#usage "en: nobrFind elements in schematic/board and zoom in\n" "

" "Centers the object and zooms into the drawing." "

" "

You can also run this ULP from the command line:

" "Usage: RUN find [ name [ pin | pad | [value [current_value [CH new_value]] [ count | * ]]" "

" "RUN find
" "RUN find name
" "RUN find name [counter]
" "RUN find [DEV | GATE | PIN | PAD | POLYGON width | DRILL diameter | VIA stack | value [-S|+|-] [counter | *]] **
" "RUN find DRILL diameter [counter | *] **
" "RUN find VALUE current_value CH new_value [counter]
" "RUN find value -S
" "RUN find value + | - (step option)
" "" "Search string is the name of the Device/Package/Net/Bus/Pin/Pad/Signal/Value

" "counter specifies the number of elements that shall be found before ending the search
" "* sets the counter to 1000

" "PIN | PAD | DEV | GATE additionally searches for PIN, PAD, GATE, DEVICE names
" "GATE without a given name, places the foremost found, unused gate
" "GATE * lists all unused gates, select one of them to place it
" "VIA start end searches for blind, buried, and micro vias with a certain length
" "VALUE value CHvalue replaces the value of an element with the given new one, if found (CH is case sensitive)
" "value -S displays all elements with the same value at the same time (highlighted like with SHOW), in BRD only
" "value - + shows step by step the previous or next found element, in BRD and SCH
" "

" "Searching order:
" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "
Schematic: Board:
1. Part name 1. Element
2. Net name 2. Signal/Wires/Vias
3. Bus name 3. Pads
4. Value 4. ValueSearching for values is not case sensitive.
5. Device ** 5. Polygon width **
6. Gate ** 6. Drill
7. Pin ** 7. Via stack
8. Pad **
9. Text
" "** Device name, Gate name, Pin name, Pad name, Polygon width, or Drill diameter will be searched, if one of the options DEV, GATE, PIN, PAD, POLYGON or DRILL is given.

" "" "In the symbol editor you can search for PIN names, in the package editor you can search for PAD/SMD names
" "Author: support@cadsoft.de" , "de: Findet Elemente in Schaltplan und Board" "

" "Zoomt das gefundene Element in die Fenstermitte" "

" "

Sie können das ULP auch aus der Kommandozeile starten mit:

" "RUN find [ name [ pin | pad | value [aktueller_value [CH neuer_value]] [ count | * ]]" "
" "RUN find
" "RUN find name
" "RUN find name [Zähler]
" "RUN find [DEV | GATE | PIN | PAD | POLYGON width | DRILL diameter | VIA stack | value [-S|+|-] [Zähler | *]] **
" "RUN find DRILL Durchmesser [Zähler | *] **
" "RUN find VALUE alter_value CH neuer_value [Zähler]
" "RUN find value -S
" "RUN find value + | - (Step-Option)
" "
" "Suchbegriff ist der name des Device/Package/Net/Bus/Pin/Pad/Signal/Value
" "Zähler legt die Anzahl der gefundenen Elemente fest, nach der die Suche beendet wird
" "* setzt den Zähler auf 1000
" "PIN | PAD | DEV | GATE sucht zusätzlich nach PIN-, PAD-, GATE-, DEVICE-Namen
" "GATE ohne Namen, platziert das zuerst gefundene, nicht benutzte Gate.
" "GATE * listet alle nicht benutzen Gates; das aus der Liste gewählte Gate wird plaziert.
" "VIA start end sucht Blind- Buried- und Micro-Via einer bestimmten Länge
" "VALUE value CH value ersetzt den Value des gefundenen Elements (CH beachtet die Gross-/Klein-Schreibung)
" "value -S zeigt alle Elemente mit gleichen Values gleichzeitig (gehighlightet wie bei SHOW), nur in BRD.
" "- + zeigt die gefundenen Elemente Schritt für Schritt (+ vor, - zurück), in BRD und SCH
" "

" "Such-Reihenfolge:
" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" // 2013-07-02 "" "
Schematic: Board:
1. Part name 1. Element
2. Net name 2. Signal/Wires/Vias
3. Bus name 3. Pads
4. Value 4. ValueKeine Unterscheidung der Groß-/Kleinschreibung.
5. Device ** 5. Polygon width **
6. Gate ** 6. Drill
7. Pin ** 7. Via stack
8. Pad ** 8. Roundness
9. Text
" "** nach Device-, Gate-, Pin-, Pad-Namen, Polygon-Width und Drill-Durchmesser wird gesucht, falls DEV, GATE, PIN, PAD, POLYGON oder DRILL gesetzt ist.
" "
" "Im Symbol-Editor kann nach Pin-Name, im Package-Editor kann nach Pad/Smd-Name gesucht werden.

