#usage "en:Import a BitMaP image into an EAGLE drawing" "

" "This ULP generates a SCRIPT file that draws rectangles of successional pixels with identical color.
" "These rectangles serve as templates in order to draw the image with EAGLE commands like POLYGON, WIRE, CIRCLE, TEXT.
" "Please note: If the generated rectangles are smaller than the half of the resolution of the output device, " "(depending on the scale factor: screen: pixel, printer: diameter of the laser beam or ink jet dropplet), it is " "not possible to display the result. Therefore use the EAGLE commands mentioned above to reduce the number of " "elements (rectangles). Each element has to be drawn and calculated by the display device driver. The more elements " "the slower the display will be.
" "The ULP accepts BitMaP files with a maximum of 256 colors. You are allowed to select a maximum of 32 of them. " "[Scan used colors] detects the used number of colors in the image. You have to reduce them to a maximum of 32 " "in the following dialog.
" "In the final dialog you can scale the image. Either in Dots per Inch (DPI), Pixel in the units Inch, " "Mil, Millimeter, Micron, or as Aspect Ratio (the width of the image in pixels in X) in Inch, Mil, " "Millimeter, Micron. " "In the case of Aspect ratio, please keep in mind that there should not be pixels in a non-selected color on " "the left or right boarder of the image. Otherwise the resulting width of the image is not the same as the calculated one.
" "The start layer for the template is set to 200. Each of the maximum of 32 selected colors will use a separate layer, " "beginning with the start layer. So it is possible to have colored logos in the Schematic or Symbol Editor.
" "Reduce the number of colors of an image to two (black/white), if the logo shall be displayed monochrome in one of the copper " "layers. As soon as the image (logo) is drawn with the EAGLE commands (see above) you may delete the template with GROUP DELETE " "and a right mouse click. The layers can be removed with LAYER -number afterwards." "

" "Author: support@cadsoft.de" , "de:Importiert ein BitMaP-Bild als Vorlage in eine EAGLE-Zeichnung" "

" "Das ULP erzeugt eine SCRIPT-Datei, in der zusammenhängende gleichfarbige Pixel als Rechteck generiert werden.
" "Diese Rechtecke dienen als Vorlage, um das Bild mit EAGLE-Werkzeugen wie POLYGON, WIRE, CIRLE, TEXT zu definieren.
" "Bedenken Sie: Wenn die erzeugten Rechtecke kleiner sind als die Hälfte der Auflösung des Ausgabegerätes" "(je nach Skalierungsfaktor: Bildschirm-Pixel, Drucker-Laserstrahlbreite oder Düsendurchmesser), kann das Ergebnis " "nicht dargestellt werden. Definieren Sie deshalb feine Strukturen mit den oben erwähnten Werkzeugen, um die " "Anzahl der Elemente (Rechtecke) zu reduzieren. Jedes Element muss vom Grafikkartentreiber gezeichnet und " "berechnet werden. Bei sehr vielen Elementen wird die Anzeige entsprechend verlangsamt.
" "Es werden nur BitMaP-Dateien mit maximal 256 Farben akzeptiert. Davon kann man bis zu 32 Farben auswählen.
" "Mit [Scan used colors] können die benutzten Farben im Bild ermittelt werden. Im folgenden Menue muss man sie " "auf maximal 32 reduzieren.
" "Im abschliessenden Menue kann die Skalierung gewählt werden. Entweder Dots per Inch (DPI) oder Pixel in " "der Maßeinheit Inch, Mil, Millimeter, Micron oder Aspect Ratio (die Breite des Bildes Pixel in X) in Inch, " "Mil, Millimeter, Micron." "Bei Aspect ratio sollte darauf geachtet werden, dass im Bild links und rechts keine Pixel in einer " "nichtgewählten Farbe vorkommen. Ansonsten stimmt die Breite des Endergebnisses nicht mit der berechneten Breite überein.
" "Der Startlayer für die Vorlage ist der Layer 200. Für jede, der bis zu max. 32 gewählten Farben, wird ein neuer Layer, " "beginnend mit dem Sartlayer, angelegt. So kann ein Logo im Schaltplan (Symbol) auch farbig definiert werden.
" "Reduzieren Sie eine BitMaP auf 2 Farben (schwarz/weiss), wenn das Ergebnis in nur einer Farbe für einen Kupferlayer " "dargestellt werden soll. Ist das Bild (Logo) mit EAGLE-Werkzeugen (siehe oben) definiert, können mit GROUP DELETE und rechter " "Maustaste die 'Rechtecke' wieder gelöscht werden.
