#usage "This ULP calculates the signal length of routed tracks in the layout
"run length [name | name* | *name | *name*]
"run length name [name name ...]"
"run length +D -D
"run length d0 d2 d7 A*
"run length d*
"run length *
"Wires in layers 1 to 16 will be added, airwires will be shown separately.
"If net names are specified, the differences in length will be calculated in procentual values.
"The procentual difference is based on the shortest of the specified tracks which is taken as 100%.
"Parallel tracks and polygons are not taken into consideration.
"Only for all signals it is possible to change the sorting of the displayed signals in the list."
"Author: support@cadsoft.de
#require 4.1602
// ** German description: **
string hilfe = "Dieses ULP berechnet die Signallängen von Leiterbahnen eines Layouts." +
"run length [name | name* | *name | *name*]
" +
"run length name [name name ...]
" +
" +
"run length +D -D
" +
"run length d0 d2 d7 d6 A*
" +
"run length d*
" +
"run length *
" +
"Die Wire in den Layern 1 bis 16 werden addiert, die Airwire werden gesondert angegeben.
" +
"Prozentuale Längendifferenzen werden nur berechnet wenn Netznamen angegeben wurden.
" +
"Für den prozentualen Längenunterschied wird die kürzeste Leiterbahn als 100% angesehen.
" +
"Es wird keine Parallelführung bzw. Fläche (Polygon) berücksichtigt.
" +
"Nur bei Anzeige aller Signale kann die Sortierung des Listfeldes beeinflußt werden.
" +
"Ein Doppelklick auf einen Listeneintrag, beendet das ULP und zeigt des Singal im Board.
" +
"Author: support@cadsoft.de"
// 2008-09-11 Ohne Parameter wird erst die Hilfe aufgerufen. alf@cadsoft.de
// Wird keines der gesuchten Signale gefunden,
// wird eine entsprechnede Nachricht angezeigt.
// 2005-02-10 alf@cadsoft.de
// 2012-04-05 Doppleklick in Liste beendet das ULP mit SHOW auf den Netznamen
// 2013-01-09 Jetzt auch mit * ohne das Hilfsmenu un mit 9 Nachkommastellen
string Help = usage;
string HButton = "&Help";
string SButton = "&Save";
real f, WLtotal;
int index[];
real Length[];
string signal_list[];
int sig_n = 0;
real route_length[];
real Unroute_length[];
int Unroute_cnt[];
int t;
numeric string data[];
string h;
string header;
data[1] = "No signals found.";
if (language() == "de") {
data[1] = "Keines der Signale gefunden."; // 2008-09-11
Help = hilfe;
HButton = "&Hilfe";
SButton = "&Sichern";
void help(void) {
dlgMessageBox(Help, "Ok");
void show(string line) { // 2012-04-05
string s[];
int n = strsplit(s, line, '\t');
sprintf(line, "SHOW '%s'", s[0]);
void dialog(void) {
int select = 0;
int ssort = 0;
if (argc < 2) ssort = 1;
int Result = dlgDialog("Wire length of Layout") {
dlgListView("", data, select, ssort) show(data[select]);
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgPushButton("+Ok") dlgReject();
dlgPushButton(SButton) {
board(B) {
string FileName = dlgFileSave("Save list", filesetext(B.name, ".txt"));
if (FileName) {
output (FileName, "wt") {
printf("%s", header);
for (int x = 0; x < t; x++) printf("%s\n", data[x]);
dlgPushButton(HButton) help();
if (!Result)
real WireLength(real x1, real x2, real y1, real y2) {
return sqrt((pow(x2 - x1, 2) + pow(y2 - y1, 2)) );
real ArcLength(real ang1, real ang2, real radius) {
return radius * 2 * PI / 360 * (ang2 - ang1);
int found(string signame) {
if (argc < 2) {
return 1;
else if (argc == 2 && argv[1] == "*") return 1;
int f = 0;
int sig = 0;
for (int n = 0; n <= sig_n; n++) {
if (strchr(signal_list[n], '*') >= 0) { // wildcard * in name
int l = strlen(signal_list[n]);
string s;
if (signal_list[n][0] == '*' && signal_list[n][l-1] == '*') { // *name*
s = strsub(signal_list[n], 1, l-2 );
if(strstr(signame, s) > 0) {
f = 1;
else if (signal_list[n][l-1] == '*') { // name*
s = strsub(signal_list[n], 0, l-1);
if(strstr(signame, s) == 0) {
f = 1;
else if (signal_list[n][0] == '*') { // *name
s = strsub(signal_list[n], 1);
if(strstr(signame, s) > 0) {
f = 1;
else if (signame == signal_list[n]) {
f = 1;
return f;
// *** different length to shortesd signals in percent ***
string percent( real length, real length100) {
string s;
if (length100) sprintf(s, "%.3f", (length - length100) / (length100 / 100));
else s = "--";
return s;
// *** Unroutet length ***
string unroute(real l, int cnt) {
string s;
if (cnt) sprintf(s, "%.f", l);
else s = "--";
return s;
// *** main ***
if (board) board(B) {
if (argc < 2) { // 2008-09-11 alf@cadsoft.de
else if (argc == 2 && argv[1] == "*") ;
else {
string h;
int n;
string list;
// *** check only by signal name ***
sig_n = argc -2;
for (n = 1; n < argc; n++) {
signal_list[sig_n] = strupr(argv[n]);
list += signal_list[sig_n] + "\n";
sprintf(h, "%s\n", EAGLE_SIGNATURE);
header += h;
sprintf(h, "List of signals with length");
header += h;
string Signal[];
int n = 0;
B.signals(S) {
if (found(S.name)) {
WLtotal = 0;
int cntUnroute = 0;
real unroute = 0;
S.wires(W) {
if (W.layer < 17) { // nur Kupfer-Layer
if (W.arc) {
WLtotal += ArcLength(W.arc.angle1, W.arc.angle2, u2mm(W.arc.radius));
else {
WLtotal += WireLength(u2mm(W.x2), u2mm(W.x1), u2mm(W.y2), u2mm(W.y1));
if (W.layer == 19) { // unrouted Layer
unroute += WireLength(u2mm(W.x2), u2mm(W.x1), u2mm(W.y2), u2mm(W.y1));
Signal[n] = S.name;
Length[n] = WLtotal;
Unroute_length[n] = unroute;
Unroute_cnt[n] = cntUnroute;
sort(n, index, Length);
sprintf(h, "Signal\tl [mm]\tdiff. [mm]\tdiff. [%%]\tunrouted [mm]");
data[0] = h;
t = 1;
real null_length = Length[index[0]];
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
sprintf(h, "%s\t%.9f\t%.9f\t%s\t%s",
Length[index[i]] - null_length,
percent(Length[index[i]], null_length),
unroute(Unroute_length[index[i]], Unroute_cnt[index[i]])
data[t] = h;
else {
dlgMessageBox("Start this ULP in a Board");
exit (0);