#usage "en:Import a BitMaP image into an EAGLE drawing"
"This ULP generates a SCRIPT file that draws rectangles of successional pixels with identical color.
"These rectangles serve as templates in order to draw the image with EAGLE commands like POLYGON, WIRE, CIRCLE, TEXT.
"Please note: If the generated rectangles are smaller than the half of the resolution of the output device, "
"(depending on the scale factor: screen: pixel, printer: diameter of the laser beam or ink jet dropplet), it is "
"not possible to display the result. Therefore use the EAGLE commands mentioned above to reduce the number of "
"elements (rectangles). Each element has to be drawn and calculated by the display device driver. The more elements "
"the slower the display will be.
"The ULP accepts BitMaP files with a maximum of 256 colors. You are allowed to select a maximum of 32 of them. "
"[Scan used colors] detects the used number of colors in the image. You have to reduce them to a maximum of 32 "
"in the following dialog.
"In the final dialog you can scale the image. Either in Dots per Inch (DPI), Pixel in the units Inch, "
"Mil, Millimeter, Micron, or as Aspect Ratio (the width of the image in pixels in X) in Inch, Mil, "
"Millimeter, Micron. "
"In the case of Aspect ratio, please keep in mind that there should not be pixels in a non-selected color on "
"the left or right boarder of the image. Otherwise the resulting width of the image is not the same as the calculated one.
"The start layer for the template is set to 200. Each of the maximum of 32 selected colors will use a separate layer, "
"beginning with the start layer. So it is possible to have colored logos in the Schematic or Symbol Editor.
"Reduce the number of colors of an image to two (black/white), if the logo shall be displayed monochrome in one of the copper "
"layers. As soon as the image (logo) is drawn with the EAGLE commands (see above) you may delete the template with GROUP DELETE "
"and a right mouse click. The layers can be removed with LAYER -number afterwards."
"Author: support@cadsoft.de
"de:Importiert ein BitMaP-Bild als Vorlage in eine EAGLE-Zeichnung"
"Das ULP erzeugt eine SCRIPT-Datei, in der zusammenhängende gleichfarbige Pixel als Rechteck generiert werden.
"Diese Rechtecke dienen als Vorlage, um das Bild mit EAGLE-Werkzeugen wie POLYGON, WIRE, CIRLE, TEXT zu definieren.
"Bedenken Sie: Wenn die erzeugten Rechtecke kleiner sind als die Hälfte der Auflösung des Ausgabegerätes"
"(je nach Skalierungsfaktor: Bildschirm-Pixel, Drucker-Laserstrahlbreite oder Düsendurchmesser), kann das Ergebnis "
"nicht dargestellt werden. Definieren Sie deshalb feine Strukturen mit den oben erwähnten Werkzeugen, um die "
"Anzahl der Elemente (Rechtecke) zu reduzieren. Jedes Element muss vom Grafikkartentreiber gezeichnet und "
"berechnet werden. Bei sehr vielen Elementen wird die Anzeige entsprechend verlangsamt.
"Es werden nur BitMaP-Dateien mit maximal 256 Farben akzeptiert. Davon kann man bis zu 32 Farben auswählen.
"Mit [Scan used colors] können die benutzten Farben im Bild ermittelt werden. Im folgenden Menue muss man sie "
"auf maximal 32 reduzieren.
"Im abschliessenden Menue kann die Skalierung gewählt werden. Entweder Dots per Inch (DPI) oder Pixel in "
"der Maßeinheit Inch, Mil, Millimeter, Micron oder Aspect Ratio (die Breite des Bildes Pixel in X) in Inch, "
"Mil, Millimeter, Micron."
"Bei Aspect ratio sollte darauf geachtet werden, dass im Bild links und rechts keine Pixel in einer "
"nichtgewählten Farbe vorkommen. Ansonsten stimmt die Breite des Endergebnisses nicht mit der berechneten Breite überein.
"Der Startlayer für die Vorlage ist der Layer 200. Für jede, der bis zu max. 32 gewählten Farben, wird ein neuer Layer, "
"beginnend mit dem Sartlayer, angelegt. So kann ein Logo im Schaltplan (Symbol) auch farbig definiert werden.
"Reduzieren Sie eine BitMaP auf 2 Farben (schwarz/weiss), wenn das Ergebnis in nur einer Farbe für einen Kupferlayer "
"dargestellt werden soll. Ist das Bild (Logo) mit EAGLE-Werkzeugen (siehe oben) definiert, können mit GROUP DELETE und rechter "
"Maustaste die 'Rechtecke' wieder gelöscht werden.
Die Layer selbst können dann mit LAYER -nummer entfernt werden."
"Author: support@cadsoft.de
// 1.0.3 - 2006-05-11 *** corrected for 4 bit (16 colors) *** alf@cadsoft.de
// only the first 4 of 16 colors was generated
// set cselmax to maximal included colors of BitMaP
// 1.0.4 - 2007-03-30 --- Coral Draw sets wrong Byte Address Range, check length with address range.
