#usage "nobr>Exports the board to HyperLynx Signal-Integrity Transfer Format (.HYP)

" "* HyprLynx.ULP Written by Frank Hoffman of LLOYD I/O INC
" "* Copyright (c) 1997, All Rights Reserved by LLOYD I/O INC
" "Author 503/222-0702 frankh@lloydio.com www.lloydio.com" "

" "* 1 sided boards use layer 16
" "* 2 sided boards use layers 1 and 16
" "* 4 layer boards use layers 1,2 and 15, 16
" "* 6 layer boards use layers 1,2,3 and 14,15,16
" "* 8 layer boards use layers 1,2,3,4 and 13,14,15,16
" "* 10 layer boards use layers 1,2,3,4,5 and 12,13,14,15,16
" "* 12 layer boards use layers 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 11,12,13,14,15,16
" "* 14 layer boards use layers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 10,11,12,13,14,15,16
" "* 16 layer boards use layers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16
" "*
" "* Adapted for Eagle-Version 4.1
" "* - Unrouted layer not exported
" "* - Export also Wire-Arcs
" "* - SMD shape Roundnes is included
" "* - PAD shape LONG OFFSET (Oblong) is included
" "* - PAD accept Top, Bottom and Inner (MDEF) layer
" "* - VIA generate only used layer in stack
" "* 02.04.2004 alf@cadsoft.de
" "* - W.curve correction in C.element.package.wires(W)
" "* 21.04.2005 alf@cadsoft.de
" "* - {PADSTACK=...%03d correct number while count from 1
" "* 17.08.2005 alf@cadsoft.de
" "* - First check filling of polygons and start Ratsnest
" "* Export calculated polygon contours and filling
" "* 11.03.2012 alf@cadsoft.de
" "* - Check if polygon placed
" "* 17.12.2012 alf@cadsoft.de
" "* - Use layer names instead of numbers for padstack
" "* 15.12.2015 support@cadsoft.de
" "*
"; // Version 4.11 : W.curve correction in C.element.package.wires(W) 21.04.2005 // Version 4.12 : Correct Padstack number while list from 0 (zerro) 03.05.2005 // The original ULP counts the PADSTACK-List from 1 (+1), // the used Pads counts from 0 ! *** 03.05.2005 // Version 4.13 : Correct Padstack counter in for { loop } *** 11.08.2005 // Check if a SMD-Pad dx=0 or dy=0 then aborted this ULP RUN. // Version 4.14 : Correct Padstack counter in all function, count now from 1 to total_pad // eliminate correction of 4.12 from 03.05.2005 // Version 4.15 : First check filling of polygons and start Ratsnest // Export calulated polygon contours and filling // Version 4.16 : Check if a polygon placed to start first RATSNEST // Version 4.17 : Uses layer names instead of layer numbers string Version = "Version 2.00 9/11/97 -- 4.17 15/12/2015"; string headerline = "* Exports the board to HyperLynx Signal-Integrity Transfer Format (.HYP)"; //*********************************************** // Definitions of yes and no! Do not modify! char yes = 1; // yes must be different from no. char no = 0; // no must be zero (0) //******************************************************************************************** //******************************************************************************************** //******************************************************************************************** // USER MODIFYABLE DATA // Generate Files Options: char GenerateReferenceFile = yes; // Generate the Reference File ('yes'/'no') char GenerateHyperlynxFile = yes; // Generate the Hyperlynx File ('yes'/'no') // Generate Component Types Options: char UseComponentTypes = yes; // Devices Q, T, U, IC, C, D, L, R, BD, etc. ('yes'/'no') // Generate Component Pin Direction Options: char GeneratePinDirection = no; // If 'yes', slows down many many times. // Component Value Change Options: char TruncateComponentValues = no; // Truncate ".1uf 50v" to ".1uf" ('yes'/'no') char ConvertCapValues = yes; // Convert Capacitor Values. i.e. change ".1" to ".1u" ('yes'/'no') string ConvertLT1to = "uF"; // values less than 1 are labeled as this unit string ConvertGE1to = "uF"; // convert greater than or equal to 1 are labeled as this unit // Board Thickness AND Stack Up Options: char UseBoardStackUp = yes; // Use board thickness data ('yes'/'no') real board_thickness = 0.0625; // Board Thickness, if 0: use fixed layer sizes else calc layer thicknesses // Copper Value Options: real zerooz = 0.0000; // zero copper thickness real halfoz = 0.0007; // 0.5 oz copper thickness real oneoz = 0.0014; // 1.0 oz copper thickness real twooz = 0.0028; // 2.0 oz copper thickness // Copper Layer Thickness for Each Layer of Copper real copper_thickness[] = {0.0, halfoz,halfoz,halfoz,halfoz,halfoz,halfoz, halfoz,halfoz,halfoz,halfoz,halfoz,halfoz, halfoz,halfoz,halfoz,halfoz}; // 1st number is not used (no layer 0) // Copper Layer Plating Thickness for Each Layer of Copper. // Top and Bottom are used most often. real copper_plating[] = {0.0, halfoz,zerooz,zerooz,zerooz,zerooz,zerooz, zerooz,zerooz,zerooz,zerooz,zerooz,zerooz, zerooz,zerooz,zerooz,halfoz}; // 1st number is not used (no layer 0) // Dielectric Value Options: real dicons = 4.8; // default dielectric constant real dit1ly = 0.0611; // dielectric thickness for 1 sided board real dit2ly = 0.0597; // dielectric thickness for 2 sided board real ditmly = 0.0200; // dielectric thickness for multilayered boards real dielectric_constant[] = { dicons,dicons,dicons,dicons,dicons,dicons,dicons,dicons,dicons}; real dielectric_thickness[] = { dit1ly,dit2ly,ditmly,ditmly,ditmly,ditmly,ditmly,ditmly,ditmly}; // Special Wire Width Options: real RectOutlineWireWidth = 0.001; // Rectangle outline wire width in inches real HoleOutlineWireWidth = 0.001; // Holes outline wire width in inches // Precision of board components to accurately draw and locate. // (After the decimal '.' point.) int precision_of_perimeter = 4; // board perimeter dimension precision int precision_of_layers = 5; // layer thickness precision int precision_of_pads = 3; // pad/smd size precision int precision_of_nets = 4; // pin/via/segment/width precision //******************************************************************************************** //******************************************************************************************** //******************************************************************************************** // DO NOT MODIFY ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE // int index[]; // sorting index array (indirect) // pad info int ISAPAD = 0; // through hole pad int ISASMD = 1; // surface mount device pad int ISAVIA = 18; // // *** HyperLynx pad shapes *** int OVALROUND = 0; // '0' means oval or round (pad_sx=pad_sy if round) int RECTSQUARE = 1; // '1' means rectangular or square (pad_sx=pad_sy if square) int OBLONG = 2; // '2' means oblong (oblong shape is a rectangular with rounded corners) string PadShapes[]; // list of hyp's pad shapes string HypPadShapes[]; // list of hyp's pad shapes string EaglePadShapes[]; // list of eagle pad shapes int Total_Pads = 0; // total pads int pad_type[]; // pad types (ISAPAD,ISASMD) int pad_layer[]; // 0 = Pad, 1 or 16 = SMD, 18 = Via int pad_shape_Top_rnds[]; // hyperlynx type