#usage "Make SCH/BRD consistent by values." "

" "Start this ULP in the editor which contains the source values.
" "Author: support@cadsoft.de
" // THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED AS IS AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED string Version = "1.2"; // 2012.11.19 element list numerical sort numeric string sch_name[], sch_value[]; numeric string sch_package[]; int sch_sheet[]; int sch_Index[]; int sch_cnt = 0; numeric string s_name[]; numeric string DeviceList[]; numeric string brd_name[], brd_value[]; numeric string brd_package[]; int brd_Index[]; int brd_cnt = 0; numeric string ElementList[]; numeric string sch_name_no_pac[], sch_value_no_pac[], sch_package_no_pac[]; numeric string DeviceList_no_pac[]; int sch_sheet_no_pac[]; int sch_cnt_no_pac = 0; numeric string brd_name_only_pac[], brd_value_only_pac[], brd_package_only_pac[]; numeric string ElementList_only_pac[]; int brd_Index_only_pac[]; int brd_cnt_only_pac; string lines[]; int lines_cnt; string diff_values[]; string command; int runcount = 0; string notfound[]; int cnt_nf= 0; string changeValue = ""; string readfile, readfile_only_pac, readfile_no_pac; string ext = ".~cv"; // extension for temp file string emptySchList[], emptyBrdList[]; int cnt_SCHempty = 0, cnt_BRDempty = 0; int n; // ### Functions ### if (board) { board(B) { readfile = filesetext(B.name, ext); readfile_only_pac = filesetext(B.name, "_only_pac"+ext); readfile_no_pac = filesetext(B.name, "_no_pac"+ext); } } if (schematic) { schematic(S) { readfile = filesetext(S.name, ext); readfile_only_pac = filesetext(S.name, "_only_pac"+ext); readfile_no_pac = filesetext(S.name, "_no_pac"+ext); } } int genscript(void) { int xcnt = 0; numeric string ch_name[], ch_value[]; int ch_sheet[]; int bIndex[], sIndex[]; sort(brd_cnt, bIndex, brd_name); // sort by name sort(sch_cnt, sIndex, sch_name); // sort by name for (int x = 0; x < sch_cnt; x++) { if ( sch_value[sIndex[x]] != brd_value[bIndex[x]]) { // change only values are different if (board) { ch_name[xcnt] = brd_name[bIndex[x]]; ch_value[xcnt] = sch_value[sIndex[x]]; ch_sheet[xcnt] = 0; // no sheet in bard } if (schematic) { ch_name[xcnt] = sch_name[sIndex[x]]; ch_value[xcnt] = brd_value[bIndex[x]]; ch_sheet[xcnt] = sch_sheet[sIndex[x]]; } xcnt++; } } string s; int actualsheet = 0; if (xcnt) { for (int n = 0; n < xcnt; n++) { if (actualsheet != ch_sheet[n]) { sprintf(s, "EDIT .s%d;\n", ch_sheet[n]); command += s; actualsheet = ch_sheet[n]; } sprintf( s, "VALUE %s '%s';\n", ch_name[n], ch_value[n] ); command += s; } } return xcnt; } void checkdiff(void) { int n1, n2, found; for (n1 = 0; n1 < brd_cnt; n1++) { found = 0; for (n2 = 0; n2 < sch_cnt; n2++) { if(brd_name[n1] == sch_name[n2]) { found = 1; break; } } if (!found) { sprintf(notfound[cnt_nf], "%s\t%s", ElementList[n1],".brd"); cnt_nf++; } } for (n1 = 0; n1 < sch_cnt; n1++) { found = 0; for (n2 = 0; n2 < brd_cnt; n2++) { if(sch_name[n1] == brd_name[n2]) { found = 1; break; } } if (!found) { sprintf(notfound[cnt_nf], "%s\t%s", DeviceList[n1], ".sch"); cnt_nf++; } } return; } string getBrdValue(string name) { for (int n = 0; n < brd_cnt; n++) { if (name == brd_name[n]) if (brd_value[n]) return brd_value[n]; } return ""; } string getSchValue(string name) { for (int n = 0; n < sch_cnt; n++) { if (name == sch_name[n]) if (sch_value[n]) return sch_value[n]; } return ""; } void checkSCHempty(void) { for (int n = 0; n < sch_cnt; n++) { if (!sch_value[n]) { emptySchList[cnt_SCHempty] = sch_name[n] + "\t" + getBrdValue(sch_name[n]); cnt_SCHempty++; } } return; } void checkBRDempty(void) { for (int n = 0; n < brd_cnt; n++) { if (!brd_value[n]) { emptyBrdList[cnt_BRDempty] = brd_name[n] + "\t" + getSchValue(brd_name[n]); cnt_BRDempty++; } } return; } void setVal(string namev) { string s[], cmd; int cnt = strsplit(s, namev, '\t'); if (board) { for (int n = 0; n < sch_cnt; n++) { if (s[0] == sch_name[n]) { sprintf(cmd, "EDIT .S%d;\n", sch_sheet[n]); break; } } } if (schematic) sprintf(cmd, "EDIT .brd;"); cmd += "VALUE " + s[0]; int Result = dlgDialog("Value for " + s[0]) { dlgLabel("Change VALUE for "+s[0]+""); dlgStringEdit(s[1]); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); } }; if (!Result) return; cmd += " '"+s[1]+"';\nRUN '"+argv[0]+"';"; exit(cmd); } void cmd_exit(string t) { string s[]; string f; string cmd; int cnts = strsplit(s, t, '\t'); if (board && s[4] == ".brd" || schematic && s[4] == ".sch") { sprintf(cmd, "RUN find '%s';\n", s[0]); } else { f = filesetext(readfile, s[4]); sprintf(cmd, "EDIT '%s';\nRUN find '%s';\n", f, s[0]); } exit(cmd); return; } void show_no_contact(void) { int sel_onlypac, sel_nopac; dlgDialog(argv[0]) { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgVBoxLayout { dlgLabel("Devices without Contacts"); dlgListView("Name\tValue\tPackage\tSheet", DeviceList_no_pac, sel_onlypac); } dlgVBoxLayout { dlgLabel("Elements without Contacts"); dlgListView("Name\tValue\tPackage", ElementList_only_pac, sel_nopac); } dlgStretch(1); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(1); } }; return; } void menue(void) { int devsel = -1, pacsel = -1; string Error = ""; string InfoSch, InfoBrd; sprintf(InfoSch, "&Schematic : %d Devices", sch_cnt); sprintf(InfoBrd, "&Board : %d Elements", brd_cnt); checkdiff(); if (board) checkSCHempty(); if (schematic) checkBRDempty(); int dif = genscript(); // generate SCRIPT if (cnt_nf || cnt_SCHempty || cnt_BRDempty) { if (cnt_nf || sch_cnt != brd_cnt) { sprintf( Error, "STOP

Different counts of parts

%5d Devices/SCH
%5d Packages/BRD

", sch_cnt, brd_cnt); if(sch_cnt > brd_cnt) Error += "
Place Package in BRD or
delete Device in SCH
"; else Error += "Place Device in SCH or delete Package in BRD!
"; } int Result = dlgDialog("Make Value Consistent") { int sel_nf, sell = -1, ssort = -2 ,dsl = 1 , psl = 1; dlgHBoxLayout { dlgGridLayout { if (Error) { dlgCell( 0, 0) { dlgLabel(Error); } if (cnt_nf) { dlgCell( 0, 1) { dlgVBoxLayout { dlgLabel("To many Devices respectively Elements in Editor, see list."); dlgLabel("&For show selected Device/Element, double-click in list"); dlgListView("Name\tValue\tPackage\tSheet\tEditor", notfound, sel_nf) cmd_exit(notfound[sel_nf]); } } } } else { if (board) { if (cnt_SCHempty) { dlgCell( 1, 0) { dlgVBoxLayout { dlgLabel("Do not use empty values when use this ULP!"); dlgLabel(" First set VALUE in SCHEMATIC "); dlgLabel(" (double-click in list)"); dlgStretch(1); } } dlgCell( 1, 1) { dlgVBoxLayout { string evSch; sprintf(evSch, "%d empty &Values in Schematic!", cnt_SCHempty); dlgLabel(evSch); dlgListView("NAME\tValue in BRD", emptySchList, sell, ssort) setVal(emptySchList[sell]); } } } } if (schematic) { if (cnt_BRDempty) { dlgCell( 1, 0) { dlgVBoxLayout { dlgLabel("Do not use empty values when use this ULP!"); dlgLabel(" First set VALUE in BOARD "); dlgLabel(" (double-click in list)"); dlgStretch(1); } } dlgCell( 1, 1) { dlgVBoxLayout { string evBrd; sprintf(evBrd, "%d empty &Values in Board!", cnt_BRDempty); dlgLabel(evBrd); dlgListView("Name\tValue in SCH", emptyBrdList, sell, ssort) setVal(emptyBrdList[sell]); } } } } } dlgCell( 1, 2) { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgSpacing(12); dlgPushButton("Show Device and Package without Contacts") show_no_contact(); } } } dlgStretch(1); } if (!command) { dlgSpacing(8); dlgLabel("VALUES are consistent"); } dlgLabel("

"); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgVBoxLayout { dlgLabel(InfoSch); dlgListView("Name\tValue\tPackage", DeviceList, devsel, dsl); } dlgVBoxLayout { dlgLabel(InfoBrd); dlgListView("Name\tValue\tPackage", ElementList, pacsel, psl); } } dlgHBoxLayout { if (!Error && !cnt_SCHempty && !cnt_BRDempty) { dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); } else { dlgPushButton("OK") dlgReject(); dlgPushButton("Do it") dlgAccept(); // 2010-01-22 } dlgStretch(1); dlgLabel(usage); dlgStretch(1); dlgLabel("Version " + Version); } }; if (!Result) exit(0); if (!command) exit(0); } // ****** show script ****** // int ssel, bsel, dsel; int Result = dlgDialog("Make VALUE consistent") { dlgHBoxLayout { if (command) { dlgVBoxLayout { dlgLabel("Change values in " + argv[1]); dlgLabel("Command"); dlgTextEdit(command); } } else { dlgVBoxLayout { dlgLabel("Values are consistent"); } } } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(1); dlgLabel(" Version " + Version); } }; if (Result) { if (command) { string scriptfile = filesetext(readfile, "~.scr"); output(scriptfile, "wtD") printf("%s",command); exit("script '" + scriptfile + "';ERC\n"); } } exit (0); } int noexist(string name, int cnt) { int is = 1; for (int n = 0; n < cnt; n++) { if (s_name[n] == name) { is = 0; break; } } return is; } // ### Main ### runcount = strtol(argv[2]); if (runcount == 1) { string cmd; lines_cnt = fileread( lines, readfile); if (board) { int rnp = fileread(DeviceList_no_pac, readfile_no_pac); } if (schematic) { int rop = fileread(ElementList_only_pac, readfile_only_pac); } } // *** Board *** if (board) { string b_name[], b_value[], b_package[]; string b_name_only_pac[], b_value_only_pac[], b_package_only_pac[]; board(B) { B.elements(E) { int PACcontact = 0; E.package.contacts(C) { b_name[brd_cnt] = E.name; b_value[brd_cnt] = E.value; b_package[brd_cnt] = E.package.name; brd_cnt++; PACcontact++; break; } if (!PACcontact) { b_name_only_pac[brd_cnt_only_pac] = E.name; b_value_only_pac[brd_cnt_only_pac] = E.value; b_package_only_pac[brd_cnt_only_pac] = E.package.name; brd_cnt_only_pac++; } } sort (brd_cnt, brd_Index, b_value, b_name); for (n = 0; n < brd_cnt; n++) { brd_name[n] = b_name[brd_Index[n]] ; brd_value[n] = b_value[brd_Index[n]] ; brd_package[n] = b_package[brd_Index[n]]; sprintf(ElementList[n], "%s\t%s\t%s\t0", brd_name[n], brd_value[n], brd_package[n] ); } sort (brd_cnt_only_pac, brd_Index_only_pac, b_value_only_pac, b_name_only_pac); for (n = 0; n < brd_cnt_only_pac; n++) { brd_name_only_pac[n] = b_name_only_pac[brd_Index_only_pac[n]] ; brd_value_only_pac[n] = b_value_only_pac[brd_Index_only_pac[n]] ; brd_package_only_pac[n] = b_package_only_pac[brd_Index_only_pac[n]]; sprintf(ElementList_only_pac[n], "%s\t%s\t%s", brd_name_only_pac[n], brd_value_only_pac[n], brd_package_only_pac[n] ); } if (runcount < 1) { output(readfile, "wtD") { for(int x = 0; x < brd_cnt; x++) { printf("%s\t%s\t%s\t0\n", brd_name[x], brd_value[x], brd_package[x] ); } } output(readfile_only_pac, "wtD") { for(int x = 0; x < brd_cnt_only_pac; x++) { printf("%s\t%s\t%s\n", brd_name_only_pac[x], brd_value_only_pac[x], brd_package_only_pac[x] ); } } runcount++; string cmd; sprintf( cmd, "edit '%s';\n run '%s' SCH %d;\n", filesetext(B.name, ".sch"), argv[0], runcount ); exit(cmd); } sch_cnt = lines_cnt; string s[]; for (n = 0; n < sch_cnt; n++) { strsplit(s, lines[n], '\t'); sch_name[n] = s[0]; sch_value[n] = s[1]; sch_package[n] = s[2]; sch_sheet[n] = strtol(s[3]); sprintf(DeviceList[n], "%s\t%s\t%s\t%d", sch_name[n] , sch_value[n], sch_package[n], sch_sheet[n] ); } } menue(); } // *** Schematic *** if (schematic) { string s_value[], s_package[]; int s_sheet[]; string s_name_no_pac[]; string s_value_no_pac[]; string s_package_no_pac[]; int s_sheet_no_pac[]; schematic(S) { S.sheets(SH) { SH.parts(PA) { if (PA.device.package) { int PACcontact = 0; PA.device.package.contacts(C) { PACcontact++; break; } if (PACcontact) { if (noexist(PA.name, sch_cnt)) { s_name[sch_cnt] = PA.name; s_value[sch_cnt] = PA.value; s_package[sch_cnt] = PA.device.package.name; PA.instances(IN) { // Gate if (IN.sheet) { s_sheet[sch_cnt] = IN.sheet; sch_cnt++; break; } } } } else { s_name_no_pac[sch_cnt_no_pac] = PA.name; s_value_no_pac[sch_cnt_no_pac] = PA.value; s_package_no_pac[sch_cnt_no_pac] = PA.device.package.name; PA.instances(IN) { // Gate if (IN.sheet) { s_sheet_no_pac[sch_cnt_no_pac] = IN.sheet; sch_cnt_no_pac++; break; } } } } } } sort (sch_cnt, sch_Index, s_name); for (n = 0; n < sch_cnt; n++) { sch_name[n] = s_name[sch_Index[n]] ; sch_value[n] = s_value[sch_Index[n]] ; sch_package[n] = s_package[sch_Index[n]]; sch_sheet[n] = s_sheet[sch_Index[n]]; sprintf(DeviceList[n], "%s\t%s\t%s\t%d", sch_name[n] , sch_value[n], sch_package[n], sch_sheet[n]); } for (n = 0; n < sch_cnt_no_pac; n++) { sch_name_no_pac[n] = s_name_no_pac[n] ; sch_value_no_pac[n] = s_value_no_pac[n] ; sch_package_no_pac[n] = s_package_no_pac[n]; sch_sheet_no_pac[n] = s_sheet_no_pac[n]; sprintf(DeviceList_no_pac[n], "%s\t%s\t%s\t%d", sch_name_no_pac[n] , sch_value_no_pac[n], sch_package_no_pac[n], sch_sheet_no_pac[n]); } if (runcount < 1) { output(readfile, "wtD") { for(int x = 0; x < sch_cnt; x++) { printf("%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\n", sch_name[x], sch_value[x], sch_package[x], sch_sheet[x] ); } } output(readfile_no_pac, "wtD") { for(int x = 0; x < sch_cnt_no_pac; x++) { printf("%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\n", sch_name_no_pac[x], sch_value_no_pac[x], sch_package_no_pac[x], sch_sheet_no_pac[x] ); } } runcount++; string cmd; sprintf( cmd, "edit '%s';\n run '%s' BRD %d;\n", filesetext(S.name, ".brd"), argv[0], runcount ); exit(cmd); } brd_cnt = lines_cnt; string s[]; for ( n = 0; n < brd_cnt; n++) { strsplit(s, lines[n], '\t'); brd_name[n] = s[0]; brd_value[n] = s[1]; brd_package[n] = s[2]; sprintf(ElementList[n], "%s\t%s\t%s\t0", brd_name[n], brd_value[n], brd_package[n] ); } } menue(); }