// 1.0.5 - 2009-10-27 --- show colors by background color (table) not with Bit-MAP
// 1.0.6 - 2010-05-20 --- showbmp() use Dialog to show complete image
// Images now can 1280 pixels use
// Check selected colors.
string Version = "1.0.6";
// 2009-10-27 color definition in 16 color BitMap (4 bit)
string colorBox16[];
colorBox16[000] = "#000000"; // 0000 0036
colorBox16[001] = "#800000"; // 0004 003A
colorBox16[002] = "#008000"; // 0008 003E
colorBox16[003] = "#808000"; // 000C 0042
colorBox16[004] = "#000080"; // 0010 0046
colorBox16[005] = "#800080"; // 0014 004A
colorBox16[006] = "#008080"; // 0018 004E
colorBox16[007] = "#C0C0C0"; // 001C 0052
colorBox16[008] = "#808080"; // 03E0 0416
colorBox16[009] = "#FF0000"; // 03E4 041A
colorBox16[010] = "#00FF00"; // 03E8 041E
colorBox16[011] = "#FFFF00"; // 03EC 0422
colorBox16[012] = "#0000FF"; // 03F0 0426
colorBox16[013] = "#FF00FF"; // 03F4 042A
colorBox16[014] = "#00FFFF"; // 03F8 042E
colorBox16[015] = "#FFFFFF"; // 03FC 0432
string colorBox[]; // colors of 8 bit / 256 color bit maplist
colorBox[000] = "#000000"; // 0000 0036
colorBox[001] = "#800000"; // 0004 003A
colorBox[002] = "#008000"; // 0008 003E
colorBox[003] = "#808000"; // 000C 0042
colorBox[004] = "#000080"; // 0010 0046
colorBox[005] = "#800080"; // 0014 004A
colorBox[006] = "#008080"; // 0018 004E
colorBox[007] = "#C0C0C0"; // 001C 0052
colorBox[008] = "#C0DCC0"; // 0020 0056
colorBox[009] = "#A6CAF0"; // 0024 005A
colorBox[010] = "#402000"; // 0028 005E
colorBox[011] = "#602000"; // 002C 0062
colorBox[012] = "#802000"; // 0030 0066
colorBox[013] = "#A02000"; // 0034 006A
colorBox[014] = "#C02000"; // 0038 006E
colorBox[015] = "#E02000"; // 003C 0072
colorBox[016] = "#004000"; // 0040 0076
colorBox[017] = "#204000"; // 0044 007A
colorBox[018] = "#404000"; // 0048 007E
colorBox[019] = "#604000"; // 004C 0082
colorBox[020] = "#804000"; // 0050 0086
colorBox[021] = "#A04000"; // 0054 008A
colorBox[022] = "#C04000"; // 0058 008E
colorBox[023] = "#E04000"; // 005C 0092
colorBox[024] = "#006000"; // 0060 0096
colorBox[025] = "#206000"; // 0064 009A
colorBox[026] = "#406000"; // 0068 009E
colorBox[027] = "#606000"; // 006C 00A2
colorBox[028] = "#806000"; // 0070 00A6
colorBox[029] = "#A06000"; // 0074 00AA
colorBox[030] = "#C06000"; // 0078 00AE
colorBox[031] = "#E06000"; // 007C 00B2
colorBox[032] = "#008000"; // 0080 00B6
colorBox[033] = "#208000"; // 0084 00BA
colorBox[034] = "#408000"; // 0088 00BE
colorBox[035] = "#608000"; // 008C 00C2
colorBox[036] = "#808000"; // 0090 00C6
colorBox[037] = "#A08000"; // 0094 00CA
colorBox[038] = "#C08000"; // 0098 00CE
colorBox[039] = "#E08000"; // 009C 00D2
colorBox[040] = "#00A000"; // 00A0 00D6
colorBox[041] = "#20A000"; // 00A4 00DA
colorBox[042] = "#40A000"; // 00A8 00DE
colorBox[043] = "#60A000"; // 00AC 00E2
colorBox[044] = "#80A000"; // 00B0 00E6
colorBox[045] = "#A0A000"; // 00B4 00EA
colorBox[046] = "#C0A000"; // 00B8 00EE
colorBox[047] = "#E0A000"; // 00BC 00F2
colorBox[048] = "#00C000"; // 00C0 00F6
colorBox[049] = "#20C000"; // 00C4 00FA
colorBox[050] = "#40C000"; // 00C8 00FE
colorBox[051] = "#60C000"; // 00CC 0102
colorBox[052] = "#80C000"; // 00D0 0106
colorBox[053] = "#A0C000"; // 00D4 010A
colorBox[054] = "#C0C000"; // 00D8 010E
colorBox[055] = "#E0C000"; // 00DC 0112
colorBox[056] = "#00E000"; // 00E0 0116
colorBox[057] = "#20E000"; // 00E4 011A
colorBox[058] = "#40E000"; // 00E8 011E
colorBox[059] = "#60E000"; // 00EC 0122
colorBox[060] = "#80E000"; // 00F0 0126
colorBox[061] = "#A0E000"; // 00F4 012A
colorBox[062] = "#C0E000"; // 00F8 012E
colorBox[063] = "#E0E000"; // 00FC 0132