OVALROUND, RECTSQUARE, OBLONG int pad_shape_Inner[]; // hyperlynx type OVALROUND, RECTSQUARE, OBLONG int pad_shape_Bott[]; // hyperlynx type OVALROUND, RECTSQUARE, OBLONG real pad_angle_end[]; // Pad rotation or Via End layer (Vias can not rotate!) int pad_diameter_Top_or_dx[]; int pad_diameter_Inner[]; int pad_diameter_Bott[]; int pad_dy_elong_start[]; // SMD-dy, Pad-Elongation, Via Stack-Start int pad_drill[]; string padStackList = "#\ttype\tlayer\tTop_rnd\tInner\tBott\tang_end\tdx_T\tdx_I\tdx_B\tdy_el\tdril\n"; // copper layer info string LayerNames[]; // layer names int copp_lookup[] = {0, 1,16, 2,15, 3,14, 4,13, 5,12, 6,11, 7,10, 8,9 }; int copp_used_layer[]; int Total_Layers; // total number of used layers int layer_counter; // layer counter real Total_Board_Thickness; // calculated total board thickness /* ----- Eagle HELP -------------------------------- PAD_SHAPE_SQUARE square PAD_SHAPE_ROUND round PAD_SHAPE_OCTAGON octagon PAD_SHAPE_LONG long PAD_SHAPE_OFFSET offset PAD_SHAPE_ANNULUS annulus (only in Supply-Layer) PAD_SHAPE_THERMAL thermal (only in Supply-Layer) -------------------------------------------------- */ // define the HyperLynx Pad Shapes PadShapes[ PAD_SHAPE_SQUARE ] = "1"; // hyp's square and rectangle shape HypPadShapes[ PAD_SHAPE_SQUARE ] = "Square"; // HyperLynx's square and rectangle shape EaglePadShapes[ PAD_SHAPE_SQUARE ] = "Square"; // Eagle's square and rectangle shape PadShapes[ PAD_SHAPE_ROUND ] = "0"; // hyp's round and oval shape HypPadShapes[ PAD_SHAPE_ROUND ] = "Round"; // HyperLynx's round and oval shape EaglePadShapes[ PAD_SHAPE_ROUND ] = "Round"; // Eagle's round and oval shape PadShapes[ PAD_SHAPE_OCTAGON ] = "0"; // hyp's octagon is a round shape HypPadShapes[ PAD_SHAPE_OCTAGON ] = "Round"; // HyperLynx's octagon is a round shape EaglePadShapes[ PAD_SHAPE_OCTAGON ] = "Octagon"; // Eagle's octagon is a round shape PadShapes[ PAD_SHAPE_LONG ] = "2"; // hyp's oblong, rectangle with rounded corners HypPadShapes[ PAD_SHAPE_LONG ] = "Oblong"; // HyperLynx's oblong, rectangle with rounded corners EaglePadShapes[ PAD_SHAPE_LONG ] = "Long"; // Eagle's oblong, rectangle with rounded corners PadShapes[ PAD_SHAPE_OFFSET ] = "0"; // hyp's round and oval shape HypPadShapes[ PAD_SHAPE_OFFSET ] = "Round"; // HyperLynx's oblong, rectangle with rounded corners EaglePadShapes[ PAD_SHAPE_OFFSET ] = "Offset"; // Eagle's (Long) Offset, rectangle with rounded corners // *************************************************************************** // layers // This routine counts visible layers and stores the name in an internal table // Layer names beginning with '$' have the leading '$' striped. // This routine is called from a loop void CountLayers(UL_LAYER L) { if ( ( L.number >= 1 ) && ( L.number <= 16 ) ) { if ( strchr( L.name, '$' ) == 0 ) { LayerNames[L.number] = strsub( L.name, 1 ); } else { LayerNames[L.number] = L.name; } if (L.visible) { layer_counter++; if (L.used) copp_used_layer[L.number] = 1; } } } // This routine writes out the layer names as signal layers or power planes // It also writes out the dielectric layer info when needed // This routine is called from a loop string layernam; // layer name buffer void PrintLayer(UL_LAYER L) { real diele_thickness; // calculated dielectric thickness real copp_thickness; // calculated total copper thickness int i; // loop counter if (L.visible) { if ( L.number >= 1 && L.number <= 16 ) { if ( strchr( L.name, '$' ) == 0 ) { // ** is it a Power plane? layernam = strsub( L.name, 1 ); printf("(PLANE T=%6.*f L=%s)\n", precision_of_layers, copper_thickness[L.number], layernam); } else { printf("(SIGNAL T=%6.*f P=%6.*f L=%s)\n", precision_of_layers, copper_thickness[L.number], precision_of_layers, copper_plating[L.number], L.name); } layer_counter++; if (board_thickness) { Total_Board_Thickness = board_thickness; copp_thickness = 0.0; for (int i = 1; i <= Total_Layers; i++ ) { copp_thickness += copper_thickness[copp_lookup[i]] + copper_plating[copp_lookup[i]]; } if (Total_Layers <= 2 ) diele_thickness = ( board_thickness - copp_thickness ); else diele_thickness = ( board_thickness - copp_thickness ) / ( real(Total_Layers) - 1.00 ); } else { diele_thickness = dielectric_thickness[Total_Layers/2]; copp_thickness = 0.0; for (int i = 1; i <= Total_Layers; i++ ) { copp_thickness += copper_thickness[copp_lookup[i]] + copper_plating[copp_lookup[i]]; } if (Total_Layers <= 2 ) Total_Board_Thickness = copp_thickness + diele_thickness; else Total_Board_Thickness = copp_thickness + (diele_thickness * ( real(Total_Layers) - 1.00 )); } if (layer_counter < Total_Layers) { printf("(DIELECTRIC T=%6.*f C=%4.*f ", precision_of_layers,diele_thickness, precision_of_layers,dielectric_constant[Total_Layers/2]); printf("L=DL%02d)\n",layer_counter); } if (Total_Layers == 1) { printf("(DIELECTRIC T=%6.*f C=%4.*f ", precision_of_layers,diele_thickness, precision_of_layers,dielectric_constant[Total_Layers/2]); printf("L=DL%02d)\n",layer_counter); } } } } // *************************************************************************** // pads int search_A_Pad( int apad_type, int apad_layer, int apad_shape_Top_rnds, int apad_shape_Inner, int apad_shape_Bott, real apad_angle_end, int apad_dx_Top, int apad_dx_Inner, int apad_dx_Bott, int apad_dy_elong_start, int apad_dril ) { int found = 0; for ( int i = 1; i <= Total_Pads; i++ ) { if ( pad_type[i] == apad_type && pad_layer[i] == apad_layer && pad_shape_Top_rnds[i] == apad_shape_Top_rnds && pad_shape_Inner[i] == apad_shape_Inner && pad_shape_Bott[i] == apad_shape_Bott && pad_angle_end[i] == apad_angle_end && pad_diameter_Top_or_dx[i] == apad_dx_Top && pad_diameter_Inner[i] == apad_dx_Inner && pad_diameter_Bott[i] == apad_dx_Bott && pad_dy_elong_start[i] == apad_dy_elong_start&& pad_drill[i] == apad_dril ) { found = i; break; } } return( found); } // This routine inserts a pad of known type and size into the pad table // The returned value reflects the current number of pads in the table // If the pad size already exists, the pad is not inserted void Insert_A_Pad( int apad_type, int apad_layer, int apad_shape_Top_rnds, int apad_shape_Inner, int apad_shape_Bott, real apad_angle_end, int apad_dx_Top, int apad_dx_Inner, int apad_dx_Bott, int apad_dy_elong_start, int apad_dril ) { int fnd = search_A_Pad( apad_type, apad_layer, apad_shape_Top_rnds, apad_shape_Inner, apad_shape_Bott, apad_angle_end, apad_dx_Top, apad_dx_Inner, apad_dx_Bott, apad_dy_elong_start, apad_dril); if (fnd == 0) { Total_Pads++; pad_type[Total_Pads] = apad_type; pad_layer[Total_Pads] = apad_layer; pad_shape_Top_rnds[Total_Pads] = apad_shape_Top_rnds; pad_shape_Inner[Total_Pads] = apad_shape_Inner; pad_shape_Bott[Total_Pads] = apad_shape_Bott; pad_angle_end[Total_Pads] = apad_angle_end; pad_diameter_Top_or_dx[Total_Pads] = apad_dx_Top; pad_diameter_Inner[Total_Pads] = apad_dx_Inner; pad_diameter_Bott[Total_Pads] = apad_dx_Bott; pad_dy_elong_start[Total_Pads] = apad_dy_elong_start; pad_drill[Total_Pads] = apad_dril; } return; } // This