Die Layer selbst können dann mit LAYER -nummer entfernt werden." "

" "Author: support@cadsoft.de" // THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED AS IS AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED // 1.0.3 - 2006-05-11 *** corrected for 4 bit (16 colors) *** alf@cadsoft.de // only the first 4 of 16 colors was generated // set cselmax to maximal included colors of BitMaP // // 1.0.4 - 2007-03-30 --- Coral Draw sets wrong Byte Address Range, check length with address range. // // 1.0.5 - 2009-10-27 --- show colors by background color (table) not with Bit-MAP // 1.0.6 - 2010-05-20 --- showbmp() use Dialog to show complete image // Images now can 1280 pixels use // Check selected colors. // string Version = "1.0.6"; // 2009-10-27 color definition in 16 color BitMap (4 bit) string colorBox16[]; colorBox16[000] = "#000000"; // 0000 0036 colorBox16[001] = "#800000"; // 0004 003A colorBox16[002] = "#008000"; // 0008 003E colorBox16[003] = "#808000"; // 000C 0042 colorBox16[004] = "#000080"; // 0010 0046 colorBox16[005] = "#800080"; // 0014 004A colorBox16[006] = "#008080"; // 0018 004E colorBox16[007] = "#C0C0C0"; // 001C 0052 colorBox16[008] = "#808080"; // 03E0 0416 colorBox16[009] = "#FF0000"; // 03E4 041A colorBox16[010] = "#00FF00"; // 03E8 041E colorBox16[011] = "#FFFF00"; // 03EC 0422 colorBox16[012] = "#0000FF"; // 03F0 0426 colorBox16[013] = "#FF00FF"; // 03F4 042A colorBox16[014] = "#00FFFF"; // 03F8 042E colorBox16[015] = "#FFFFFF"; // 03FC 0432 string colorBox[]; // colors of 8 bit / 256 color bit maplist colorBox[000] = "#000000"; // 0000 0036 colorBox[001] = "#800000"; // 0004 003A colorBox[002] = "#008000"; // 0008 003E colorBox[003] = "#808000"; // 000C 0042 colorBox[004] = "#000080"; // 0010 0046 colorBox[005] = "#800080"; // 0014 004A colorBox[006] = "#008080"; // 0018 004E colorBox[007] = "#C0C0C0"; // 001C 0052 colorBox[008] = "#C0DCC0"; // 0020 0056 colorBox[009] = "#A6CAF0"; // 0024 005A colorBox[010] = "#402000"; // 0028 005E colorBox[011] = "#602000"; // 002C 0062 colorBox[012] = "#802000"; // 0030 0066 colorBox[013] = "#A02000"; // 0034 006A colorBox[014] = "#C02000"; // 0038 006E colorBox[015] = "#E02000"; // 003C 0072 colorBox[016] = "#004000"; // 0040 0076 colorBox[017] = "#204000"; // 0044 007A colorBox[018] = "#404000"; // 0048 007E colorBox[019] = "#604000"; // 004C 0082 colorBox[020] = "#804000"; // 0050 0086 colorBox[021] = "#A04000"; // 0054 008A colorBox[022] = "#C04000"; // 0058 008E colorBox[023] = "#E04000"; // 005C 0092 colorBox[024] = "#006000"; // 0060 0096 colorBox[025] = "#206000"; // 0064 009A colorBox[026] = "#406000"; // 0068 009E colorBox[027] = "#606000"; // 006C 00A2 colorBox[028] = "#806000"; // 0070 00A6 colorBox[029] = "#A06000"; // 0074 00AA colorBox[030] = "#C06000"; // 0078 00AE colorBox[031] = "#E06000"; // 007C 00B2 colorBox[032] = "#008000"; // 0080 00B6 colorBox[033] = "#208000"; // 0084 00BA colorBox[034] = "#408000"; // 0088 00BE colorBox[035] = "#608000"; // 008C 00C2 colorBox[036] = "#808000"; // 0090 00C6 colorBox[037] = "#A08000"; // 0094 00CA colorBox[038] = "#C08000"; // 0098 00CE colorBox[039] = "#E08000"; // 009C 00D2 colorBox[040] = "#00A000"; // 00A0 00D6 colorBox[041] = "#20A000"; // 00A4 00DA colorBox[042] = "#40A000"; // 00A8 00DE colorBox[043] = "#60A000"; // 00AC 00E2 colorBox[044] = "#80A000"; // 00B0 00E6 colorBox[045] = "#A0A000"; // 00B4 00EA colorBox[046] = "#C0A000"; // 00B8 00EE colorBox[047] = "#E0A000"; // 00BC 00F2 colorBox[048] = "#00C000"; // 00C0 00F6 colorBox[049] = "#20C000"; // 00C4 00FA colorBox[050] = "#40C000"; // 00C8 00FE colorBox[051] = "#60C000"; // 00CC 0102 colorBox[052] = "#80C000"; // 00D0 0106 colorBox[053] = "#A0C000"; // 00D4 010A colorBox[054] = "#C0C000"; // 00D8 010E colorBox[055] = "#E0C000"; // 00DC 0112 colorBox[056] = "#00E000"; // 00E0 0116 