colorBox[064] = "#000040"; // 0100 0136
colorBox[065] = "#200040"; // 0104 013A
colorBox[066] = "#400040"; // 0108 013E
colorBox[067] = "#600040"; // 010C 0142
colorBox[068] = "#800040"; // 0110 0146
colorBox[069] = "#A00040"; // 0114 014A
colorBox[070] = "#C00040"; // 0118 014E
colorBox[071] = "#E00040"; // 011C 0152
colorBox[072] = "#002040"; // 0120 0156
colorBox[073] = "#202040"; // 0124 015A
colorBox[074] = "#402040"; // 0128 015E
colorBox[075] = "#602040"; // 012C 0162
colorBox[076] = "#802040"; // 0130 0166
colorBox[077] = "#A02040"; // 0134 016A
colorBox[078] = "#C02040"; // 0138 016E
colorBox[079] = "#E02040"; // 013C 0172
colorBox[080] = "#004040"; // 0140 0176
colorBox[081] = "#204040"; // 0144 017A
colorBox[082] = "#404040"; // 0148 017E
colorBox[083] = "#604040"; // 014C 0182
colorBox[084] = "#804040"; // 0150 0186
colorBox[085] = "#A04040"; // 0154 018A
colorBox[086] = "#C04040"; // 0158 018E
colorBox[087] = "#E04040"; // 015C 0192
colorBox[088] = "#006040"; // 0160 0196
colorBox[089] = "#206040"; // 0164 019A
colorBox[090] = "#406040"; // 0168 019E
colorBox[091] = "#606040"; // 016C 01A2
colorBox[092] = "#806040"; // 0170 01A6
colorBox[093] = "#A06040"; // 0174 01AA
colorBox[094] = "#C06040"; // 0178 01AE
colorBox[095] = "#E06040"; // 017C 01B2
colorBox[096] = "#008040"; // 0180 01B6
colorBox[097] = "#208040"; // 0184 01BA
colorBox[098] = "#408040"; // 0188 01BE
colorBox[099] = "#608040"; // 018C 01C2
colorBox[100] = "#808040"; // 0190 01C6
colorBox[101] = "#A08040"; // 0194 01CA
colorBox[102] = "#C08040"; // 0198 01CE
colorBox[103] = "#E08040"; // 019C 01D2
colorBox[104] = "#00A040"; // 01A0 01D6
colorBox[105] = "#20A040"; // 01A4 01DA
colorBox[106] = "#40A040"; // 01A8 01DE
colorBox[107] = "#60A040"; // 01AC 01E2
colorBox[108] = "#80A040"; // 01B0 01E6
colorBox[109] = "#A0A040"; // 01B4 01EA
colorBox[110] = "#C0A040"; // 01B8 01EE
colorBox[111] = "#E0A040"; // 01BC 01F2
colorBox[112] = "#00C040"; // 01C0 01F6
colorBox[113] = "#20C040"; // 01C4 01FA
colorBox[114] = "#40C040"; // 01C8 01FE
colorBox[115] = "#60C040"; // 01CC 0202
colorBox[116] = "#80C040"; // 01D0 0206
colorBox[117] = "#A0C040"; // 01D4 020A
colorBox[118] = "#C0C040"; // 01D8 020E
colorBox[119] = "#E0C040"; // 01DC 0212
colorBox[120] = "#00E040"; // 01E0 0216
colorBox[121] = "#20E040"; // 01E4 021A
colorBox[122] = "#40E040"; // 01E8 021E
colorBox[123] = "#60E040"; // 01EC 0222
colorBox[124] = "#80E040"; // 01F0 0226
colorBox[125] = "#A0E040"; // 01F4 022A
colorBox[126] = "#C0E040"; // 01F8 022E
colorBox[127] = "#E0E040"; // 01FC 0232
colorBox[128] = "#000080"; // 0200 0236
colorBox[129] = "#200080"; // 0204 023A
colorBox[130] = "#400080"; // 0208 023E
colorBox[131] = "#600080"; // 020C 0242
colorBox[132] = "#800080"; // 0210 0246
colorBox[133] = "#A00080"; // 0214 024A
colorBox[134] = "#C00080"; // 0218 024E
colorBox[135] = "#E00080"; // 021C 0252
colorBox[136] = "#002080"; // 0220 0256
colorBox[137] = "#202080"; // 0224 025A
colorBox[138] = "#402080"; // 0228 025E
colorBox[139] = "#602080"; // 022C 0262
colorBox[140] = "#802080"; // 0230 0266
colorBox[141] = "#A02080"; // 0234 026A
colorBox[142] = "#C02080"; // 0238 026E
colorBox[143] = "#E02080"; // 023C 0272
colorBox[144] = "#004080"; // 0240 0276
colorBox[145] = "#204080"; // 0244 027A
colorBox[146] = "#404080"; // 0248 027E
colorBox[147] = "#604080"; // 024C 0282
colorBox[148] = "#804080"; // 0250 0286
colorBox[149] = "#A04080"; // 0254 028A
colorBox[150] = "#C04080"; // 0258 028E
colorBox[151] = "#E04080"; // 025C 0292
colorBox[152] = "#006080"; // 0260 0296
colorBox[153] = "#206080"; // 0264 029A