routine finds a pad of a known type and size and returns the ID // of the pad (internal number) that is used to identify the pad. int Find_A_Pad( int apad_type, int apad_layer, int apad_shape_Top_rnds, int apad_shape_Inner, int apad_shape_Bott, real apad_angle_end, int apad_dx_Top, int apad_dx_Inner, int apad_dx_Bott, int apad_dy_elong_start, int apad_dril ) { int fnd = search_A_Pad( apad_type, apad_layer, apad_shape_Top_rnds, apad_shape_Inner, apad_shape_Bott, apad_angle_end, apad_dx_Top, apad_dx_Inner, apad_dx_Bott, apad_dy_elong_start, apad_dril); return( fnd ); } // This routine finds the HyperLynx shape form of eagle shape int SmdRoundness(int r) { if (r == 100) return 0; // oval or round if (r == 0) return 1; // rect or square return 2; // oblong } // Insert a pin on in a list of associated connected contacts int AssPinCount = 0; // Number of associated Contacts string AssTabEname[]; // Element Name string AssTabCname[]; // Contact Name int AssTabLenEname[]; // Element Name Length int AssTabLenCname[]; // Contact Name Length int InsertAssocatedPin( string ename, string cname ) { int lenofename,lenofcname; lenofename = strlen(ename); lenofcname = strlen(cname); if ( AssPinCount > 0 ) { for ( int i = 0; i < AssPinCount; i++ ) { if ( lenofename == AssTabLenEname[i] ) if ( lenofcname == AssTabLenCname[i] ) if ( strstr( AssTabEname[i], ename ) != -1 ) if ( strstr( AssTabCname[i], cname ) != -1 ) return( AssPinCount ); } } AssTabEname[AssPinCount] = ename; AssTabCname[AssPinCount] = cname; AssTabLenEname[AssPinCount] = lenofename; AssTabLenCname[AssPinCount] = lenofcname; AssPinCount++; return( AssPinCount ); } int FindAssocatedPin( string ename, string cname ) { int lenofename,lenofcname; lenofename = strlen(ename); lenofcname = strlen(cname); if ( AssPinCount > 0 ) { for ( int i = 0; i < AssPinCount; i++ ) { if ( lenofename == AssTabLenEname[i] ) if ( lenofcname == AssTabLenCname[i] ) if ( strstr( AssTabEname[i], ename ) != -1 ) if ( strstr( AssTabCname[i], cname ) != -1 ) return( AssPinCount ); } } return( 0 ); } // write a divider void printdivider( void ) { printf("**********************************************************************\n"); return; } // write a section header with dividers void printheader(string hs) { printdivider(); printf("* %s\n*\n",hs); return; } // write translated package types from Eagle to Hyperlynx int saypackagetype(string pn) { if ( strstr( pn,"TSSOP" ) != -1 ) { printf(" PKG=TSSOP"); } else if ( strstr( pn,"TQFP" ) != -1 ) { printf(" PKG=TQFP"); } else if ( strstr( pn,"SSOP" ) != -1 ) { printf(" PKG=SSOP"); } else if ( strstr( pn,"PLCC" ) != -1 ) { printf(" PKG=PLCC"); } else if ( strstr( pn,"LCC" ) != -1 ) { printf(" PKG=LCC"); } else if ( strstr( pn,"DIP" ) != -1 ) { printf(" PKG=DIP"); } else if ( strstr( pn,"QFP" ) != -1 ) { printf(" PKG=QFP"); } else if ( strstr( pn,"BGA" ) != -1 ) { printf(" PKG=BGA"); } else if ( strstr( pn,"PGA" ) != -1 ) { printf(" PKG=PGA"); } else if ( strstr( pn,"DIL" ) != -1 ) { printf(" PKG=DIP"); } else if ( strstr( pn,"DIP" ) != -1 ) { printf(" PKG=DIP"); } else if ( strstr( pn,"SO" ) != -1 ) { printf(" PKG=SO"); } else return( no ); // no package type recognized return( yes ); // yes, package recognized } // truncate trailing zeros and print value void TruncateTrailingZeros( real value, int prec ) { string num; int nlen; sprintf( num, "%1.*f", prec, value ); nlen = strlen( num ); if ( nlen > 0 ) { while ( num[ nlen-1 ] == '0' ) { // truncate with a null num[ nlen-1 ] = 0; // recalc string length nlen = strlen( num ); if ( nlen == 0 ) break; } } printf("%s",num); return; } // Convert Capacitor Values. i.e. change ".1" to ".1u" // char ConvertCapValues = yes; // Cap value conversion rules for values without suffix multipliers // string ConvertLT1to = "u"; // values less than 1 are "u" or "something else" // string ConvertGE1to = "u"; // convert greater than or equal to 1 as "u" or "p" // void ConvertCapValue( string capvalue ) { char cstate; // state machine char clabel; // unit label real cvalue; // the value of the capacitor int lenofcapvalue; // length of the string for parsing if ( ConvertCapValues == yes ) { cvalue = strtod( capvalue ); if ( cvalue != 0.0 ) { lenofcapvalue = strlen( capvalue ); cstate = 1; // set state for searching digits for ( int i=0; i 0 ) { ICreflib = "74" + strsub( ICvalue, 2, ICccnt ) + ".PML"; } else { ICreflib = "74TTL.PML"; } } else if ( strstr( ICvalue, "40" ) == 0 ) { unknownIC = no; ICreflib = "74HC.PML"; ICvalue = "74HC" + ICvalue; } if ( unknownIC == no ) { printf("%s, %s, %s",ICname,ICreflib,ICvalue); ICpn =E.package.name; if ( strstr( ICpn,"TSSOP" ) != -1 ) { printf("_TSSOP"); } else if ( strstr( ICpn,"TQFP" ) != -1 ) { printf("_TQFP"); } else if ( strstr( ICpn,"SSOP" ) != -1 ) { printf("_SSOP"); } else if ( strstr( ICpn,"PLCC" ) != -1 ) { printf("_PLCC"); } else if ( strstr( ICpn,"LCC" ) != -1 ) { printf("_LCC"); } else if ( strstr( ICpn,"DIP" ) != -1 ) { printf("_DIP"); } else if ( strstr( ICpn,"QFP" ) != -1 ) { printf("_QFP"); } else if ( strstr( ICpn,"BGA" ) != -1 ) { printf("_BGA"); } else if ( strstr( ICpn,"PGA" ) != -1 ) { printf("_PGA"); } else if ( strstr( ICpn,"DIL" ) != -1 ) { printf("_DIP"); } else if ( strstr( ICpn,"DIP" ) != -1 ) { printf("_DIP"); } else if ( strstr( ICpn,"SO" ) != -1 ) { printf("_SSOP"); } printf("\n"); } } } } } if ( GenerateHyperlynxFile == no ) { exit( EXIT_SUCCESS ); } output( filesetext( B.name, ".HYP" ) ) { printdivider(); printf("%s\n", headerline); // 03.05.2005 alf@cadsoft.de printf("* %s\n*\n", Version); printf("* %s\n*\n", EAGLE_SIGNATURE); printf("* HyperLynx Board exported from:\n"); printf("* %s\n", B.name); printf("* At %s\n*\n", t2string(time())); if (project.schematic) { printf("* Schematic is loaded.\n"); } else { printf("* Schematic NOT is loaded.\n"); } printf("*\n\n"); printf("{VERSION=2.10} Compatible with Hyperlynx version 2.10.\n"); printf("{UNITS=ENGLISH WEIGHT}\n\n"); // BOARD OVERALL AREA DIMENSIONS // Writes the board dimensions found on layer 20 printheader("Board Dimensions"); printf("{BOARD\n"); // wires on the dimension layer B.wires(W) { if (W.layer == 20 ) { if (W.curve) { // arcs in the dimension layer printf("(PERIMETER_ARC X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f XC=%5.*f YC=%5.*f R=%5.