#usage "<b>Edit next device description</b>\n" "<p>" "<author>Author: support@cadsoft.de</author>" // THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED AS IS AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED string cmd = ""; string dev[]; string edit = ""; int count = 0; int n = 0; if (library) library(L) { L.devicesets(D) { count++; dev[count] = D.name; cmd += D.name + "\n"; } } if (deviceset) deviceset(D) { edit = D.name; } for (n = 1; n < count; n++) { if (edit == dev[n]) { break; } } if (n < count) { cmd = "EDIT " + dev[n + 1] + ".dev;\n DESCRIPT\n" ; // ************************************************** // a ";" must not follow DESCRIPT // otherwise the description is overwritten // with an empty string // ************************************************** } else cmd = "EDIT " + dev[1] + ".dev;\n DESCRIPT\n" ; exit(cmd);