colorBox[154] = "#406080"; // 0268 029E
colorBox[155] = "#606080"; // 026C 02A2
colorBox[156] = "#806080"; // 0270 02A6
colorBox[157] = "#A06080"; // 0274 02AA
colorBox[158] = "#C06080"; // 0278 02AE
colorBox[159] = "#E06080"; // 027C 02B2
colorBox[160] = "#008080"; // 0280 02B6
colorBox[161] = "#208080"; // 0284 02BA
colorBox[162] = "#408080"; // 0288 02BE
colorBox[163] = "#608080"; // 028C 02C2
colorBox[164] = "#808080"; // 0290 02C6
colorBox[165] = "#A08080"; // 0294 02CA
colorBox[166] = "#C08080"; // 0298 02CE
colorBox[167] = "#E08080"; // 029C 02D2
colorBox[168] = "#00A080"; // 02A0 02D6
colorBox[169] = "#20A080"; // 02A4 02DA
colorBox[170] = "#40A080"; // 02A8 02DE
colorBox[171] = "#60A080"; // 02AC 02E2
colorBox[172] = "#80A080"; // 02B0 02E6
colorBox[173] = "#A0A080"; // 02B4 02EA
colorBox[174] = "#C0A080"; // 02B8 02EE
colorBox[175] = "#E0A080"; // 02BC 02F2
colorBox[176] = "#00C080"; // 02C0 02F6
colorBox[177] = "#20C080"; // 02C4 02FA
colorBox[178] = "#40C080"; // 02C8 02FE
colorBox[179] = "#60C080"; // 02CC 0302
colorBox[180] = "#80C080"; // 02D0 0306
colorBox[181] = "#A0C080"; // 02D4 030A
colorBox[182] = "#C0C080"; // 02D8 030E
colorBox[183] = "#E0C080"; // 02DC 0312
colorBox[184] = "#00E080"; // 02E0 0316
colorBox[185] = "#20E080"; // 02E4 031A
colorBox[186] = "#40E080"; // 02E8 031E
colorBox[187] = "#60E080"; // 02EC 0322
colorBox[188] = "#80E080"; // 02F0 0326
colorBox[189] = "#A0E080"; // 02F4 032A
colorBox[190] = "#C0E080"; // 02F8 032E
colorBox[191] = "#E0E080"; // 02FC 0332
colorBox[192] = "#0000C0"; // 0300 0336
colorBox[193] = "#2000C0"; // 0304 033A
colorBox[194] = "#4000C0"; // 0308 033E
colorBox[195] = "#6000C0"; // 030C 0342
colorBox[196] = "#8000C0"; // 0310 0346
colorBox[197] = "#A000C0"; // 0314 034A
colorBox[198] = "#C000C0"; // 0318 034E
colorBox[199] = "#E000C0"; // 031C 0352
colorBox[200] = "#0020C0"; // 0320 0356
colorBox[201] = "#2020C0"; // 0324 035A
colorBox[202] = "#4020C0"; // 0328 035E
colorBox[203] = "#6020C0"; // 032C 0362
colorBox[204] = "#8020C0"; // 0330 0366
colorBox[205] = "#A020C0"; // 0334 036A
colorBox[206] = "#C020C0"; // 0338 036E
colorBox[207] = "#E020C0"; // 033C 0372
colorBox[208] = "#0040C0"; // 0340 0376
colorBox[209] = "#2040C0"; // 0344 037A
colorBox[210] = "#4040C0"; // 0348 037E
colorBox[211] = "#6040C0"; // 034C 0382
colorBox[212] = "#8040C0"; // 0350 0386
colorBox[213] = "#A040C0"; // 0354 038A
colorBox[214] = "#C040C0"; // 0358 038E
colorBox[215] = "#E040C0"; // 035C 0392
colorBox[216] = "#0060C0"; // 0360 0396
colorBox[217] = "#2060C0"; // 0364 039A
colorBox[218] = "#4060C0"; // 0368 039E
colorBox[219] = "#6060C0"; // 036C 03A2
colorBox[220] = "#8060C0"; // 0370 03A6
colorBox[221] = "#A060C0"; // 0374 03AA
colorBox[222] = "#C060C0"; // 0378 03AE
colorBox[223] = "#E060C0"; // 037C 03B2
colorBox[224] = "#0080C0"; // 0380 03B6
colorBox[225] = "#2080C0"; // 0384 03BA
colorBox[226] = "#4080C0"; // 0388 03BE
colorBox[227] = "#6080C0"; // 038C 03C2
colorBox[228] = "#8080C0"; // 0390 03C6
colorBox[229] = "#A080C0"; // 0394 03CA
colorBox[230] = "#C080C0"; // 0398 03CE
colorBox[231] = "#E080C0"; // 039C 03D2
colorBox[232] = "#00A0C0"; // 03A0 03D6
colorBox[233] = "#20A0C0"; // 03A4 03DA
colorBox[234] = "#40A0C0"; // 03A8 03DE
colorBox[235] = "#60A0C0"; // 03AC 03E2
colorBox[236] = "#80A0C0"; // 03B0 03E6
colorBox[237] = "#A0A0C0"; // 03B4 03EA
colorBox[238] = "#C0A0C0"; // 03B8 03EE
colorBox[239] = "#E0A0C0"; // 03BC 03F2
colorBox[240] = "#00C0C0"; // 03C0 03F6
colorBox[241] = "#20C0C0"; // 03C4 03FA
colorBox[242] = "#40C0C0"; // 03C8 03FE
colorBox[243] = "#60C0C0"; // 03CC 0402