*f) Arcs: Board Outline Arc is CCW\n", precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.x1),precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.y1), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.x2),precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.y2), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.xc),precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.yc), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.radius) ); } else { printf("(PERIMETER_SEGMENT X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f) Wires: From Board\n", precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(W.x1),precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(W.y1), precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(W.x2),precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(W.y2)); } } } // rectangles on the dimension layer B.rectangles(R) { if (R.layer == 20 ) { printf("(PERIMETER_SEGMENT X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f) Rectangles: From Board : Bottom\n", precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.x1),precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.y1), precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.x2),precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.y1) ); printf("(PERIMETER_SEGMENT X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f) Rectangles: From Board : Right\n", precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.x2),precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.y1), precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.x2),precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.y2) ); printf("(PERIMETER_SEGMENT X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f) Rectangles: From Board : Top\n", precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.x2),precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.y2), precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.x1),precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.y2) ); printf("(PERIMETER_SEGMENT X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f) Rectangles: From Board : Left\n", precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.x1),precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.y2), precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.x1),precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.y1) ); } } // polygons on the dimension layer B.polygons(P) { if (P.layer == 20 ) { P.wires(W) { printf("(PERIMETER_SEGMENT X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f) Polygon Wires: From Board\n", precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(W.x1),precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(W.y1), precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(W.x2),precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(W.y2)); } } } // circles in the dimension layer B.circles(C) { if (C.layer == 20 ) { printf("(PERIMETER_ARC X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f XC=%5.*f YC=%5.*f R=%5.*f) Circles: Board Outline Arc is CCW\n", precision_of_nets,u2inch(C.x),precision_of_nets,u2inch(C.y+C.radius), precision_of_nets,u2inch(C.x),precision_of_nets,u2inch(C.y+C.radius), precision_of_nets,u2inch(C.x),precision_of_nets,u2inch(C.y), precision_of_nets,u2inch(C.radius) ); } } // holes in the board int halfdrilldiameter; B.holes(H) { halfdrilldiameter = H.drill / 2; printf("(PERIMETER_ARC X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f XC=%5.*f YC=%5.*f R=%5.*f) Holes: Board Outline Arc is CCW\n", precision_of_nets,u2inch(H.x),precision_of_nets,u2inch(H.y+halfdrilldiameter), precision_of_nets,u2inch(H.x),precision_of_nets,u2inch(H.y+halfdrilldiameter), precision_of_nets,u2inch(H.x),precision_of_nets,u2inch(H.y), precision_of_nets,u2inch(halfdrilldiameter) ); } // package wires on the dimension layer B.elements(E) { E.package.wires(W) { if (W.layer == 20 ) { if (W.curve) { // package arcs in the dimension layer printf("(PERIMETER_ARC X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f XC=%5.*f YC=%5.*f R=%5.*f) Arcs: Board Outline Arc is CCW Package %s in %s.LBR\n", precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.x1),precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.y1), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.x2),precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.y2), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.xc),precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.yc), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.radius), E.package.name,E.package.library ); } else { printf("(PERIMETER_SEGMENT X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f) Wires: From Package %s in %s.LBR\n", precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(W.x1),precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(W.y1), precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(W.x2),precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(W.y2), E.package.name,E.package.library); } } } // package rectangles on the dimension layer E.package.rectangles(R) { if (R.layer == 20 ) { printf("(PERIMETER_SEGMENT X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f) Rectangles: From Package %s in %s.LBR : Bottom\n", precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.x1),precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.y1), precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.x2),precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.y1), E.package.name,E.package.library ); printf("(PERIMETER_SEGMENT X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f) Rectangles: From Package %s in %s.LBR : Right\n", precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.x2),precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.y1), precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.x2),precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.y2), E.package.name,E.package.library ); printf("(PERIMETER_SEGMENT X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f) Rectangles: From Package %s in %s.LBR : Top\n", precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.x2),precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.y2), precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.x1),precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.y2), E.package.name,E.package.library ); printf("(PERIMETER_SEGMENT X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f) Rectangles: From Package %s in %s.LBR : Left\n", precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.x1),precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.y2), precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.x1),precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(R.y1), E.package.name,E.package.library ); } } // package polygons on the dimension layer E.package.polygons(P) { if (P.layer == 20 ) { P.wires(W) { printf("(PERIMETER_SEGMENT X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f) Polygon Wires: From Package %s in %s.LBR\n", precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(W.x1),precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(W.y1), precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(W.x2),precision_of_perimeter,u2inch(W.y2), E.package.name,E.package.library); } } } // package circles in the dimension layer E.package.circles(C) { if (C.layer == 20 ) { printf("(PERIMETER_ARC X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f XC=%5.*f YC=%5.*f R=%5.