colorBox[057] = "#20E000"; // 00E4 011A colorBox[058] = "#40E000"; // 00E8 011E colorBox[059] = "#60E000"; // 00EC 0122 colorBox[060] = "#80E000"; // 00F0 0126 colorBox[061] = "#A0E000"; // 00F4 012A colorBox[062] = "#C0E000"; // 00F8 012E colorBox[063] = "#E0E000"; // 00FC 0132 colorBox[064] = "#000040"; // 0100 0136 colorBox[065] = "#200040"; // 0104 013A colorBox[066] = "#400040"; // 0108 013E colorBox[067] = "#600040"; // 010C 0142 colorBox[068] = "#800040"; // 0110 0146 colorBox[069] = "#A00040"; // 0114 014A colorBox[070] = "#C00040"; // 0118 014E colorBox[071] = "#E00040"; // 011C 0152 colorBox[072] = "#002040"; // 0120 0156 colorBox[073] = "#202040"; // 0124 015A colorBox[074] = "#402040"; // 0128 015E colorBox[075] = "#602040"; // 012C 0162 colorBox[076] = "#802040"; // 0130 0166 colorBox[077] = "#A02040"; // 0134 016A colorBox[078] = "#C02040"; // 0138 016E colorBox[079] = "#E02040"; // 013C 0172 colorBox[080] = "#004040"; // 0140 0176 colorBox[081] = "#204040"; // 0144 017A colorBox[082] = "#404040"; // 0148 017E colorBox[083] = "#604040"; // 014C 0182 colorBox[084] = "#804040"; // 0150 0186 colorBox[085] = "#A04040"; // 0154 018A colorBox[086] = "#C04040"; // 0158 018E colorBox[087] = "#E04040"; // 015C 0192 colorBox[088] = "#006040"; // 0160 0196 colorBox[089] = "#206040"; // 0164 019A colorBox[090] = "#406040"; // 0168 019E colorBox[091] = "#606040"; // 016C 01A2 colorBox[092] = "#806040"; // 0170 01A6 colorBox[093] = "#A06040"; // 0174 01AA colorBox[094] = "#C06040"; // 0178 01AE colorBox[095] = "#E06040"; // 017C 01B2 colorBox[096] = "#008040"; // 0180 01B6 colorBox[097] = "#208040"; // 0184 01BA colorBox[098] = "#408040"; // 0188 01BE colorBox[099] = "#608040"; // 018C 01C2 colorBox[100] = "#808040"; // 0190 01C6 colorBox[101] = "#A08040"; // 0194 01CA colorBox[102] = "#C08040"; // 0198 01CE colorBox[103] = "#E08040"; // 019C 01D2 colorBox[104] = "#00A040"; // 01A0 01D6 colorBox[105] = "#20A040"; // 01A4 01DA colorBox[106] = "#40A040"; // 01A8 01DE colorBox[107] = "#60A040"; // 01AC 01E2 colorBox[108] = "#80A040"; // 01B0 01E6 colorBox[109] = "#A0A040"; // 01B4 01EA colorBox[110] = "#C0A040"; // 01B8 01EE colorBox[111] = "#E0A040"; // 01BC 01F2 colorBox[112] = "#00C040"; // 01C0 01F6 colorBox[113] = "#20C040"; // 01C4 01FA colorBox[114] = "#40C040"; // 01C8 01FE colorBox[115] = "#60C040"; // 01CC 0202 colorBox[116] = "#80C040"; // 01D0 0206 colorBox[117] = "#A0C040"; // 01D4 020A colorBox[118] = "#C0C040"; // 01D8 020E colorBox[119] = "#E0C040"; // 01DC 0212 colorBox[120] = "#00E040"; // 01E0 0216 colorBox[121] = "#20E040"; // 01E4 021A colorBox[122] = "#40E040"; // 01E8 021E colorBox[123] = "#60E040"; // 01EC 0222 colorBox[124] = "#80E040"; // 01F0 0226 colorBox[125] = "#A0E040"; // 01F4 022A colorBox[126] = "#C0E040"; // 01F8 022E colorBox[127] = "#E0E040"; // 01FC 0232 colorBox[128] = "#000080"; // 0200 0236 colorBox[129] = "#200080"; // 0204 023A colorBox[130] = "#400080"; // 0208 023E colorBox[131] = "#600080"; // 020C 0242 colorBox[132] = "#800080"; // 0210 0246 colorBox[133] = "#A00080"; // 0214 024A colorBox[134] = "#C00080"; // 0218 024E colorBox[135] = "#E00080"; // 021C 0252 colorBox[136] = "#002080"; // 0220 0256 colorBox[137] = "#202080"; // 0224 025A colorBox[138] = "#402080"; // 0228 025E colorBox[139] = "#602080"; // 022C 0262 colorBox[140] = "#802080"; // 0230 0266 colorBox[141] = "#A02080"; // 0234 026A colorBox[142] = "#C02080"; // 0238 026E colorBox[143] = "#E02080"; // 023C 0272 colorBox[144] = "#004080"; // 0240 0276 colorBox[145] = "#204080"; // 0244 027A colorBox[146] = "#404080"; // 0248 027E colorBox[147] = "#604080"; // 024C 0282 colorBox[148] = "#804080"; // 0250 0286 colorBox[149] = "#A04080"; // 0254 028A colorBox[150] = "#C04080"; // 0258 028E colorBox[151] = "#E04080"; // 025C 0292 colorBox[152] = "#006080"; // 0260 0296 colorBox[153] = "#206080"; // 