colorBox[244] = "#80C0C0"; // 03D0 0406
colorBox[245] = "#A0C0C0"; // 03D4 040A
colorBox[246] = "#FFFBF0"; // 03D8 040E
colorBox[247] = "#A0A0A4"; // 03DC 0412
colorBox[248] = "#808080"; // 03E0 0416
colorBox[249] = "#FF0000"; // 03E4 041A
colorBox[250] = "#00FF00"; // 03E8 041E
colorBox[251] = "#FFFF00"; // 03EC 0422
colorBox[252] = "#0000FF"; // 03F0 0426
colorBox[253] = "#FF00FF"; // 03F4 042A
colorBox[254] = "#00FFFF"; // 03F8 042E
colorBox[255] = "#FFFFFF"; // 03FC 0432
string script_path;
string bmpcolor[];
string bmps[];
string run_info = " ";
string fileName;
int nBytes = 0; // count bytes of file (fileName)
int ColorBits = 0; // used bits for color
int AdrStart, AdrEnd = 0; // Start & End of BITMAP-Data
int length = 0; // length of bmp-Data
int Byte4Group = 0; // bmp-Data organized as 4-byte groups
int Layer = 200; // 1st used layer
real xScale = 1; // scale x
real yScale = 1; // scale y
int X = 0; // count pixels x
int Y = 0; // count pixels y
string xy = "";
int colorscan = 0; // flag for color scanning
int cselmax = 32; // max 32 colors selectable
int Result = 0;
real Offset = .5; // offset Wire width
int mBit[]; // bit line for operating
string grid[] = { "INCH", // grid units
int unit = 1; // default unit = mil
int scaled = 1; // flag for DPI Scale Ratio
real vmin[] = { 0.00001, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.1 };
real vmax[] = { 30.0, 3000.0, 800.0, 800000.0 } ;
string Grid = grid[unit]; // default grid
// get parameter PDI, Scale, Aspect Ratio, mic, mm, mil INCH ...
string menuedlg[] = {
"Dots Per INCH",
"Scale factor for a pixel",
"Aspect/Ratio m"
} ;
string menuval0[] = {
"&Value between 1 and 10000 dots",
"&Value between 0.01 and 30.0 Inch",
"&Value between 0.01 and 30.0 Inch"
string menuval1[] = {
"&Value between 1 and 10000 dots",
"&Value between 0.001 and 3000.0 mil",
"&Value between 0.001 and 3000.0 mil"
string menuval2[] = {
"&Value between 1 and 10000 dots",
"&Value between 0.0001 and 800.0 mm",
"&Value between 0.0001 and 800.0 mm"
string menuval3[] = {
"&Value between 1 and 10000 dots",
"&Value between 0.1 and 800000.0 micron",
"&Value between 0.1 and 800000.0 micron"
string menulbl = menuedlg[1];
string menuinfo = menuval1[1];
string ratiologo ;
// table of used colors in BitMaP
int colorUsed[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
int colorSelect[] ;
char c[]; // the file as Byte-Array
// set / clear all colorUsed flags
void setall(int set) {
for(int n = 0; n < pow(2, ColorBits); n++) {
colorUsed[n] = set;
void ScriptLine(int Line) {
// *** corrected for 4 bit (16 colors) *** 2006.05.11 alf@cadsoft.de
for(int cs = 0; cs < cselmax; cs++) { // extract max 32 colors
sprintf(run_info, "%d Line %d Color #%d ", Y, Line, cs);
if(colorSelect[cs] > -1) { // -1 color not used
int lineColor = colorSelect[cs]; // extraction color
int line = 0;
printf("change layer %d;\n", Layer + cs);
for(int z = 0; z < X; z++) {
if(mBit[z] == lineColor) { // if color used
if(line == 0) { // start of line in script (rectangle)
printf("RECT (%.4f ", (z - Offset) * xScale);
printf("%.5f)", (Line - Offset) * yScale);
line = 1;
else {
if(line == 1) {
printf( "(%.4f ", (z - Offset) * xScale);
// end of line in script (rectangle)
printf( "%.5f);\n", (Line + Offset) * yScale);
line = 0;
if(line == 1) {
printf( "(%.4f ", (z - Offset) * xScale);
// end of line in script(rectangle)
printf( "%.5f);\n", (Line + Offset) * yScale);
line = 0;
// Generate Script from BitMaP
void GenScript(void) {
int xByte = 4 * Byte4Group; // organised by groups of 4 bytes
int bmpBits;
for(int yRead = 0; yRead < Y; yRead++) { // counter for lines / Y