*f) Circles: Board Outline Arc is CCW Package %s in %s.LBR\n", precision_of_nets,u2inch(C.x),precision_of_nets,u2inch(C.y+C.radius), precision_of_nets,u2inch(C.x),precision_of_nets,u2inch(C.y+C.radius), precision_of_nets,u2inch(C.x),precision_of_nets,u2inch(C.y), precision_of_nets,u2inch(C.radius), E.package.name,E.package.library ); } } // package holes int halfdrilldiameter; E.package.holes(H) { halfdrilldiameter = H.drill / 2; printf("(PERIMETER_ARC X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f XC=%5.*f YC=%5.*f R=%5.*f) Holes: Board Outline Arc is CCW Package %s in %s.LBR\n", precision_of_nets,u2inch(H.x),precision_of_nets,u2inch(H.y+halfdrilldiameter), precision_of_nets,u2inch(H.x),precision_of_nets,u2inch(H.y+halfdrilldiameter), precision_of_nets,u2inch(H.x),precision_of_nets,u2inch(H.y), precision_of_nets,u2inch(halfdrilldiameter), E.package.name,E.package.library ); } } printf("}\n\n"); // LAYER INFORMATION printheader("Thickness of Copper and Dielectric Layer Data"); if ( UseBoardStackUp == yes ) { printf("{STACKUP\n"); layer_counter = 0; B.layers(L) CountLayers(L); Total_Layers = layer_counter; // remember active layers layer_counter = 0; B.layers(L) PrintLayer(L); printf("}\n"); // TOTAL BOARD THICKNESS printf("* Total Board Thickness %6.4f inch\n\n",Total_Board_Thickness); } else { printf("* No PCB Thickness Data Generated !!! \n*\n\n"); } // PACKAGES ON THE BOARD printheader("Components"); printf("{DEVICES\n"); int unknowncomponenttype, pincount, componentspace; string componentname; string componentvalue; B.elements(E) { // get the number of pins pincount = 0; E.package.contacts(C) { pincount++; } // set component as unknown unknowncomponenttype = yes; // remember component reference designator componentname = E.name; // truncate component values at the first space // ? ASK HYPERLYNX : what about something like .1u 50v componentvalue = E.value; if ( TruncateComponentValues == yes ) if ( ( componentspace = strchr( componentvalue, ' ' ) ) != -1 ) componentvalue = strsub( componentvalue, 0, componentspace ); // parse reference designators ? if ( UseComponentTypes == yes ) { if ( strstr( componentname, "IC" ) == 0 ) { if ( isdigit( componentname[2] ) ) { printf("(IC REF=%s NAME=%s L=%s",componentname,componentvalue, E.mirror ? LayerNames[16] : LayerNames[1] ); saypackagetype(E.package.name); unknowncomponenttype = no; } } else if ( strstr( componentname, "BD" ) == 0 ) { if ( isdigit( componentname[2] ) ) { printf("(BD REF=%s NAME=%s L=%s",componentname,componentvalue, E.mirror ? LayerNames[16] : LayerNames[1] ); unknowncomponenttype = no; } } else if ( strstr( componentname, "BEAD" ) == 0 ) { if ( isdigit( componentname[4] ) ) { printf("(BD REF=%s NAME=%s L=%s",componentname, componentvalue, E.mirror ? LayerNames[16] : LayerNames[1] ); unknowncomponenttype = no; } } else if ( isdigit( componentname[1] ) ) { if ( strchr( componentname, 'U' ) == 0 ) { printf("(IC REF=%s NAME=%s L=%s",componentname, componentvalue, E.mirror ? LayerNames[16] : LayerNames[1] ); saypackagetype(E.package.name); unknowncomponenttype = no; } else if ( strchr( componentname, 'C' ) == 0 ) { printf("(C REF=%s VAL=",componentname); ConvertCapValue(componentvalue); printf(" L=%s",E.mirror ? LayerNames[16] : LayerNames[1] ); unknowncomponenttype = no; } else if ( strchr( componentname, 'R' ) == 0 ) { printf("(R REF=%s VAL=%s L=%s",componentname, componentvalue, E.mirror ? LayerNames[16] : LayerNames[1] ); unknowncomponenttype = no; } else if ( strchr( componentname, 'L' ) == 0 ) { printf("(L REF=%s VAL=%s L=%s",componentname, componentvalue, E.mirror ? LayerNames[16] : LayerNames[1] ); unknowncomponenttype = no; } else if ( strchr( componentname, 'D' ) == 0 ) { printf("(CR REF=%s NAME=%s L=%s",componentname, componentvalue, E.mirror ? LayerNames[16] : LayerNames[1] ); unknowncomponenttype = no; } else if ( strchr( componentname, 'J' ) == 0 ) { printf("(J REF=%s NAME=%s L=%s",componentname, componentvalue, E.mirror ? LayerNames[16] : LayerNames[1] ); unknowncomponenttype = no; } else if ( strchr( componentname, 'Q' ) == 0 ) { printf("(J REF=%s NAME=%s L=%s",componentname, componentvalue, E.mirror ? LayerNames[16] : LayerNames[1] ); unknowncomponenttype = no; } else if ( strchr( componentname, 'T' ) == 0 ) { printf("(J REF=%s NAME=%s L=%s",componentname, componentvalue, E.mirror ? LayerNames[16] : LayerNames[1] ); unknowncomponenttype = no; } } } // handle unknown component types if ( ( unknowncomponenttype == yes ) || ( UseComponentTypes == no ) ) { printf("(? REF=%s NAME=%s L=%s",componentname,componentvalue, E.mirror ? LayerNames[16] : LayerNames[1] ); saypackagetype(E.package.name); } // append comment field printf(") R%03.0f X=%5.*f Y=%5.*f : ",E.angle,precision_of_nets,u2inch(E.x), precision_of_nets,u2inch(E.y) ); printf(" Lib: %s : %s : ", E.package.library, E.package.name); printf("Pins %d", pincount); printf("\n"); } printf("}\n\n"); // PADSTACK CREATION OF PADS, SMDS, AND VIAS // create list of all the different pads and smds (vias are pads) printheader("Pads, Smds, and Via Library"); // handle all net contacts and vias B.signals(S) { S.vias(V) { Insert_A_Pad( ISAPAD, ISAVIA, V.shape[1], V.shape[2], V.shape[16], V.end, V.diameter[1], V.diameter[2], V.diameter[16], V.start, V.drill ); } } // handle all package pins B.elements(E) { E.package.contacts(C) { if (C.pad) { Insert_A_Pad( ISAPAD, ISAPAD, C.pad.shape[1], C.pad.shape[2], C.pad.shape[16], C.pad.angle, C.pad.diameter[1], C.pad.diameter[2], C.pad.diameter[16], C.pad.elongation, C.pad.drill ); } else if (C.smd) { if ( !C.smd.dx || !C.smd.dy) { string h; sprintf(h, "!Found a SMD-Pad with dx or dy = 0 (Zerro)
Pad %s'
Layer %d
Coordinate (%.4f %.4f) mil
Package %s.PAC
Element %s
Library %s.lbr

ULP aborted.", C.name, C.smd.layer, u2mil(C.x), u2mil(C.y), E.package.name, E.name, E.package.library ); dlgMessageBox( h, "OK"); exit(0); } else { Insert_A_Pad( ISASMD, C.smd.layer, SmdRoundness(C.smd.roundness), 0, 0, C.smd.angle, C.smd.dx, 0, 0, C.smd.dy, 0 ); } } } } // write out sorted list of the pads and smds if (Total_Pads) { /* *** Hyperlynx documentation ************************************* {PADSTACK=padstack_name, // ** maximum of 32 characters an cannot contain white space [drill_size] (layer_name, pad_shape, // '0' means oval or round (pad_sx=pad_sy if round) // '1' means rectangular or square (pad_sx=pad_sy if square) // '2' means oblong (oblong shape is a rectangular with rounded corners) pad_sx, pad_sy, pad_angle, // is the counter-clockwise rotation angle of the pad in degree; // rotation angle can range from 0.0 to +/-359.999; // valid angular resolution is 0.001 degree; // 0 (without a decimal point) is th recommended way of specifying 'no rotation' [thermal_clear_shape], [thermal_clear_sx], [thermal_clear_sy], [thermal_clear_angle], [pad_type]) ***************************************************************** */ string s; for (int i = 1; i <= Total_Pads; i++) { // *** 17.08.2005 count from 1 *** if (pad_layer[i] == 0) s = "ISAPAD"; if (pad_layer[i] == 1 || pad_layer[i] == 16) s = "ISASMD"; if (pad_layer[i] == 18) s = "ISAVIA"; if (pad_type[i] == ISASMD) { printf("{PADSTACK=SMD%03d\n",i); // **** 17.08.2005 alf@cadsoft.de *** // smds are square, round or oblong // * if you wish layer name for layer number remark * // * this next 2 lines und mark the second 2 lines * // printf("(%s,%d,%5.