" "Author: support@cadsoft.de"; // THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED AS IS AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED // Version 1.1 2005.06.15 - CH : search and replace Value / Suchen und ersetzen das Value alf@cadsoft.de // Zuweisung von Vfind berichtigt, es konnten nur Values mit Großschreibung gefunden werden. // durchsuchen von Netz-Namen in Bussen berichtigt. // Version 1.2 2005.07.19 - Search also in Polygon - contour - wire // // Version 1.3 2005.11.14 - Search Part_Name // // Version 1.4 2006.04.25 - Show all parts with same Value in Board // // Version 1.5 2006.05.08 - Clip zoom coordinate for show to maximum // // Version 1.6 2006.09.26 - Find also (Device+)GATE-name // // Version 1.7 2006.11.09 - +/- Trace step by step with value // ein neuer Suchbegriff setzt den Trace-counter auf 0 // // Version 1.8 2007.02.13 - Find Net without Segment-Wire, but with Pinref // // Version 1.9 2007.02.23 - Find Polygons with Wire-Width // Zuweisung von Vfind als Kommadozeileneingabe berichtigt // In Bus-Namen werden jetzt auch Netze in der Schreibweise "D[0..7],A[0..15]" gefunden // Falls der Layer des gefundenen Element nicht Visible ist wird er eingeschaltet // // Version 2.0 2007.04.23 - Find Drills (Pad, Via, Hole - Diameter) // GATE // VIA stack, sucht Vias von Layer bis Layer // // Version 2.1 2007.06.27 - Erst die Anzahl der gefundenen Elemente anzeigen, dann mit SHOW markieren, // damit man anschliessend mit WINDOW bzw. Scroll-Rad zoomen kann ohne daß die // Markierung (highlighten) aufgehoben wird. // Abfrage des Zähler argc für die zu suchende Anzahl berichtigt. // // Version 2.2 2007.07.05 - Hilfe in #usage en: de: integriert. // // Version 2.3 2007.10.16 - Find PIN in Symbol // - Find PAD/SMD in Package // // Version 2.4 2008.06.10 - Window-Befehl für SCH angepasst, // Zoomfenster in SCH über Area berechnet // Zähler für Option PAD/PIN/DEV berichtigt // require 5.0.1 // // Version 2.5 2010.09.03 - Suche auch in TEXTen // // Version 2.6 2013.07.02 - Suche nach Roundness bei SMD // // Version 2.7 2013.11.25 - Option Change Value berichtigt run find oldvalue CH newvalue * // // Version 2.8 2014.03.21 - corrected option -S // // Version 2.9 2016.04.04 - replaced depricated UL_CONTACT, now pins connected to more than one pad are supported // #require 6.0000; string Version = "Version 2.9"; string Find; string Vfind; string NewValue; int Change_Value = 0; string Again; string Fpin; string FndPin = "Element"; string foundelement = ""; enum { sNull, sPin, sPad, sDevice, sGate, sValue }; string SCHfPinPad[] = { "", "PIN", "PAD", "DEV", "GATE", "VALUE"}; enum { bNull, bPad, bValue, bPolygon, bDrill, bVia, bRoundness }; string BRDfPinPad[] = { "", "PAD", "VALUE", "POLYGON", "DRILL", "VIA", "ROUNDNESS" }; // for "POLYGON", "DRILL", "VIA" see also function returnfind() and function show_B() string Invoke[] ; // invoke list of not placed gates int Vstart; int Vend; int Fcnt = 0; int CntStep = 0; string StepFile = ""; int all; int cnt; int StepMode = 0; // for trace vorward/backward of elements for show int Result; real lastZoom = 0; int lastSheet = 0; real PolyWidth = 0; real DrillDiam = 0; int Roundness = 0; int OptShow = 0; // Only board. Option to manually placing 2006.04.25 int display_layer[]; int test = 0; string fileName = argv[0]; string scriptfile = filesetext(fileName, "$$$.scr"); int gridunit; string unit[] = { "Micron", "mm", "Mil", "Inch" }; string repeat = ""; // ### Functions ### real u2u(int