for(int xRead = 0; xRead < xByte; xRead ++) {
bmpBits = c[AdrStart + yRead * xByte + xRead];
switch (ColorBits) {
case 1 : for(int bitcnt = 7; bitcnt > -1; bitcnt--) {
mBit[(xRead * 8) + (7 - bitcnt)] = bmpBits;
mBit[(xRead * 8) + (7 - bitcnt)] >>= bitcnt;
mBit[(xRead * 8) + (7 - bitcnt)] &= 0X1;
case 4 : mBit[xRead * 2 ] = bmpBits;
mBit[xRead * 2 + 1] = bmpBits;
mBit[xRead * 2 ] >>= 4;
mBit[xRead * 2 + 1] &= 0x0f;
case 8 : mBit[xRead] = bmpBits;
if(colorscan) {
for(int z = 0; z < X; z++) {
colorUsed[mBit[z]]++; // set flag for used color
else {
ScriptLine(yRead); // generate Eagle Script line
// bmp file info
string bmpDaten(void) { // diagnostics
string st = "";
string cmd = "";
printf( "BitMaP Start \t = %d\n", AdrStart);
cmd = st;
printf( "BitMaP End \t = %d\n", AdrEnd);
cmd += st;
printf( "BitMaP length \t = %d\n", length);
cmd += st;
printf( "high / pixel - Y \t = %d\n", Y);
cmd += st;
printf( "wide / pixel - X \t = %d\n", X);
cmd += st;
printf( "4-Byte Group(s) \t = %d\n", Byte4Group);
cmd += st;
printf( "Bits / Color \t = %d (Colors %.0f)\n", ColorBits, pow(2, ColorBits));
cmd += st;
printf( "File length \t = %d\n", nBytes);
cmd += st;
return cmd;
// Select menu for 2 color BitMaP
void Cselect2(void) {
Result = dlgDialog("Select used colors in " + fileName) {
// 2009-10-27
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgGridLayout {
dlgCell(1, 1) dlgCheckBox("", colorUsed[0]);
dlgCell(2, 1) dlgLabel("
dlgCell(1, 2) dlgCheckBox("", colorUsed[1]);
dlgCell(2, 2) dlgLabel("");
dlgLabel(" Select up to 2 colors ");
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept();
dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject();
dlgPushButton("&Set all") setall(1);
dlgPushButton("&Clear all") setall(0);
if (Result == 0) exit (0);
// Select menu for 16 color BitMaP
void Cselect16(void) {
Result = dlgDialog("Select used colors" + fileName) {
// 2009-10-27
dlgGridLayout {
for (int colum = 0 ; colum < 16; colum++) {
dlgCell(1, colum) dlgCheckBox("", colorUsed[colum]);
string s;
sprintf(s, "", colorBox16[colum]);
dlgCell(2, colum) dlgLabel(s);
dlgLabel(" Select up to 16 colors ");
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept();
dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject();
dlgPushButton("&set all") { setall(1); dlgRedisplay();}
dlgPushButton("&clear all") { setall(0); dlgRedisplay();}
if (Result == 0) exit (0);
// Select menu for 256 color BitMaP
void Cselect256(void) {
Result = dlgDialog("Select used colors " + fileName) {
// 2009-10-27
dlgGridLayout {
for (int row = 0 ; row < 16; row++) {
for (int colum = 0 ; colum < 16; colum++) {
dlgCell(2*row, colum) dlgCheckBox("", colorUsed[row * 16 + colum]);
string s;
sprintf(s, "", colorBox[row*16+colum]);
dlgCell(2*row + 1, colum) dlgLabel(s);
dlgVBoxLayout {
string hc;
sprintf( hc, " Select up to %d colors ", cselmax);
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept();
dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject();
dlgPushButton("&set all") setall(1);
dlgPushButton("&clear all") setall(0);
if (Result == 0) exit (0);
// select colors
int selectColors(void) {
switch (ColorBits) {
case 1 : cselmax = 2; // 2006.05.11 set max color for 2 colors
case 4 : cselmax = 16; // 2006.05.11 set max color for 16 colors
case 8 : Cselect256();
for(int n = 0; n < cselmax; n++) {
colorSelect[n] = -1; // reset selected colors
int cs;
for(int s = 0; s < 256; s++) {
if(colorUsed[s]) {
colorSelect[cs] = s;
return cs;
// select colors by scan array
void selectMenue() {
int cs;
do {
cs = selectColors();
string hx;
if (cs > cselmax) {