*f,%5.*f,%.1f) Shape was Smd and is now Smd\n", // LayerNames[pad_layer[i]], // Layer name printf("(%s,%d,%5.*f,%5.*f,%.1f) %s Shape was Smd and is now Smd\n", LayerNames[pad_layer[i]], pad_shape_Top_rnds[i], precision_of_pads, u2inch(pad_diameter_Top_or_dx[i]), precision_of_pads, u2inch(pad_dy_elong_start[i]), pad_angle_end[i], s ); } else if (pad_type[i] == ISAPAD) { /* *** HyperLynx Signal-Integrity Transfer Format ****** {PADSTACK=padstack_name, [drill_size] (layer_name, pad_shape, pad_sx, pad_sy, pad_angle, [thermal_clear_shape], [thermal_clear_sx], [thermal_clear_sy], [thermal_clear_angel], [pad_type]) [comment] ** [pad_type]!M=metal-pad A=anti-pad ** ******* HyperLynx Signal-Integrity Transfer Format *** */ printf("{PADSTACK=THR%03d,%5.3f\n", i, u2inch(pad_drill[i])); // *** 17.08.2005 count from 1 *** // pads are on all layers, and have various shapes if (pad_layer[i] == ISAPAD) { // Pad layer Top if (pad_shape_Top_rnds[i] == OBLONG) { printf("(%s,%s,%5.*f,%5.*f,%.1f) %s Shape was %s and is now %s\n", LayerNames[1], PadShapes[pad_shape_Top_rnds[i]], precision_of_pads,u2inch(pad_diameter_Top_or_dx[i] * pad_dy_elong_start[i]), precision_of_pads,u2inch(pad_diameter_Top_or_dx[i]), pad_angle_end[i], s, EaglePadShapes[pad_shape_Top_rnds[i]], HypPadShapes[pad_shape_Top_rnds[i]] ); } else { // OVALROUND or RECTSQUARE printf("(%s,%s,%5.*f,%5.*f,%.1f) %s Shape was %s and is now %s\n", LayerNames[1], PadShapes[pad_shape_Top_rnds[i]], precision_of_pads,u2inch(pad_diameter_Top_or_dx[i]), precision_of_pads,u2inch(pad_diameter_Top_or_dx[i]), pad_angle_end[i], s, EaglePadShapes[pad_shape_Top_rnds[i]], HypPadShapes[pad_shape_Top_rnds[i]] ); } // Pad layer Inner printf("(MDEF,%s,%5.*f,%5.*f,0) %s\n", PadShapes[pad_shape_Inner[i]], precision_of_pads,u2inch(pad_diameter_Inner[i]), precision_of_pads,u2inch(pad_diameter_Inner[i]), s); // Pad layer Bottom if (pad_shape_Bott[i] == OBLONG) { printf("(%s,%s,%5.*f,%5.*f,%.1f) %s Shape was %s and is now %s\n", LayerNames[16], PadShapes[pad_shape_Bott[i]], precision_of_pads,u2inch(pad_diameter_Bott[i] * pad_dy_elong_start[i]), precision_of_pads,u2inch(pad_diameter_Bott[i]), pad_angle_end[i], s, EaglePadShapes[pad_shape_Bott[i]], HypPadShapes[pad_shape_Bott[i]]); } else { // OVALROUND or RECTSQUARE printf("(%s,%s,%5.*f,%5.*f,%.1f) %s Shape was %s and is now %s\n", LayerNames[16], PadShapes[pad_shape_Bott[i]], precision_of_pads,u2inch(pad_diameter_Bott[i]), precision_of_pads,u2inch(pad_diameter_Bott[i]), pad_angle_end[i], s, EaglePadShapes[pad_shape_Bott[i]], HypPadShapes[pad_shape_Bott[i]]); } } else if (pad_layer[i] == ISAVIA) { // Top - Inner(schleife) - Bottom for (int vlay = pad_dy_elong_start[i]; vlay <= pad_angle_end[i]; vlay++) { // layer used and allowed? if (copp_used_layer[vlay]) { // layer used for copper an visible if (vlay == 1) printf("(%s,%s,%5.*f,%5.*f,0) %s Shape was %s and is now %s\n", LayerNames[vlay], PadShapes[pad_shape_Top_rnds[i]], precision_of_pads,u2inch(pad_diameter_Top_or_dx[i] * pad_dy_elong_start[i]), precision_of_pads,u2inch(pad_diameter_Top_or_dx[i]), s, EaglePadShapes[pad_shape_Top_rnds[i]], HypPadShapes[pad_shape_Top_rnds[i]] ); else if (vlay == 16) printf("(%s,%s,%5.*f,%5.*f,0) %s Shape was %s and is now %s\n", LayerNames[vlay], PadShapes[pad_shape_Bott[i]], precision_of_pads,u2inch(pad_diameter_Bott[i] * pad_dy_elong_start[i]), precision_of_pads,u2inch(pad_diameter_Bott[i]), s, EaglePadShapes[pad_shape_Top_rnds[i]], HypPadShapes[pad_shape_Top_rnds[i]] ); else printf("(%d,0,%5.*f,%5.*f,0) %s always round in inner layer\n", LayerNames[vlay], precision_of_pads,u2inch(pad_diameter_Inner[i]), precision_of_pads,u2inch(pad_diameter_Inner[i]), s ); } } } } printf("}\n\n"); } } // SIGNALS printheader("Nets"); int Pad_ID, Xpad, Ypad, EpadX, EpadY, TLaylimit, Blaylimit; B.signals(S) { printf("{NET=%s\n",S.name); S.contactrefs(C) { if (C.contact.pad) { Pad_ID = Find_A_Pad( ISAPAD, 0, C.contact.pad.shape[1], C.contact.pad.shape[2], C.contact.pad.shape[16], C.contact.pad.angle, C.contact.pad.diameter[1], C.contact.pad.diameter[2], C.contact.pad.diameter[16], C.contact.pad.elongation, C.contact.pad.drill ); if ( Pad_ID ) { // *** 17.08.2005 Pad count from 1 to total_pad *** Xpad = C.contact.pad.x; EpadX = Xpad; Ypad = C.contact.pad.y; EpadY = Ypad; TLaylimit = 1; Blaylimit = 16; printf("(PIN X=%5.*f Y=%5.*f R=%s.%s P=THR%03d", precision_of_nets,u2inch(Xpad), precision_of_nets,u2inch(Ypad), C.element.name, C.contact.pad.name, Pad_ID); // ** correct number while listing count from 1 // ** 17.08.2005 alf@cadsoft.de *** SayUPinFunction( C.element.name, C.contact.pad.name ); printf(") %s, Pad Diameter: %5.*f Drill: %5.*f\n", S.name, precision_of_nets, u2inch(C.contact.pad.diameter[16]), precision_of_nets, u2inch(C.contact.pad.drill) ); } else { printf("Unregistered Pin Size!\n"); } } if (C.contact.smd) { Pad_ID = Find_A_Pad( ISASMD, C.contact.smd.layer, SmdRoundness(C.contact.smd.roundness), 0, 0, C.contact.smd.angle, C.contact.smd.dx, 0, 0, C.contact.smd.dy, 0 ); if ( Pad_ID ) { // *** 17.08.2005 count from 1 *** Xpad = C.contact.smd.x; EpadX = Xpad; Ypad = C.contact.smd.y; EpadY = Ypad; TLaylimit = C.contact.smd.layer; Blaylimit = C.contact.smd.layer; printf("(PIN X=%5.*f Y=%5.*f R=%s.%s P=SMD%03d", precision_of_nets,u2inch(Xpad), precision_of_nets,u2inch(Ypad), C.element.name, C.contact.smd.name, Pad_ID); // ** correct number while listing count from 1 // ** 17.08.2005 alf@cadsoft.de *** SayUPinFunction( C.element.name, C.contact.smd.name ); printf(") %s, Smd Dx: %5.*f Dy: %5.*f\n", S.name, precision_of_nets, u2inch(C.contact.smd.dx), precision_of_nets, u2inch(C.contact.smd.dy) ); } else { printf("Unregistered Smd Size!