#usage "Data generation for mounting machines
"This ULP generates files for top and bottom layers "
"wich can be used with mounting machines. "
"Use x and y coordinates of the origin points (units: mm) of the SMD elements"
"and packages from defined lbr."
"The syntax of the output data looks like this:
"Name x-coord y-coord Rotation Value Package
"Author: support@cadsoft.de"
string def_lbr = "marks"; // 2013-10-25 open the exported list in a dialog to show
// define a library name to export also place coordinates
// 2006.04.18 alf@cadsoft.de
char Tab = '\t'; // ';';
board(B) {
// Get filename
string fileNameTop = dlgFileSave("Save File", filesetext(B.name, ".mnt"), "*.mnt");
if (fileNameTop == "") exit(0);
string fileNameBot = dlgFileSave("Save File", filesetext(B.name, ".mnb"), "*.mnb");
if (fileNameBot == "") exit(0);
int wasSmd = 0;
output(fileNameBot, "wt") ;
output(fileNameTop, "wt") {
B.elements(E) {
E.package.contacts(C) {
if (E.mirror == 0) {
E.name, Tab, u2mm(E.x), Tab, u2mm(E.y), Tab,
E.angle, Tab, E.value, Tab, E.package.name);
else {
output(fileNameBot, "at") {
E.name, Tab, u2mm(E.x), Tab, u2mm(E.y), Tab,
E.angle, Tab, E.value, Tab, E.package.name);
if (strupr(E.package.library) == strupr(def_lbr)) {
if (E.mirror == 0) {
E.name, Tab, u2mm(E.x), Tab, u2mm(E.y), Tab,
E.angle, Tab, E.value, Tab, E.package.name);
else {
output(fileNameBot, "at") {
E.name, Tab, u2mm(E.x), Tab, u2mm(E.y), Tab,
E.angle, Tab, E.value, Tab, E.package.name);
string mt, mb;
int cntt = fileread(mt, fileNameTop);
int cntb = fileread(mb, fileNameBot);
dlgDialog("Mount data") {
dlgHBoxLayout dlgSpacing(500);
dlgLabel("Top place");
dlgLabel("Bottom place");
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgPushButton("OK") dlgAccept();