sprintf( hx, "Do not use more than %d colors!", cselmax);
dlgMessageBox(hx, "OK");
if (cs < 1) {
sprintf( hx, "No colors selected!"); // 2010-05-20 alf@cadsoft.de
dlgMessageBox(hx, "OK");
} while (cs > cselmax || cs == 0);
// header from Script, define Layer
void scriptheader(void) {
printf("# generated with %s %s\n", argv[0], Version);
printf("# from %s\n", fileName);
printf("Grid %s %.6f ON;\n", Grid, xScale);
for(int cs = 0; cs < cselmax; cs++) { // max 32 color extract
if(colorSelect[cs] > -1) {
if(Layer + cs > 99){ // user defined layer
printf( "LAYER %d %dbmp;\n", Layer + cs, Layer + cs);
printf( "SET FILL_LAYER %d 10;\n", Layer + cs);
printf( "SET COLOR_LAYER %d %d;\n", Layer + cs, cs + 1);
printf( "CHANGE LAYER %d;\n", Layer);
printf("SET UNDO_LOG OFF;\n");
// get flag for scan colors
int scan(void) {
if (ColorBits == 1) return 0;
return (dlgDialog(filename(argv[0])) {
string st;
sprintf(st, "%s:is a %.0f color BitMAP : ist eine %.0f-Farben-BitMAP
fileName, pow(2, ColorBits), pow(2, ColorBits)
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgVBoxLayout {
dlgGroup("Info") {
if (ColorBits == 4) {
dlgGridLayout {
for (int colum = 0 ; colum < 16; colum++) {
string s;
sprintf(s, "", colorBox16[colum]);
dlgCell(1, colum) dlgLabel(s);
else dlgLabel(bmpcolor[ColorBits]);
dlgLabel(" ULP-Version " + Version);
dlgGroup("") {
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgPushButton("+Scan used colors") dlgAccept();
dlgPushButton("-No scan") dlgReject();
dlgPushButton("Cancel") { dlgReject(); exit(0); }
} );
void colors24(void) {
string st = "bmp file contains more than 256 colors, reduce colors before use.\n\n"
+ "Die benutzte Anzahl der Farben in der bmp-Datei ist groesser 256.\n"
+ "Verringern Sie zuerst die Anzahl der Farben in der bmp-Datei.\n\n";
dlgMessageBox(st, "&OK");
void menuchange(void) {
menulbl = menuedlg[scaled];
switch (scaled) {
case 0 : ratiologo = "
case 1 : ratiologo = "
case 2 : ratiologo = "
switch (unit) {
case 0 : menuinfo = menuval0[scaled];
case 1 : menuinfo = menuval1[scaled];
case 2 : menuinfo = menuval2[scaled];
case 3 : menuinfo = menuval3[scaled];
return ;
void set_scale(void) {
switch(scaled) {
case 0 : Grid = grid[0];
yScale = 1 / xScale; // Dots Per Inch
xScale = yScale;
case 1 : Grid = Grid = grid[unit];
yScale = xScale;
case 2 : Grid = Grid = grid[unit];
yScale = xScale / X; // Aspect Ratio = Width / Pixel X
xScale = yScale;
void imp_bmp(void) {
colorscan = 0; // reset scanning mode
menuinfo = "Dot scale";
GenScript(); // generate script string
printf("SET UNDO_LOG ON;\n");
printf("WINDOW FIT;\n");
printf( "Change Size %.4f;\n", yScale * 2);
printf("CHANGE FONT VECTOR;\n");
printf( "TEXT '" + fileName + "' (0 %.4f);\n", -5 * yScale );
void runscript(void) {
string script;
int s = fileread(script, script_path + "bmp.scr");
Result = dlgDialog("Accept Script?") {
dlgHBoxLayout dlgSpacing(300);
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgVBoxLayout dlgSpacing(300);
dlgLabel(" ULP-Version " + Version);
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgPushButton("+Run script") dlgAccept();
dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject();
if (Result == 1) exit ("script '" + script_path + "bmp.scr'");
else exit (0);
void showbmp() {
if ( X <= 1280 && Y <= 1280) {
dlgDialog("File:'" + fileName + "'") {
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgPushButton("OK") dlgAccept();
else dlgMessageBox("The BMP-File is to big to print complete on screen!", "OK");
if (schematic) {
schematic(S) {
script_path = filedir(S.name);
if (board) {
board(B) {
script_path = filedir(B.name);