\n"); } } // if a pad/smd was located for this contact // and a copper segment starts at this contact's x,y location, // then the copper segment is included on this net. if ( Pad_ID ) { // *** 17.08.2005 count from 1 *** // Package element copper information // circles C.element.package.circles(A) { if ( ( A.layer >= 1 ) && ( A.layer <= 16 ) ) { printf("* %s has metal circles or isolation circles\n",C.element.name); } } // polygons C.element.package.polygons(P) { if ( ( P.layer >= 1 ) && ( P.layer <= 16 ) ) { printf("* %s has metal polygons\n",C.element.name); } } // rectangles C.element.package.rectangles(R) { if ( ( R.layer >= 1 ) && ( R.layer <= 16 ) ) { printf("* %s has metal rectangles\n",C.element.name); } } // Find any wires that connect to this pin/pad that are internal to the package // 1. build a table of all wires on the accepted layer int AnyPackageWiresCount = 0; int Wx1[], Wy1[], Wx2[], Wy2[], Wwid[], Wusedflag[], Wcurve[], Warcx1[], Warcx2[], Warcxc[], Warcy1[], Warcy2[], Warcyc[], Warcradius[], Wlayer ; C.element.package.wires(W) { // find all wires on the correct layer. if ( ( W.layer >= TLaylimit ) && ( W.layer <= Blaylimit ) ) { Wx1[AnyPackageWiresCount] = W.x1; Wy1[AnyPackageWiresCount] = W.y1; Wx2[AnyPackageWiresCount] = W.x2; Wy2[AnyPackageWiresCount] = W.y2; Wwid[AnyPackageWiresCount] = W.width; Wcurve[AnyPackageWiresCount] = W.curve; if (W.curve) { // 21.04.2005 alf@cadsoft.de Warcx1[AnyPackageWiresCount] = W.arc.x1; Warcx2[AnyPackageWiresCount] = W.arc.x2; Warcxc[AnyPackageWiresCount] = W.arc.xc; Warcy1[AnyPackageWiresCount] = W.arc.y1; Warcy2[AnyPackageWiresCount] = W.arc.y2; Warcyc[AnyPackageWiresCount] = W.arc.yc; Warcradius[AnyPackageWiresCount] = W.arc.radius; } Wusedflag[AnyPackageWiresCount] = no; TLaylimit = W.layer; // fix layer to first found layer on an accepted first layer Blaylimit = W.layer; // fix layer to first found layer on an accepted first layer Wlayer = W.layer; // fix the layer AnyPackageWiresCount++; // count one segment } } // 2. search for physically connected copper segments, even if out of order if ( AnyPackageWiresCount != 0 ) { for ( int woi = 0; woi < AnyPackageWiresCount; woi++ ) { if ( Wusedflag[woi] == no ) { // check either end of the segment if ( ( Wx1[woi] == Xpad ) && ( Wy1[woi] == Ypad ) ) { Xpad = Wx2[woi]; // remember the end of this segment Ypad = Wy2[woi]; // which must be the start of the next segment Wusedflag[woi] = yes; woi = 0; // start searching list from the beginning again } else if ( ( Wx2[woi] == Xpad ) && ( Wy2[woi] == Ypad ) ) { Xpad = Wx1[woi]; // remember the end of this segment Ypad = Wy1[woi]; // which must be the start of the next segment Wusedflag[woi] = yes; woi = 0; // start searching list from the beginning again } } } } // 3. write out all segments attached to the contact if ( AnyPackageWiresCount != 0 ) { for ( int woi = 0; woi < AnyPackageWiresCount; woi++ ) { if ( Wusedflag[woi] == yes ) { // write the segment if ( Wlayer >= 1 && Wlayer <= 16 ) { if (Wcurve[woi]) { printf("(PERIMETER_ARC X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f XC=%5.*f YC=%5.*f R=%5.*f W=%5.*f L=%s) Arcs: Board Outline Arc is CCW\n", precision_of_nets,u2inch(Warcx1[woi]), precision_of_nets,u2inch(Warcy1[woi]), precision_of_nets,u2inch(Warcx2[woi]), precision_of_nets,u2inch(Warcy2[woi]), precision_of_nets,u2inch(Warcxc[woi]), precision_of_nets,u2inch(Warcyc[woi]), precision_of_nets,u2inch(Warcradius[woi]), precision_of_nets,u2inch(Wwid[woi]), LayerNames[Wlayer] ); } else { printf("(SEG X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f W=%5.*f L=%s) %s Internal Package Wire\n", precision_of_nets,u2inch(Wx1[woi]), precision_of_nets,u2inch(Wy1[woi]), precision_of_nets,u2inch(Wx2[woi]), precision_of_nets,u2inch(Wy2[woi]), precision_of_nets,u2inch(Wwid[woi]), LayerNames[Wlayer], S.name); } } // write any contact pins or smds int OtherPad_ID; C.element.package.contacts(Q) { // don't write out contacts at the original element contact location if ( ( Q.x != EpadX ) || ( Q.y != EpadY ) ) { // check if this element contact is at either end of the wire segment if ( ( ( Q.x == Wx1[woi] ) && ( Q.y == Wy1[woi] ) ) || ( ( Q.x == Wx2[woi] ) && ( Q.y == Wy2[woi] ) ) ) { // if a through hole pad if (Q.pad) { // find a pad on any layer OtherPad_ID = Find_A_Pad( ISAPAD, 0, Q.pad.shape[1], Q.pad.shape[2], Q.pad.shape[16], Q.pad.angle, Q.pad.diameter[1], Q.pad.diameter[2], Q.pad.diameter[16], Q.pad.elongation, Q.pad.drill ); if ( OtherPad_ID ) { // *** 17.08.2005 count from 1 *** printf("(PIN X=%5.*f Y=%5.*f R=%s.%s P=THR%03d", precision_of_nets, u2inch(Q.pad.x), precision_of_nets, u2inch(Q.pad.y), C.element.name, Q.pad.name, OtherPad_ID); SayUPinFunction( C.element.name, Q.pad.name ); printf(") %s, Internal Package Pad Diameter: %5.*f Drill: %5.*f\n", S.name, precision_of_nets,u2inch(Q.pad.diameter[16]), precision_of_nets, u2inch(Q.pad.drill) ); InsertAssocatedPin( C.element.name, Q.pad.name ); } else { printf("Unregistered Internal Package Pin Size!\n"); } } // if a smd pad if (Q.smd) { // smd pad must be on this layer if ( Q.smd.layer == Wlayer ) { // find a smd that matches OtherPad_ID = Find_A_Pad( ISASMD, Q.smd.layer, SmdRoundness(Q.smd.roundness), 0, 0, Q.smd.angle, Q.smd.dx, 0, 0, Q.smd.dy, 0 ); if ( OtherPad_ID ) { // *** 17.08.2005 count from 1 *** printf("(PIN X=%5.*f Y=%5.*f R=%s.%s P=SMD%03d", precision_of_nets,u2inch(Q.smd.x), precision_of_nets,u2inch(Q.smd.y), C.element.name, Q.smd.name, OtherPad_ID); SayUPinFunction( C.element.name, Q.smd.name ); printf(") %s, Smd Dx: %5.*f Dy: %5.*f\n", S.name,precision_of_nets,u2inch(Q.smd.dx), precision_of_nets,u2inch(Q.smd.dy) ); InsertAssocatedPin( C.element.name, Q.smd.name ); } else { printf("Unregistered Smd Size!\n"); } } } } } } } } } } } S.vias(V) { Pad_ID = Find_A_Pad( ISAPAD, 18, V.shape[1], V.shape[2], V.shape[16], V.end, V.diameter[1], V.diameter[2], V.diameter[16], V.start, V.drill ); if ( Pad_ID ) { // 17.08.2005 count from 1 *** printf("(VIA X=%5.*f Y=%5.*f P=THR%03d) %s\n", precision_of_nets,u2inch(V.x), precision_of_nets, u2inch(V.y), Pad_ID, S.name); // ** correct number while listing count from 1 // ** 17.08.2005 alf@cadsoft.de *** } else { printf("Unregistered Via Size!\n"); } } S.wires(W) { if (W.layer >= 1 && W.layer <= 16 ) { if (W.curve) { printf("(ARC X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f XC=%5.*f YC=%5.*f R=%5.*f W=%5.*f L=%s)\n", precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.x1), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.y1), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.x2), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.y2), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.xc), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.yc), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.radius), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.width), LayerNames[W.layer] ); } else { printf("(SEG X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f W=%5.*f L=%s) %s\n", precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.x1), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.y1), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.x2), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.y2), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.width), LayerNames[W.layer], S.name); } } } S.polygons(P) { status("Polygon:"+S.name); // 2012-03-12 printf("* POLYGONS NOT Allowed in HYP as of BoardSimm 2.2 Build 70. "); printf("Hopefully someday they will!\n"); printf("* I=Isolate S=Spacing W=Width O=Orphins_On/Off P=Pour_SOLID/HATCH T=Thermals_On/Off L=Layer) Polygon Format\n"); printf("*(PLG I=%5.*f S=%5.*f W=%5.*f O=%s P=%s T=%s L=%s) Polygon %s Data\n", precision_of_nets,u2inch(P.isolate),precision_of_nets,u2inch(P.spacing), precision_of_nets,u2inch(P.width),P.orphans ? "On" : "Off", P.pour == POLYGON_POUR_SOLID ? "SOLID" : "HATCH", P.thermals ? "On" : "Off",LayerNames[P.layer],S.name); /* // 2012-03-12 P.wires(W) { printf("(SEG X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f W=%5.