#usage "<b>Normalize silkscreen text sizes</b><HR>\n" "<p>This ULP program smashes all texts on the silkscreen layers. It then normalizes the " "texts so that they all have the same size and thickness. Ratio is calculated from " "the desired thickness.</p>" "<author>Author: Tennessee Carmel-Veilleux (veilleux@ameth.org)</author>" /**************************************************************************************** * * * Normalize silkscreen text sizes * * * * Filename: normalize-text.ulp * * Version: 1.0 * * Author: Tennessee Carmel-Veilleux <veilleux@ameth.org> * * Date: March 31st 2005 * * Company: Entreprises Ten Tech * * * * * This ULP program smashes all texts on the silkscreen layers. It then normalizes the * * texts so that they all have the same size and thickness. Ratio is calculated from * * the desired thickness. * * * ****************************************************************************************/ #require 5.0300; string VERSION = "1.1"; // 2008-11-07 alf@cadsoft.de int result = 0; // Dialog result string str; // Temporary string string cmd = "SET UNDO_LOG OFF;\n"; // Script command to execute real text_size = 40.0; // Text size for all texts real text_thickness = 8.0; // Text thickness for all texts int text_ratio; // Calculated text ratio int silk_screen_layers[] = {LAYER_TPLACE, LAYER_BPLACE, LAYER_TNAMES, LAYER_BNAMES, LAYER_TVALUES, LAYER_BVALUES, LAYER_TDOCU, LAYER_BDOCU, 125, 126 }; // 2008-11-07 Layer 125, 126 is created by panalize.ulp. enum {UNIT_MIL, UNIT_MM}; int units = UNIT_MM; int lastunit = units; text_size = 1.0; text_thickness = 0.1; int visibleLayer[]; int actualvisible = 0; /* ------------- UTILITY FUNCTIONS --------------- */ // // Redisplays the layers that were visible when the ULP was started // void ResetVisible(UL_BOARD B) { sprintf(str, "DISP NONE;\nDISP "); cmd += str; B.layers(L) { if (L.visible) { sprintf(str, "%d ", L.number); cmd += str; } } cmd += ";\n"; } // // Returns 1 if a layer is a silkscreen layer // int SilkScreenText(int layer) { int i = 0; int found = 0; do { // 2008-11-07 if (layer == silk_screen_layers[i]) { found = 1; if (actualvisible != layer) { // display only the layer with text to change // in a script can not select texts by thew same coodiante sprintf(str, "DISPLAY NONE %d;\n", layer); cmd += str; } break; } i++; } while(silk_screen_layers[i]); return found; } // // Resizes a text element to the specified size and ratio // void ResizeText(UL_TEXT T, real size, int ratio) { if (SilkScreenText(T.layer)) { switch (units) { case UNIT_MIL: sprintf(str,"CHANGE SIZE %.4f (%.4f %.4f);\nCHANGE RATIO %d (%.4f %.4f);\n", size, u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y), ratio, u2mil(T.x), u2mil(T.y)); break; case UNIT_MM: sprintf(str,"CHANGE SIZE %.4f (%.4f %.4f);\nCHANGE RATIO %d (%.4f %.4f);\n", size, u2mm(T.x), u2mm(T.y), ratio, u2mm(T.x), u2mm(T.y)); break; } cmd += str; } } // // Smashes all parts that have an associated package on the board and resize // all text to SIZE and RATIO. // void ProcessTexts(real size, int ratio) { // Display the origins of components switch (units) { case UNIT_MIL: sprintf(str,"GRID MIL 1;\n"); break; case UNIT_MM: sprintf(str,"GRID MM 0.1;\n"); break; } cmd += str; cmd += "DISPLAY NONE 23 24;\n"; board(B) { B.elements(E) { if (E.package) { // Smash the package to make sure text is CHANGE-able sprintf(str,"SMASH %s;\n", E.name); cmd += str; // Change smashed texts E.texts(T) { ResizeText(T, size, ratio); } // Change unsmashed texts E.package.texts(T) { ResizeText(T, size, ratio); } } } // Change all manually-added texts B.texts(T) { ResizeText(T, size, ratio); } ResetVisible(B); } cmd += "GRID LAST;\nSET UNDO_LOG ON;\n"; } /* ------------- MAIN ROUTINE --------------- */ if (board) { int actsize; result = dlgDialog("Normalize silkscreen text sizes") { sprintf(str,"<qt><H3><P>Normalize silkscreen text sizes %s</P></H3>"+ "<P><B>By Tennessee Carmel-Veilleux (veilleux@ameth.org)</B></P>"+ "<HR><P>This ULP normalizes all the text on the silkscreen layers to "+ "the specified size and thickness. The ratio is automatically calculated " + "from the size and thickness.</P></qt>", VERSION); dlgLabel(str); // Options dlgHBoxLayout { dlgGroup("Output units") { dlgRadioButton("m&il",units) { if (lastunit != units) { actsize = text_size*10000; // 2008-11-07 calculate the value in changed unit text_size = u2mil(actsize); actsize = text_thickness*10000; text_thickness = u2mil(actsize); lastunit = units; } } dlgRadioButton("&mm",units) { if (lastunit != units) { actsize = text_size*(1/39.3701)*10000; text_size = u2mm(actsize); actsize = text_thickness*(1/39.3701)*10000; text_thickness = u2mm(actsize); lastunit = units; } } } dlgSpacing(20); dlgGridLayout { dlgCell(0,0) dlgLabel("Text size:"); dlgCell(0,1) dlgRealEdit(text_size,0.1,2000.0); dlgCell(1,0) dlgLabel("Text Thickness:"); dlgCell(1,1) dlgRealEdit(text_thickness,0.01,500.0); } } // Buttons dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("+Normalize") dlgAccept(); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); } }; if (!result) exit(0); text_ratio = int(round((text_thickness / text_size) * 100.0)) + 1; if (text_ratio > 31) { text_ratio = 31; dlgMessageBox("!<qt><P><B>Ratio clipped to 31 !</B></P>"+ "<P>Make sure that text thickness is not too large for proper ratio.</P></qt>"); } if (units == UNIT_MM) { if (text_size > 5.0) { text_size = 5.0; dlgMessageBox("!<qt><P><B>Text size clipped to 5.0mm !</B></P></qt>"); } } ProcessTexts(text_size, text_ratio); // EditBox result = dlgDialog("Edit and execute script") { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgSpacing(500); // Force width of dialog to 500 } dlgTextEdit(cmd); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("+Execute") dlgAccept(); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); } }; // Execute script if it was accepted if (!result) exit(0); else exit(cmd); } else { dlgMessageBox(":You must run this ULP in board !"); exit(1); }