if (library) {
library(L) {
script_path = filedir(L.name);
int check_max(void) {
if (X * xScale > vmax[unit] || Y * yScale > vmax[unit]) {
string e;
sprintf(e, "The Value of X (%.4f) or Y (%.4f) is grater then EAGLE maximum coordinate range %.4f %s", X * xScale, Y * yScale, vmax[unit], grid[unit]);
dlgMessageBox(e, "OK");
return 0;
return 1;
// ***************** main ****************
dlgMessageBox(usage, "OK");
void main(void) {
ratiologo = "
// bmpcolor[1] = "
// bmpcolor[4] = "
bmpcolor[8] = "
// bmps[0] = "
// bmps[1] = "
// bmps[2] = "
// bmps[3] = "
// bmps[4] = "
// bmps[5] = "
// bmps[6] = "
// bmps[7] = "
fileName = dlgFileOpen("Select a bmp file", "", "*.bmp");
if (fileName == "") exit (0);
run_info = "Import File : " + filename(fileName);
nBytes = fileread(c, fileName); // read file in array
// up to 31 bytes - not all used
if(c[0] != 'B') {
dlgMessageBox(fileName + ":\nis not a bmp file.\n\nist keine bmp-Datei.", "OK");
if(c[1] != 'M') {
dlgMessageBox(fileName + ":\nis not a bmp file.\n\nist keine bmp-Datei.", "OK");
if(c[21] > 0) {
dlgMessageBox(fileName + ":\nToo many pixels in x direction\n"
+ "\nAnzahl der Pixel in X zu gross\n", "OK");
exit (0);
if(c[25] > 0) {
dlgMessageBox(fileName + ":\nToo many pixels y direction\n"
+ "\nAnzahl der Pixel in Y zu gross\n", "OK");
exit (0);
// case 6 TO 9, 14 TO 17 not used
ColorBits = c[28]; // counter of ColorBits
if(ColorBits > 8) {
colors24(); // to many colors, break
AdrEnd = c[2] + c[3] * 256 + c[4] * 256 * 256 + c[5] * 256 * 256 * 256;
AdrStart = c[10]+ c[11] * 256 + c[12] * 256 * 256 + c[13] * 256 * 256 * 256;
X = c[18] + c[19] * 256 + c[20] * 65536 + c[21] * 256 * 256 * 256;
Y = c[22] + c[23] * 256 + c[24] * 65536 + c[25] * 256 * 256 * 256;
sprintf(xy, " X = %5d Pixel\n Y = %5d Pixel", X, Y);
length = AdrEnd - AdrStart; // BitMaP length
Byte4Group = length / Y / 4;
/*** 2007.03.30 Coral-Draw sets wrong address range in Byte upper Byte 18 (22 = $14) ***/
if (X > length || Y > length) {
dlgMessageBox("!BitMaP Format Error in Adress-Range (Byte 18+19+20 and 22+23+24) from:\n" + fileName +
"\n\nCheck this bytes or load the BMP-File in Windows Paint-Brush and save it.",
if(scan()) { // first scan used colors
colorscan = 1;
int d = 1;
while(d) {
dlgDialog("Info "+ fileName) {
dlgLabel(" ULP-Version " + Version);
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgVBoxLayout {
dlgGroup("File data") {
dlgLabel(xy, 1);
dlgLabel(ratiologo, 1);
dlgVBoxLayout {
dlgGroup("Format") {
dlgRadioButton("&DPI", scaled) { unit = 0; menuchange(); }
dlgRadioButton("&Scaled", scaled) {menuchange(); }
dlgRadioButton("&Aspect/Ratio m ", scaled) { menuchange(); }
dlgGroup("Unit") {
dlgRadioButton("&Inch", unit) { menuchange(); dlgRedisplay();}
dlgRadioButton("Mi&l", unit) { if ( scaled == 0) scaled = 1; menuchange(); }
dlgRadioButton("&MM", unit) { if ( scaled == 0) scaled = 1; menuchange(); }
dlgRadioButton("Mi&cron", unit) { if ( scaled == 0) scaled = 1; menuchange(); }
dlgPushButton("S&elected colors") selectMenue();
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgVBoxLayout {
dlgLabel(menulbl, 1);
dlgLabel(menuinfo, 1);
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgRealEdit(xScale, vmin[unit], vmax[unit]);
dlgLabel("Choose start layer for &1st selected color");
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgSpinBox(Layer, 1, 255);
dlgLabel(run_info, 1);
dlgHBoxLayout {
dlgPushButton("+OK") {
if (check_max()) { // check of maximum EAGLE coodinates
output(script_path + "bmp.scr", "wtD") {
d = 0;
dlgPushButton("-Cancel") exit(0);
dlgPushButton("show &BitMaP") showbmp();