*f L=%s) Polygon %s\n", precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.x1),precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.y1), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.x2),precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.y2), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.width),LayerNames[W.layer],S.name); } */ P.contours(W) { // 2012-03-12 export polygon contours printf("(SEG X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f W=%5.*f L=%s) Polygon %s\n", precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.x1),precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.y1), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.x2),precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.y2), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.width),LayerNames[W.layer],S.name); } P.fillings(W) { // 2012-03-12 export polygon fillings printf("(SEG X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f W=%5.*f L=%s) Polygon %s\n", precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.x1),precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.y1), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.x2),precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.y2), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.width),LayerNames[W.layer],S.name); } } printf("}\n\n"); } // Unconnected Component Pins are on their own special net "HYP$xPy" // where x=element name and y=pin name // handle all unconnected package pins B.elements(E) { E.package.contacts(C) { if ( strlen(C.signal) == 0 ) { if (C.pad) { Pad_ID = Find_A_Pad( ISAPAD, 0, C.pad.shape[1], C.pad.shape[2], C.pad.shape[16], C.pad.angle, C.pad.diameter[1], C.pad.diameter[2], C.pad.diameter[16], C.pad.elongation, C.pad.drill ); if ( Pad_ID ) { // *** 17.08.2005 count from 1 *** if ( FindAssocatedPin( E.name, C.pad.name ) == 0 ) { Xpad = C.pad.x; Ypad = C.pad.y; printf("{NET=HYP$%s.%s\n",E.name,C.pad.name); printf("(PIN X=%5.*f Y=%5.*f R=%s.%s P=THR%03d", precision_of_nets,u2inch(Xpad), precision_of_nets,u2inch(Ypad), E.name, C.pad.name, Pad_ID); printf(") Pad Diameter: %5.*f Drill: %5.*f\n", precision_of_nets, u2inch(C.pad.diameter[16]), precision_of_nets, u2inch(C.pad.drill) ); printf("}\n\n"); } else { printf("* PIN %s.%s is part of an internal package net.\n",E.name,C.pad.name); } } else { printf("* Unregistered Pin Size!\n"); } } if (C.smd) { Pad_ID = Find_A_Pad( ISASMD, C.smd.layer, SmdRoundness(C.smd.roundness), 0, 0, C.smd.angle, C.smd.dx, 0, 0, C.smd.dy, 0 ); if ( Pad_ID ) { // *** 17.08.2005 count from 1 *** if ( FindAssocatedPin( E.name, C.smd.name ) == 0 ) { Xpad = C.smd.x; Ypad = C.smd.y; printf("{NET=HYP$%s.%s\n",E.name,C.smd.name); printf("(PIN X=%5.*f Y=%5.*f R=%s.%s P=SMD%03d", precision_of_nets,u2inch(Xpad), precision_of_nets,u2inch(Ypad), E.name, C.smd.name, Pad_ID); printf(") Smd Dx: %5.*f Dy: %5.*f\n", precision_of_nets, u2inch(C.smd.dx), precision_of_nets, u2inch(C.smd.dy) ); printf("}\n\n"); } else { printf("* PIN %s.%s is part of an internal package net.\n",E.name,C.smd.name); } } else { printf("* Unregistered Smd Size!\n"); } } } } } // NETS that aren't signals but are copper are exported as a net named "N$ComNet" // Search for any common nets int AnyNets = no; // B.arcs(A) if ( ( A.layer >= 1 ) && ( A.layer <= 16 ) ) AnyNets = yes; B.circles(C) if ( ( C.layer >= 1 ) && ( C.layer <= 16 ) ) AnyNets = yes; B.rectangles(R) if ( ( R.layer >= 1 ) && ( R.layer <= 16 ) ) AnyNets = yes; B.wires(W) if ( ( W.layer >= 1 ) && ( W.layer <= 16 ) ) AnyNets = yes; if ( AnyNets == yes ) { printf("{NET=N$ComNet\n"); // CIRCLES B.circles(C) { if ( ( C.layer >= 1 ) && ( C.layer <= 16 ) ) { printf("(ARC X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f XC=%5.*f YC=%5.*f R=%5.*f W=%5.*f L=%s) Circle\n", precision_of_nets,u2inch(C.x),precision_of_nets,u2inch(C.y+C.radius), precision_of_nets,u2inch(C.x),precision_of_nets,u2inch(C.y+C.radius), precision_of_nets,u2inch(C.x),precision_of_nets,u2inch(C.y), precision_of_nets,u2inch(C.radius),precision_of_nets,u2inch(C.width), LayerNames[C.layer]); } } // RECTANGLES B.rectangles(R) { if ( ( R.layer >= 1 ) && ( R.layer <= 16 ) ) { printf("(SEG X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f W=%5.*f L=%s) Rectangle Segment Bottom\n", precision_of_nets,u2inch(R.x1),precision_of_nets,u2inch(R.y1), precision_of_nets,u2inch(R.x2), precision_of_nets,u2inch(R.y1), precision_of_nets,RectOutlineWireWidth,LayerNames[R.layer]); printf("(SEG X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f W=%5.*f L=%s) Rectangle Segment Right\n", precision_of_nets,u2inch(R.x2),precision_of_nets,u2inch(R.y1), precision_of_nets,u2inch(R.x2),precision_of_nets,u2inch(R.y2), precision_of_nets,RectOutlineWireWidth,LayerNames[R.layer]); printf("(SEG X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f W=%5.*f L=%s) Rectangle Segment Top\n", precision_of_nets,u2inch(R.x2),precision_of_nets,u2inch(R.y2), precision_of_nets,u2inch(R.x1),precision_of_nets,u2inch(R.y2), precision_of_nets,RectOutlineWireWidth,LayerNames[R.layer]); printf("(SEG X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f W=%5.*f L=%s) Rectangle Segment Left\n", precision_of_nets,u2inch(R.x1),precision_of_nets,u2inch(R.y2), precision_of_nets,u2inch(R.x1),precision_of_nets,u2inch(R.y1), precision_of_nets,RectOutlineWireWidth,LayerNames[R.layer]); } } // WIRES B.wires(W) { if ( ( W.layer >= 1 ) && ( W.layer <= 16 ) ) { if (W.curve) { // ARCS printf("(ARC X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f XC=%5.*f YC=%5.*f R=%5.*f W=%5.*f L=%s) Arc is CCW\n", precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.x2),precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.y2), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.x1),precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.y1), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.xc),precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.yc), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.arc.radius),precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.width), LayerNames[W.layer]); } else { printf("(SEG X1=%5.*f Y1=%5.*f X2=%5.*f Y2=%5.*f W=%5.*f L=%s) Wire Segment\n", precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.x1),precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.y1), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.x2),precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.y2), precision_of_nets,u2inch(W.width),LayerNames[W.layer]); } } } printf("}\n\n"); } // end of copper as common net // END OF RUN printheader("End of data"); printf("{END}\n\n"); printf("{KEY=028-015E-4E5D}\n\n"); } // end of output() {} string ex; sprintf(ex, "Data exported to:\n\n%s\n%s", filesetext( B.name, ".REF" ), filesetext( B.name, ".HYP" )); dlgMessageBox(ex, "OK"); } // end of board() {}