#usage "This ULP calculates the signal length of routed tracks in the layout

\n" "run length [name | name* | *name | *name*]
" "run length name [name name ...]

" "run length +D -D
" "run length d0 d2 d7 A*
" "run length d*
" "run length *

" "Wires in layers 1 to 16 will be added, airwires will be shown separately.
" "If net names are specified, the differences in length will be calculated in procentual values.
" "The procentual difference is based on the shortest of the specified tracks which is taken as 100%.
" "Parallel tracks and polygons are not taken into consideration.
" "Only for all signals it is possible to change the sorting of the displayed signals in the list." "

" "Author: support@cadsoft.de" // THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED AS IS AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED #require 4.1602 // ** German description: ** string hilfe = "Dieses ULP berechnet die Signallängen von Leiterbahnen eines Layouts.

" + "run length [name | name* | *name | *name*]
" + "run length name [name name ...]

" + "Beispiel:
" + "run length +D -D
" + "run length d0 d2 d7 d6 A*
" + "run length d*
" + "run length *

" + "Die Wire in den Layern 1 bis 16 werden addiert, die Airwire werden gesondert angegeben.
" + "Prozentuale Längendifferenzen werden nur berechnet wenn Netznamen angegeben wurden.
" + "Für den prozentualen Längenunterschied wird die kürzeste Leiterbahn als 100% angesehen.
" + "Es wird keine Parallelführung bzw. Fläche (Polygon) berücksichtigt.
" + "Nur bei Anzeige aller Signale kann die Sortierung des Listfeldes beeinflußt werden.

" + "Ein Doppelklick auf einen Listeneintrag, beendet das ULP und zeigt des Singal im Board.

" + "Author: support@cadsoft.de" ""; // 2008-09-11 Ohne Parameter wird erst die Hilfe aufgerufen. alf@cadsoft.de // Wird keines der gesuchten Signale gefunden, // wird eine entsprechnede Nachricht angezeigt. // 2005-02-10 alf@cadsoft.de // 2012-04-05 Doppleklick in Liste beendet das ULP mit SHOW auf den Netznamen // 2013-01-09 Jetzt auch mit * ohne das Hilfsmenu un mit 9 Nachkommastellen string Help = usage; string HButton = "&Help"; string SButton = "&Save"; real f, WLtotal; int index[]; real Length[]; string signal_list[]; int sig_n = 0; real route_length[]; real Unroute_length[]; int Unroute_cnt[]; int t; numeric string data[]; string h; string header; data[1] = "No signals found."; if (language() == "de") { data[1] = "Keines der Signale gefunden."; // 2008-09-11 Help = hilfe; HButton = "&Hilfe"; SButton = "&Sichern"; } void help(void) { dlgMessageBox(Help, "Ok"); return; } void show(string line) { // 2012-04-05 string s[]; int n = strsplit(s, line, '\t'); sprintf(line, "SHOW '%s'", s[0]); exit(line); } void dialog(void) { int select = 0; int ssort = 0; if (argc < 2) ssort = 1; int Result = dlgDialog("Wire length of Layout") { dlgListView("", data, select, ssort) show(data[select]); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("+Ok") dlgReject(); dlgPushButton(SButton) { board(B) { string FileName = dlgFileSave("Save list", filesetext(B.name, ".txt")); if (FileName) { output (FileName, "wt") { printf("%s", header); for (int x = 0; x < t; x++) printf("%s\n", data[x]); } } } } dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton(HButton) help(); } }; if (!Result) exit(0); } real WireLength(real x1, real x2, real y1, real y2) { return sqrt((pow(x2 - x1, 2) + pow(y2 - y1, 2)) ); } real ArcLength(real ang1, real ang2, real radius) { return radius * 2 * PI / 360 * (ang2 - ang1); } int found(string signame) { if (argc < 2) { return 1; } else if (argc == 2 && argv[1] == "*") return 1; int f = 0; int sig = 0; for (int n = 0; n <= sig_n; n++) { if (strchr(signal_list[n], '*') >= 0) { // wildcard * in name int l = strlen(signal_list[n]); string s; if (signal_list[n][0] == '*' && signal_list[n][l-1] == '*') { // *name* s = strsub(signal_list[n], 1, l-2 ); if(strstr(signame, s) > 0) { f = 1; break; } } else if (signal_list[n][l-1] == '*') { // name* s = strsub(signal_list[n], 0, l-1); if(strstr(signame, s) == 0) { f = 1; break; } } else if (signal_list[n][0] == '*') { // *name s = strsub(signal_list[n], 1); if(strstr(signame, s) > 0) { f = 1; break; } } } else if (signame == signal_list[n]) { f = 1; break; } } return f; } // *** different length to shortesd signals in percent *** string percent( real length, real length100) { string s; if (length100) sprintf(s, "%.3f", (length - length100) / (length100 / 100)); else s = "--"; return s; } // *** Unroutet length *** string unroute(real l, int cnt) { string s; if (cnt) sprintf(s, "%.f", l); else s = "--"; return s; } // *** main *** if (board) board(B) { if (argc < 2) { // 2008-09-11 alf@cadsoft.de help(); } else if (argc == 2 && argv[1] == "*") ; else { string h; int n; string list; // *** check only by signal name *** sig_n = argc -2; for (n = 1; n < argc; n++) { signal_list[sig_n] = strupr(argv[n]); list += signal_list[sig_n] + "\n"; sig_n++; } } sprintf(h, "%s\n", EAGLE_SIGNATURE); header += h; sprintf(h, "List of signals with length"); header += h; string Signal[]; int n = 0; B.signals(S) { if (found(S.name)) { WLtotal = 0; int cntUnroute = 0; real unroute = 0; S.wires(W) { if (W.layer < 17) { // nur Kupfer-Layer if (W.arc) { WLtotal += ArcLength(W.arc.angle1, W.arc.angle2, u2mm(W.arc.radius)); } else { WLtotal += WireLength(u2mm(W.x2), u2mm(W.x1), u2mm(W.y2), u2mm(W.y1)); } } if (W.layer == 19) { // unrouted Layer unroute += WireLength(u2mm(W.x2), u2mm(W.x1), u2mm(W.y2), u2mm(W.y1)); cntUnroute++; } } Signal[n] = S.name; Length[n] = WLtotal; Unroute_length[n] = unroute; Unroute_cnt[n] = cntUnroute; ++n; } } sort(n, index, Length); sprintf(h, "Signal\tl [mm]\tdiff. [mm]\tdiff. [%%]\tunrouted [mm]"); data[0] = h; t = 1; real null_length = Length[index[0]]; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { sprintf(h, "%s\t%.9f\t%.9f\t%s\t%s", Signal[index[i]], Length[index[i]], Length[index[i]] - null_length, percent(Length[index[i]], null_length), unroute(Unroute_length[index[i]], Unroute_cnt[index[i]]) ); data[t] = h; t++; } dialog(); } else { dlgMessageBox("Start this ULP in a Board"); exit (0); }