Rename NET in Schematic") { dlgLabel(Help); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgLabel("Net &suffix"); dlgStringEdit(Suffix); dlgStretch(1); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("OK") dlgAccept(); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(1); } }; if (!Result) exit(0); output(fileName, "wtD") { printf("# 'This file is generated by %s, exported from;\n", Version); printf("# '%s at %s;\n", SCH.name, t2string(time())); printf("# '%s;\n\n", EAGLE_SIGNATURE); setgridmil(); printf("DISPLAY NONE 91;\n"); // collect all Nets SCH.sheets(SH) { SH.nets(N) { N.segments(SEG) { SEG.wires(W) { n[pg] = N.name; ix[pg] = W.x1; iy[pg] = W.y1; is[pg] = SH.number; if (found(n[pg]) == -1) pg++; break; } break; } } } namescript(); printf("GRID INCH;\n"); printf("GRID 0.1;\n"); printf("DISPLAY ALL -93;\n"); } exit ("SCRIPT '" + fileName + "';"); } } else dlgMessageBox("Start this ULP in Schematic!", "OK");