0264 029A colorBox[154] = "#406080"; // 0268 029E colorBox[155] = "#606080"; // 026C 02A2 colorBox[156] = "#806080"; // 0270 02A6 colorBox[157] = "#A06080"; // 0274 02AA colorBox[158] = "#C06080"; // 0278 02AE colorBox[159] = "#E06080"; // 027C 02B2 colorBox[160] = "#008080"; // 0280 02B6 colorBox[161] = "#208080"; // 0284 02BA colorBox[162] = "#408080"; // 0288 02BE colorBox[163] = "#608080"; // 028C 02C2 colorBox[164] = "#808080"; // 0290 02C6 colorBox[165] = "#A08080"; // 0294 02CA colorBox[166] = "#C08080"; // 0298 02CE colorBox[167] = "#E08080"; // 029C 02D2 colorBox[168] = "#00A080"; // 02A0 02D6 colorBox[169] = "#20A080"; // 02A4 02DA colorBox[170] = "#40A080"; // 02A8 02DE colorBox[171] = "#60A080"; // 02AC 02E2 colorBox[172] = "#80A080"; // 02B0 02E6 colorBox[173] = "#A0A080"; // 02B4 02EA colorBox[174] = "#C0A080"; // 02B8 02EE colorBox[175] = "#E0A080"; // 02BC 02F2 colorBox[176] = "#00C080"; // 02C0 02F6 colorBox[177] = "#20C080"; // 02C4 02FA colorBox[178] = "#40C080"; // 02C8 02FE colorBox[179] = "#60C080"; // 02CC 0302 colorBox[180] = "#80C080"; // 02D0 0306 colorBox[181] = "#A0C080"; // 02D4 030A colorBox[182] = "#C0C080"; // 02D8 030E colorBox[183] = "#E0C080"; // 02DC 0312 colorBox[184] = "#00E080"; // 02E0 0316 colorBox[185] = "#20E080"; // 02E4 031A colorBox[186] = "#40E080"; // 02E8 031E colorBox[187] = "#60E080"; // 02EC 0322 colorBox[188] = "#80E080"; // 02F0 0326 colorBox[189] = "#A0E080"; // 02F4 032A colorBox[190] = "#C0E080"; // 02F8 032E colorBox[191] = "#E0E080"; // 02FC 0332 colorBox[192] = "#0000C0"; // 0300 0336 colorBox[193] = "#2000C0"; // 0304 033A colorBox[194] = "#4000C0"; // 0308 033E colorBox[195] = "#6000C0"; // 030C 0342 colorBox[196] = "#8000C0"; // 0310 0346 colorBox[197] = "#A000C0"; // 0314 034A colorBox[198] = "#C000C0"; // 0318 034E colorBox[199] = "#E000C0"; // 031C 0352 colorBox[200] = "#0020C0"; // 0320 0356 colorBox[201] = "#2020C0"; // 0324 035A colorBox[202] = "#4020C0"; // 0328 035E colorBox[203] = "#6020C0"; // 032C 0362 colorBox[204] = "#8020C0"; // 0330 0366 colorBox[205] = "#A020C0"; // 0334 036A colorBox[206] = "#C020C0"; // 0338 036E colorBox[207] = "#E020C0"; // 033C 0372 colorBox[208] = "#0040C0"; // 0340 0376 colorBox[209] = "#2040C0"; // 0344 037A colorBox[210] = "#4040C0"; // 0348 037E colorBox[211] = "#6040C0"; // 034C 0382 colorBox[212] = "#8040C0"; // 0350 0386 colorBox[213] = "#A040C0"; // 0354 038A colorBox[214] = "#C040C0"; // 0358 038E colorBox[215] = "#E040C0"; // 035C 0392 colorBox[216] = "#0060C0"; // 0360 0396 colorBox[217] = "#2060C0"; // 0364 039A colorBox[218] = "#4060C0"; // 0368 039E colorBox[219] = "#6060C0"; // 036C 03A2 colorBox[220] = "#8060C0"; // 0370 03A6 colorBox[221] = "#A060C0"; // 0374 03AA colorBox[222] = "#C060C0"; // 0378 03AE colorBox[223] = "#E060C0"; // 037C 03B2 colorBox[224] = "#0080C0"; // 0380 03B6 colorBox[225] = "#2080C0"; // 0384 03BA colorBox[226] = "#4080C0"; // 0388 03BE colorBox[227] = "#6080C0"; // 038C 03C2 colorBox[228] = "#8080C0"; // 0390 03C6 colorBox[229] = "#A080C0"; // 0394 03CA colorBox[230] = "#C080C0"; // 0398 03CE colorBox[231] = "#E080C0"; // 039C 03D2 colorBox[232] = "#00A0C0"; // 03A0 03D6 colorBox[233] = "#20A0C0"; // 03A4 03DA colorBox[234] = "#40A0C0"; // 03A8 03DE colorBox[235] = "#60A0C0"; // 03AC 03E2 colorBox[236] = "#80A0C0"; // 03B0 03E6 colorBox[237] = "#A0A0C0"; // 03B4 03EA colorBox[238] = "#C0A0C0"; // 03B8 03EE colorBox[239] = "#E0A0C0"; // 03BC 03F2 colorBox[240] = "#00C0C0"; // 03C0 03F6 colorBox[241] = "#20C0C0"; // 03C4 03FA colorBox[242] = "#40C0C0"; // 03C8 03FE colorBox[243] = "#60C0C0"; // 03CC 0402 colorBox[244] = "#80C0C0"; // 03D0 0406 colorBox[245] = "#A0C0C0"; // 03D4 040A colorBox[246] = "#FFFBF0"; // 03D8 040E colorBox[247] = "#A0A0A4"; // 03DC 0412 colorBox[248] = "#808080"; // 03E0 0416 colorBox[249] = "#FF0000"; // 03E4 041A