#usage "Generate name layers to panelize board\n" "

" "Generates a command sequence which copies the name texts (support spin-flag) " "of all elements of your layout into newly generated layers (125 and 126). " "After running the ULP you can GROUP, CUT and PASTE your layout " "to get an array of several boards. Make sure all layers are displayed before." "

" "The duplicated name texts in the new layers will not be changed. " "Please notice that you have to deactivate layers 25 and 26 if you use " "the CAM processor e.g. for generating gerber data. Instead, you have to activate " "the new layers 125 and 126. Thus you get an identical silk screen for all " "your layouts in this array." "

" "Texts must be SMASHed before we can duplicate them! " "

" "Author: support@cadsoft.de" // THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED AS IS AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED #require 4.1106; // 6.12.2004 Text with Spin-Flag support@cadsoft.de // 28.06.2006 accept Sigle-Quote on end of name of element support@cadsoft.de // 08.02.2016 added text alignment, (Benjamin Feagin Jr., ben.jr.home@gmail.com) int offset = 100; string tcolor = "yellow"; string bcolor = "magenta"; int used_name_layers[]; string used_name_[]; string cmd_header; string cmd = "\nSET UNDO_LOG OFF;\nGRID MIL;\n"; // advisable for speed reasons string h; string check_single_quote(string s) { // 2006.06.28 int l = strlen(s); if (s[l-1] == '\'') s+="'"; return s; } void test(void) { string txt = "Used Layers for >NAME\n"; for (int n = 0; n < 256; n++) { if(used_name_layers[n]) { sprintf(h, "Layer %3d count %d\t%s\n", n, used_name_layers[n], used_name_[n]); txt += h; } } if (dlgMessageBox(txt, "OK", "Cancel") != 0) exit(-1); return; } void header(void) { for (int n = 0; n < 256; n++) { if(used_name_layers[n]) { sprintf(h, "layer %d _%s;\n", n + offset, used_name_[n]); cmd_header += h; if (n & 1) sprintf(h, "set color_layer %d %s;\n", n + offset, tcolor); else sprintf(h, "set color_layer %d %s;\n", n + offset, bcolor); cmd_header += h; } } } void Text(string Ename, int Tlayer, int Tx, int Ty, int Tsize, real Tangle, int Tratio, int Tmirror, int Tspin, int Talign) { // added alignment sprintf(h, "Change Layer %d;\n", Tlayer + offset); cmd += h; sprintf(h, "Change Size %5.3f;\n", u2mil(Tsize)); cmd += h; sprintf(h, "Change Ratio %d;\n", Tratio); cmd += h; string mirr, spin; if (Tmirror) mirr = "M"; else mirr = ""; if (Tspin) spin = "S"; else spin = ""; // 2016.02.09 if (Talign == 0) sprintf(h, "CHANGE ALIGN BOTTOM LEFT;\n"); else if (Talign == 1) sprintf(h, "CHANGE ALIGN BOTTOM CENTER;\n"); else if (Talign == 2) sprintf(h, "CHANGE ALIGN BOTTOM RIGHT;\n"); else if (Talign == 3) sprintf(h, "CHANGE ALIGN CENTER LEFT;\n"); else if (Talign == 4) sprintf(h, "CHANGE ALIGN CENTER;\n"); else if (Talign == 5) sprintf(h, "CHANGE ALIGN CENTER RIGHT;\n"); else if (Talign == 6) sprintf(h, "CHANGE ALIGN TOP LEFT;\n"); else if (Talign == 7) sprintf(h, "CHANGE ALIGN TOP CENTER;\n"); else if (Talign == 8) sprintf(h, "CHANGE ALIGN TOP RIGHT;\n"); cmd += h; // End of section added 2016.02.09 sprintf(h, "Text '%s' %s%sR%.1f (%5.3f %5.3f);\n", check_single_quote(Ename), spin, mirr, Tangle, u2mil(Tx), u2mil(Ty)); cmd += h; // 2016.02.09 // Return to default for future interface use. sprintf(h, "CHANGE ALIGN BOTTOM LEFT;\n"); cmd += h; // End of section added 2016.02.09 return; } if (board) { board(B) { B.layers(L) { used_name_[L.number] = L.name; } header(); B.elements(E) { // smashed texts E.texts(T) { if (T.value == E.name) { used_name_layers[T.layer]++; Text(E.name, T.layer, T.x, T.y, T.size, T.angle, T.ratio, T.mirror, T.spin, T.align); // added alignment } } E.package.texts(T) { // unsmashed texts if (T.value == E.name) { used_name_layers[T.layer]++; Text(E.name, T.layer, T.x, T.y, T.size, T.angle, T.ratio, T.mirror, T.spin, T.align); // added alignment } } } } // test(); cmd += "SET UNDO_LOG ON;\nGRID LAST;\n"; header(); cmd_header += cmd; cmd = cmd_header; // EditBox int Result = dlgDialog("Descriptions") { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgVBoxLayout { dlgSpacing(500); } dlgTextEdit(cmd); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("+Execute") dlgAccept(); dlgSpacing(100); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); } }; if (Result == 0) exit(0); exit(cmd); } else { dlgMessageBox("\n Start this ULP in a Board \n"); exit (0); }