colorBox[250] = "#00FF00"; // 03E8 041E colorBox[251] = "#FFFF00"; // 03EC 0422 colorBox[252] = "#0000FF"; // 03F0 0426 colorBox[253] = "#FF00FF"; // 03F4 042A colorBox[254] = "#00FFFF"; // 03F8 042E colorBox[255] = "#FFFFFF"; // 03FC 0432 string script_path; string bmpcolor[]; string bmps[]; string run_info = " "; string fileName; int nBytes = 0; // count bytes of file (fileName) int ColorBits = 0; // used bits for color int AdrStart, AdrEnd = 0; // Start & End of BITMAP-Data int length = 0; // length of bmp-Data int Byte4Group = 0; // bmp-Data organized as 4-byte groups int Layer = 200; // 1st used layer real xScale = 1; // scale x real yScale = 1; // scale y int X = 0; // count pixels x int Y = 0; // count pixels y string xy = ""; int colorscan = 0; // flag for color scanning int cselmax = 32; // max 32 colors selectable int Result = 0; real Offset = .5; // offset Wire width int mBit[]; // bit line for operating string grid[] = { "INCH", // grid units "MIL", "MM", "MIC" }; int unit = 1; // default unit = mil int scaled = 1; // flag for DPI Scale Ratio real vmin[] = { 0.00001, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.1 }; real vmax[] = { 30.0, 3000.0, 800.0, 800000.0 } ; string Grid = grid[unit]; // default grid // get parameter PDI, Scale, Aspect Ratio, mic, mm, mil INCH ... string menuedlg[] = { "Dots Per INCH", "Scale factor for a pixel", "Aspect/Ratio m" } ; string menuval0[] = { "&Value between 1 and 10000 dots", "&Value between 0.01 and 30.0 Inch", "&Value between 0.01 and 30.0 Inch" }; string menuval1[] = { "&Value between 1 and 10000 dots", "&Value between 0.001 and 3000.0 mil", "&Value between 0.001 and 3000.0 mil" }; string menuval2[] = { "&Value between 1 and 10000 dots", "&Value between 0.0001 and 800.0 mm", "&Value between 0.0001 and 800.0 mm" }; string menuval3[] = { "&Value between 1 and 10000 dots", "&Value between 0.1 and 800000.0 micron", "&Value between 0.1 and 800000.0 micron" }; string menulbl = menuedlg[1]; string menuinfo = menuval1[1]; string ratiologo ; // table of used colors in BitMaP int colorUsed[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; int colorSelect[] ; char c[]; // the file as Byte-Array // set / clear all colorUsed flags void setall(int set) { for(int n = 0; n < pow(2, ColorBits); n++) { colorUsed[n] = set; } return; } void ScriptLine(int Line) { // *** corrected for 4 bit (16 colors) *** 2006.05.11 alf@cadsoft.de for(int cs = 0; cs < cselmax; cs++) { // extract max 32 colors sprintf(run_info, "%d Line %d Color #%d ", Y, Line, cs); dlgRedisplay(); if(colorSelect[cs] > -1) { // -1 color not used int lineColor = colorSelect[cs]; // extraction color int line = 0; printf("change layer %d;\n", Layer + cs); for(int z = 0; z < X; z++) { if(mBit[z] == lineColor) { // if color used if(line == 0) { // start of line in script (rectangle) printf("RECT (%.4f ", (z - Offset) * xScale); printf("%.5f)", (Line - Offset) * yScale); line = 1; } } else { if(line == 1) { printf( "(%.4f ", (z - Offset) * xScale); // end of line in script (rectangle) printf( "%.5f);\n", (Line + Offset) * yScale); line = 0; } } } if(line == 1) { printf( "(%.4f ", (z - Offset) * xScale); // end of line in script(rectangle) printf( "%.5f);\n", (Line + Offset) * yScale); line = 0; } } } return; } // Generate Script from BitMaP void GenScript(void) { int xByte = 4 * Byte4Group; // organised by groups of 4 bytes int bmpBits; for(int yRead = 0; yRead < Y; yRead++) { // counter for lines / Y for(int xRead = 0; xRead < xByte; xRead ++) { bmpBits = c[AdrStart + yRead * xByte + xRead]; switch (ColorBits) { case 1 : for(int bitcnt = 7; bitcnt > -1; bitcnt--) { mBit[(xRead * 8) + (7 - bitcnt)] = bmpBits; mBit[(xRead * 8) + (7 - bitcnt)] >>= bitcnt; mBit[(xRead * 8) + (7 - bitcnt)] &= 0X1; } break; case 4 : mBit[xRead * 2 ] = bmpBits; mBit[xRead * 2 + 1] = bmpBits; mBit[xRead * 2 ] >>= 4; mBit[xRead * 2 + 1] &= 0x0f; break; case 8 : mBit[xRead] = bmpBits; break; } } if(colorscan) { for(int z = 0; z < X; z++) { colorUsed[mBit[z]]++; // set flag for used color } } else { ScriptLine(yRead); // generate Eagle Script line } } return; } // bmp file info string bmpDaten(void) { // diagnostics string st = ""; string cmd = ""; printf( "BitMaP Start \t = %d\n", AdrStart); cmd = st; printf( "BitMaP End \t = %d\n", AdrEnd); cmd += st; printf( "BitMaP length \t = %d\n", length); cmd += st; printf( "high / pixel - Y \t = %d\n", Y); cmd += st; printf( "wide / pixel - X \t = %d\n", X); cmd += st; printf( "4-Byte Group(s) \t = %d\n", Byte4Group); cmd += st; printf( "Bits / Color \t = %d (Colors %.0f)\n", ColorBits, pow(2, ColorBits)); cmd += st; printf( "File length \t = %d\n", nBytes); cmd += st; return cmd; } // Select menu for 2 color BitMaP void Cselect2(void) { Result = dlgDialog("Select used colors in " + fileName) { // 2009-10-27 dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(1); dlgGridLayout { dlgCell(1, 1) dlgCheckBox("", colorUsed[0]); dlgCell(2, 1) dlgLabel("
"); dlgCell(1, 2) dlgCheckBox("", colorUsed[1]); dlgCell(2, 2) dlgLabel("
"); } dlgStretch(1); } dlgStretch(0); dlgSpacing(20); dlgLabel(" Select up to 2 colors "); dlgStretch(0); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("&Set all") setall(1); dlgPushButton("&Clear all") setall(0); } dlgStretch(1); }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); return; } // Select menu for 16 color BitMaP void Cselect16(void) { Result = dlgDialog("Select used colors" + fileName) { dlgStretch(0); // 2009-10-27 dlgGridLayout { for (int colum = 0 ; colum < 16; colum++) { dlgCell(1, colum) dlgCheckBox("", colorUsed[colum]); string s; sprintf(s, "
", colorBox16[colum]); dlgCell(2, colum) dlgLabel(s); } } dlgStretch(0); dlgSpacing(20); dlgLabel(" Select up to 16 colors "); dlgStretch(0); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("&set all") { setall(1); dlgRedisplay();} dlgPushButton("&clear all") { setall(0); dlgRedisplay();} } dlgStretch(1); }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); return; } // Select menu for 256 color BitMaP void Cselect256(void) { Result = dlgDialog("Select used colors " + fileName) { // 2009-10-27 dlgGridLayout { for (int row = 0 ; row < 16; row++) { for (int colum = 0 ; colum < 16; colum++) { dlgCell(2*row, colum) dlgCheckBox("", colorUsed[row * 16 + colum]); string s; sprintf(s, "
", colorBox[row*16+colum]); dlgCell(2*row + 1, colum) dlgLabel(s); } } } dlgVBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgSpacing(20); string hc; sprintf( hc, " Select up to %d colors ", cselmax); dlgLabel(hc); dlgStretch(0); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("&set all") setall(1); dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton("&clear all") setall(0); dlgStretch(0); } dlgStretch(1); } dlgStretch(1); }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); return; } // select colors int selectColors(void) { switch (ColorBits) { case 1 : cselmax = 2; // 2006.05.11 set max color for 2 colors Cselect2(); break; case 4 : cselmax = 16; // 2006.05.11 set max color for 16 colors Cselect16(); break; case 8 : Cselect256(); break; } for(int n = 0; n < cselmax; n++) { colorSelect[n] = -1; // reset selected colors } int cs; for(int s = 0; s < 256; s++) { if(colorUsed[s]) { colorSelect[cs] = s; cs++; } } return cs; } // select colors by scan array void selectMenue() { int cs; do { cs = selectColors(); string hx; if (cs > cselmax) { sprintf( hx, "Do not use more than %d colors!", cselmax); dlgMessageBox(hx, "OK"); } if (cs < 1) { sprintf( hx, "No colors selected!"); // 2010-05-20 alf@cadsoft.de dlgMessageBox(hx, "OK"); } } while (cs > cselmax || cs == 0); return; } // header from Script, define Layer void scriptheader(void) { printf("# generated with %s %s\n", argv[0], Version); printf("# from %s\n", fileName); printf("Grid %s %.6f ON;\n", Grid, xScale); for(int cs = 0; cs < cselmax; cs++) { // max 32 color extract if(colorSelect[cs] > -1) { if(Layer + cs > 99){ // user defined layer printf( "LAYER %d %dbmp;\n", Layer + cs, Layer + cs); printf( "SET FILL_LAYER %d 10;\n", Layer + cs); printf( "SET COLOR_LAYER %d %d;\n", Layer + cs, cs + 1); } } } printf( "CHANGE LAYER %d;\n", Layer); printf("SET UNDO_LOG OFF;\n"); return; } // get flag for scan colors int scan(void) { if (ColorBits == 1) return 0; return (dlgDialog(filename(argv[0])) { string st; sprintf(st, "%s:

is a %.0f color BitMAP : ist eine %.0f-Farben-BitMAP", fileName, pow(2, ColorBits), pow(2, ColorBits) ); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgVBoxLayout { dlgGroup("Info") { dlgLabel(st); if (ColorBits == 4) { dlgGridLayout { for (int colum = 0 ; colum < 16; colum++) { string s; sprintf(s, "
", colorBox16[colum]); dlgCell(1, colum) dlgLabel(s); } } } else dlgLabel(bmpcolor[ColorBits]); } dlgLabel(" ULP-Version " + Version); dlgGroup("") { dlgStretch(1); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("+Scan used colors") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("-No scan") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("Cancel") { dlgReject(); exit(0); } } dlgStretch(0); } dlgStretch(1); } dlgStretch(1); } dlgStretch(1); } ); } void colors24(void) { string st = "bmp file contains more than 256 colors, reduce colors before use.\n\n" + "Die benutzte Anzahl der Farben in der bmp-Datei ist groesser 256.\n" + "Verringern Sie zuerst die Anzahl der Farben in der bmp-Datei.\n\n"; dlgMessageBox(st, "&OK"); return; } void menuchange(void) { menulbl = menuedlg[scaled]; switch (scaled) { case 0 : ratiologo = ""; break; case 1 : ratiologo = ""; break; case 2 : ratiologo = ""; break; } switch (unit) { case 0 : menuinfo = menuval0[scaled]; break; case 1 : menuinfo = menuval1[scaled]; break; case 2 : menuinfo = menuval2[scaled]; break; case 3 : menuinfo = menuval3[scaled]; break; } return ; } //--------------------------------- void set_scale(void) { switch(scaled) { case 0 : Grid = grid[0]; yScale = 1 / xScale; // Dots Per Inch xScale = yScale; break; case 1 : Grid = Grid = grid[unit]; yScale = xScale; break; case 2 : Grid = Grid = grid[unit]; yScale = xScale / X; // Aspect Ratio = Width / Pixel X xScale = yScale; break; } return; } void imp_bmp(void) { colorscan = 0; // reset scanning mode menuinfo = "Dot scale"; scriptheader(); GenScript(); // generate script string printf("SET UNDO_LOG ON;\n"); printf("WINDOW FIT;\n"); printf( "Change Size %.4f;\n", yScale * 2); printf("CHANGE FONT VECTOR;\n"); printf( "TEXT '" + fileName + "' (0 %.4f);\n", -5 * yScale ); return; } void runscript(void) { string script; int s = fileread(script, script_path + "bmp.scr"); Result = dlgDialog("Accept Script?") { dlgHBoxLayout dlgSpacing(300); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgVBoxLayout dlgSpacing(300); dlgTextEdit(script); } dlgLabel(" ULP-Version " + Version); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton("+Run script") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(0); } }; if (Result == 1) exit ("script '" + script_path + "bmp.scr'"); else exit (0); } void showbmp() { if ( X <= 1280 && Y <= 1280) { dlgDialog("File:'" + fileName + "'") { dlgLabel(""); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("OK") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(1); } }; } else dlgMessageBox("The BMP-File is to big to print complete on screen!", "OK"); return; } if (schematic) { schematic(S) { script_path = filedir(S.name); } } if (board) { board(B) { script_path = filedir(B.name); } } if (library) { library(L) { script_path = filedir(L.name); } } int check_max(void) { if (X * xScale > vmax[unit] || Y * yScale > vmax[unit]) { string e; sprintf(e, "The Value of X (%.4f) or Y (%.4f) is grater then EAGLE maximum coordinate range %.4f %s", X * xScale, Y * yScale, vmax[unit], grid[unit]); dlgMessageBox(e, "OK"); return 0; } return 1; } // ***************** main **************** dlgMessageBox(usage, "OK"); void main(void) { ratiologo = ""; // bmpcolor[1] = ""; // bmpcolor[4] = ""; bmpcolor[8] = ""; // bmps[0] = ""; // bmps[1] = ""; // bmps[2] = ""; // bmps[3] = "", // bmps[4] = ""; // bmps[5] = ""; // bmps[6] = ""; // bmps[7] = ""; fileName = dlgFileOpen("Select a bmp file", "", "*.bmp"); if (fileName == "") exit (0); run_info = "Import File : " + filename(fileName); nBytes = fileread(c, fileName); // read file in array // up to 31 bytes - not all used if(c[0] != 'B') { dlgMessageBox(fileName + ":\nis not a bmp file.\n\nist keine bmp-Datei.", "OK"); exit(0); } if(c[1] != 'M') { dlgMessageBox(fileName + ":\nis not a bmp file.\n\nist keine bmp-Datei.", "OK"); exit(0); } if(c[21] > 0) { dlgMessageBox(fileName + ":\nToo many pixels in x direction\n" + "\nAnzahl der Pixel in X zu gross\n", "OK"); exit (0); } if(c[25] > 0) { dlgMessageBox(fileName + ":\nToo many pixels y direction\n" + "\nAnzahl der Pixel in Y zu gross\n", "OK"); exit (0); } // case 6 TO 9, 14 TO 17 not used ColorBits = c[28]; // counter of ColorBits if(ColorBits > 8) { colors24(); // to many colors, break exit(0); } AdrEnd = c[2] + c[3] * 256 + c[4] * 256 * 256 + c[5] * 256 * 256 * 256; AdrStart = c[10]+ c[11] * 256 + c[12] * 256 * 256 + c[13] * 256 * 256 * 256; X = c[18] + c[19] * 256 + c[20] * 65536 + c[21] * 256 * 256 * 256; Y = c[22] + c[23] * 256 + c[24] * 65536 + c[25] * 256 * 256 * 256; sprintf(xy, " X = %5d Pixel\n Y = %5d Pixel", X, Y); length = AdrEnd - AdrStart; // BitMaP length Byte4Group = length / Y / 4; /*** 2007.03.30 Coral-Draw sets wrong address range in Byte upper Byte 18 (22 = $14) ***/ if (X > length || Y > length) { dlgMessageBox("!BitMaP Format Error in Adress-Range (Byte 18+19+20 and 22+23+24) from:\n" + fileName + "\n\nCheck this bytes or load the BMP-File in Windows Paint-Brush and save it.", "OK"); exit(-1); } if(scan()) { // first scan used colors colorscan = 1; GenScript(); } selectMenue(); //--------------------------------- int d = 1; while(d) { dlgDialog("Info "+ fileName) { dlgLabel(" ULP-Version " + Version); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgVBoxLayout { dlgGroup("File data") { dlgLabel(xy, 1); } dlgLabel(ratiologo, 1); dlgStretch(1); } dlgVBoxLayout { dlgGroup("Format") { dlgRadioButton("&DPI", scaled) { unit = 0; menuchange(); } dlgRadioButton("&Scaled", scaled) {menuchange(); } dlgRadioButton("&Aspect/Ratio m ", scaled) { menuchange(); } } dlgGroup("Unit") { dlgRadioButton("&Inch", unit) { menuchange(); dlgRedisplay();} dlgRadioButton("Mi&l", unit) { if ( scaled == 0) scaled = 1; menuchange(); } dlgRadioButton("&MM", unit) { if ( scaled == 0) scaled = 1; menuchange(); } dlgRadioButton("Mi&cron", unit) { if ( scaled == 0) scaled = 1; menuchange(); } } dlgPushButton("S&elected colors") selectMenue(); dlgStretch(1); } } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgVBoxLayout { dlgLabel(menulbl, 1); dlgLabel(menuinfo, 1); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgRealEdit(xScale, vmin[unit], vmax[unit]); dlgSpacing(100); } dlgSpacing(10); dlgLabel("Choose start layer for &1st selected color"); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgSpinBox(Layer, 1, 255); dlgSpacing(100); } } dlgStretch(1); } dlgStretch(1); dlgLabel(run_info, 1); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("+OK") { set_scale(); if (check_max()) { // check of maximum EAGLE coodinates dlgAccept(); output(script_path + "bmp.scr", "wtD") { d = 0; imp_bmp(); } runscript(); } } dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") exit(0); dlgPushButton("show &BitMaP") showbmp(); } }; } }