val) { switch (gridunit) { case GRID_UNIT_MIC : return u2mic(val); case GRID_UNIT_MM : return u2mm(val); case GRID_UNIT_MIL : return u2mil(val); case GRID_UNIT_INCH : return u2inch(val); } } string dpbacksl(string fs) { int l = 0; do { if (fs[l] == '\\') { string fs1 = strsub(fs, 0 , l + 1); string fs2 = strsub(fs, l + 1 ); fs = fs1 + "\\" + fs2; l += 2; } l++; } while (fs[l]); return fs; } string check_layer(void) { board(B) { B.layers(L) { display_layer[L.number] = L.visible; string s; if (L.number == 21 || L.number == 22 || L.number == 25 || L.number == 26 || L.number == 27 || L.number == 28 || L.number == 51 || L.number == 52 ) { if (L.visible) return "DISPLAY NONE 21 -23 25 27 51 22 -24 26 28 52;\n"; // display only Top layer } else if (L.visible) return "DISPLAY NONE 21 -23 25 27 51 22 -24 26 28 52;\n"; // display only Top layer } } return ""; } void showrepeat(string text) { dlgDialog("FIND.ULP") { dlgHBoxLayout dlgSpacing(600); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgVBoxLayout dlgSpacing(300); dlgTextEdit(text); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("+&OK") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(1); } }; return; } string returnfind(void) { string rs; if (!Fpin) FndPin = "Element"; if (Fpin == "POLYGON") sprintf(rs, "run ulpmessage.ulp '%d %s found!';\n", Fcnt, FndPin); else if (Fpin == "DRILL") sprintf(rs, "run ulpmessage.ulp '%d %s found!';\n", Fcnt, FndPin); else if (Fpin == "VIA") sprintf(rs, "run ulpmessage.ulp '%d %s found!';\n", Fcnt, FndPin); else if (Fpin == "ROUNDNESS") sprintf(rs, "run ulpmessage.ulp '%d %s found!';\n", Fcnt, FndPin); else if (StepMode){ if (StepMode == Fcnt) exit(repeat); else repeat = ""; // no message while step mode return ""; } else sprintf(rs, "run ulpmessage.ulp '%d %s(s) %s found!' '%s';\n", Fcnt, FndPin, Find, foundelement); // 2007.03.23 alf if (Find) { if (CntStep) { if (CntStep > Fcnt) { output(StepFile, "wt") printf("%d\n%s\n%d", Fcnt, Vfind, CntStep); // write actual counter in file } else return ""; // for Trace step by step disply no message } } return dpbacksl(rs); } void check(string repeat) { if (OptShow) { if (test) showrepeat(repeat); if (Fcnt) { exit(repeat); } return; } repeat = returnfind() + repeat; if (test) showrepeat(repeat); exit (repeat); // first messagebox than show 2007.06.27 alf } void helpULP(void) { dlgDialog("find.ulp") { dlgHBoxLayout dlgSpacing(550); dlgLabel(usage); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(1); } }; return; } string getfind() { real Dmin = 0.0, Dmax = u2u(13100); string f; all = 0; int sel_m = 0; int findpoly = 0; Result = dlgDialog("Find Element") { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgVBoxLayout { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgLabel("&Name "); dlgStringEdit(f); dlgLabel(" (Value) "); dlgSpacing(30); dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("&Help") helpULP(); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgLabel("&Counts"); dlgIntEdit(all, 0, 10000); dlgSpacing(200); dlgStretch(1); dlgLabel(Version); dlgSpacing(12); } dlgHBoxLayout { if (schematic) { dlgGroup("Find options") { dlgRadioButton("&...", sel_m) Fpin = ""; dlgRadioButton("P&IN", sel_m) { Fpin = "PIN"; } dlgRadioButton("P&AD", sel_m) { Fpin = "PAD"; } dlgRadioButton("&DEV", sel_m) { Fpin = "DEV"; } dlgRadioButton("&GATE", sel_m) { Fpin = "GATE"; } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgRadioButton("&VALUE", sel_m) Fpin = ""; dlgSpacing(22); dlgCheckBox(" &change to ", Change_Value); dlgLabel(" Val&ue "); dlgStringEdit(NewValue); dlgStretch(1); } } } if (board) { dlgGroup("Find options") { dlgRadioButton("&...", sel_m) Fpin = ""; dlgRadioButton("P&AD", sel_m) Fpin = "PAD"; dlgHBoxLayout { dlgRadioButton("&VALUE", sel_m) Fpin = ""; dlgSpacing(12); dlgCheckBox(" &change to", Change_Value) if (Change_Value) OptShow = 0; dlgLabel("Val&ue "); dlgStringEdit(NewValue); dlgSpacing(12); dlgCheckBox("Sh&ow all ", OptShow) if (OptShow) Change_Value = 0; dlgSpacing(132); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgRadioButton("POL&YGON", sel_m) Fpin = "PPOLYGON"; dlgSpacing(70); dlgLabel(" &Width "); dlgRealEdit(PolyWidth, 0, 10000); dlgSpacing(90); dlgStretch(1); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgRadioButton("&DRILL", sel_m) Fpin = "DRILL"; dlgSpacing(73); dlgLabel(" Diamete&r "); dlgRealEdit(DrillDiam, Dmin, Dmax); dlgSpacing(90); dlgStretch(1); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgRadioButton("V&IA layer stack", sel_m) Fpin = "VIA"; dlgSpacing(45); dlgLabel(" &Start "); dlgIntEdit(Vstart, 0, 16); dlgSpacing(12); dlgLabel(" &End "); dlgIntEdit(Vend, 0, 16); dlgSpacing(90); dlgStretch(1); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgRadioButton("&ROUNDNESS", sel_m) Fpin = "ROUNDNESS"; dlgSpacing(72); dlgLabel(" &% "); dlgIntEdit(Roundness, 0, 100); dlgSpacing(250); dlgStretch(1); } } dlgStretch(1); } } dlgStretch(0); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("+&Find") { dlgAccept(); all--; } dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") { dlgReject(); exit(-1); } } dlgStretch(1); } } }; if (!f && Fpin == "GATE") f = "0"; return f; } real clip_zoom(real v) { // clip value to max. coordinate 2006.05.08 switch (gridunit) { case GRID_UNIT_MIC : if (v > 838200) return 838200; if (v < -838200) return -838200; break; case GRID_UNIT_MM : if (v > 838.2) return 838.2; if (v < -838.2) return -838.2; break; case GRID_UNIT_MIL : if (v > 33000.0) return 33000; if (v < -33000.0) return -33000; break; case GRID_UNIT_INCH : if (v > 33.0) return 33; if (v < -33.0) return -33; break; } return v; } // #### make script line for show in board #### string show_B(real x, real y, real zoom1, real zoom2, string findb, int fist, int layer) { Fcnt++; string cmd = ""; string cmd_show; if (findb[0] == '(') sprintf(cmd_show, "SHOW %s ", findb); // 2010.09.03 alf bei TEXTen Koordinate benutzen else if (OptShow)sprintf(cmd_show, " '%s' ", findb); // 2014.03.21 corrected option -S else sprintf(cmd_show, ";SHOW '%s' ", findb); // 2007.06.27 alf if (Fpin == "PAD") cmd_show = ""; // can not show pads if (Fpin == "POLYGON") sprintf(cmd_show, ";SHOW (%.4f %.4f);\n", x, y); // do not show polygons // ### can not show drills ### if (Fpin == "DRILL") cmd_show = ""; // do not change this line // ### can not show vias, only complete signal ### if (Fpin == "VIA") { cmd_show = ""; layer = 0; } // do not change this line if (Fpin == "ROUNDNESS") { cmd_show = "";} // do not change this line 2013-07-02 if (OptShow) { sprintf(cmd, "%s", cmd_show); } else { if (lastZoom) { if (StepMode) { sprintf(cmd, "\n;WINDOW (%.6f %.6f) ;\n%s", x, y, cmd_show ); } else { sprintf(cmd, "\n;WINDOW (%.6f %.6f) (%.6f %.6f) (%.6f %.6f);\n%s;\n", x, y, x, y, x, y, cmd_show ); } } else { if (StepMode) { sprintf(cmd, ";\nWINDOW (%.6f %.6f);\n%s", x, y, cmd_show ); } else { sprintf(cmd, ";WINDOW FIT;\n" ";WINDOW (%.6f %.6f) (%.6f %.6f) (%.6f %.6f);\n%s", x, y, clip_zoom(x + zoom1), y, clip_zoom(x + zoom2), y, cmd_show ); lastZoom = zoom2; } } } if (Change_Value) { // 2013-10-24 string chval; sprintf(chval, "; VALUE %s '%s';\n", findb, NewValue); cmd += chval; } if (!display_layer[layer] && layer != 0) { sprintf(cmd_show, "DISPLAY %d;\n%s", layer, cmd); cmd += cmd_show; } if (Fpin == "VIA") { sprintf(cmd_show, "DISPLAY %d %d 18;\n", Vstart, Vend); cmd += cmd_show; } if (Fpin == "ROUNDNESS") { // 2013-07-02 sprintf(cmd_show, "DISPLAY 1 16;\n"); cmd += cmd_show; } return cmd; } // #### make script line for show in schematic #### string show_S(int s, real x1area, real y1area, real x2area, real y2area, string finds) { Fcnt++; string cmd_show; if (finds[0] == '(') sprintf(cmd_show, ";SHOW %s ", finds); // 2010.09.03 alf Bei TEXTen kann nur die Koordinate benutzt werden else sprintf(cmd_show, "\n;SHOW '%s' ", finds); // 2007.06.27 alf string cmd = ""; if (s != lastSheet) { lastSheet = s; if (StepMode) { sprintf(cmd, ";\nEDIT .s%d;\nWINDOW (%.6f %.6f) (%.6f %.6f);\n%s", s, x1area, y1area, x2area, y2area, cmd_show ); } else { sprintf(cmd, ";\nEDIT .s%d;\nWINDOW (%.6f %.6f) (%.6f %.6f);\n%s", s, x1area, y1area, x2area, y2area, cmd_show ); } } else { if (StepMode) { sprintf(cmd, ";\nWINDOW (%.6f %.6f) (%.6f %.6f);\n%s", s, x1area, y1area, x2area, y2area, cmd_show ); } else { sprintf(cmd, ";\nEDIT .s%d;\nWINDOW (%.6f %.6f) (%.6f %.6f);\n%s", s, x1area, y1area, x2area, y2area, cmd_show ); } } if (Change_Value) { // 2013-10-24 string chval; sprintf(chval, "; VALUE %s '%s';\n", finds, NewValue); cmd += chval; } if (StepMode) { if (CntStep != Fcnt) cmd = ""; } return cmd; } real zfactor(real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2) { return sqrt( pow(x2 - x1, 2) + pow(y2 - y1, 2) ); } // *** split bus-name from net-name *** int findBus(string name, string sfind) { string bn[]; int b; b = strsplit(bn, name, ':'); string nn[]; if (b == 2) { b = strsplit(nn, bn[1], ','); } else { b = strsplit(nn, name, ','); } for (int x = 0; x < b; x++) { if(nn[x] == sfind) return 1; } // *** search for name[n..n] *** string nm; for (x = 0; x < b; x++) { int pos1 = strchr(nn[x], '['); int pos2 = strchr(nn[x], '.'); int pos3 = strchr(nn[x], ']'); string Pref = strsub(nn[x], 0 , pos1); string n1 = strsub(nn[x], pos1+1, pos2-pos1-1); string n2 = strsub(nn[x], pos2+2, pos3-pos2-2); for (int n = strtol(n1); n <= strtol(n2); n++) { sprintf(nm, "%s%d", Pref, n); if (nm == sfind) return 1; } } return 0; } // *** trace elemete step by step *** string get_step(int step) { StepMode = 1; CntStep = 0; string s = ""; string lastvalue; StepFile = filesetext(argv[0], ".stp"); string sf[]; int isfile = fileglob(sf, StepFile); if (isfile) { string t[]; int ct = fileread(t, StepFile); CntStep = strtod(t[0]); if (Vfind != t[1]) CntStep = 0; } CntStep += step; if (CntStep < 1) { CntStep = 1; dlgMessageBox("!This is the first Element", "OK"); } output(StepFile, "wt") printf("%d\n%s", CntStep, Vfind); // write actual counter in file sprintf(s, "%d", CntStep); return s; } string get_invoke(void) { int sel; int Result = dlgDialog("Invoke unused gates") { dlgListView("Gates to Invoke", Invoke, sel) { dlgAccept(); return Invoke[sel]; } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("OK") dlgAccept(); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(1); } }; if (Result) return Invoke[sel]; return ""; } // ****** Main ****** Vfind = argv[1]; if (argc > 2) Again = strupr(argv[argc-1]); // 2007.06.27 alf if (argv[2] == "+") { Again = get_step(1); StepMode = strtod(Again); } if (argv[2] == "-") { Again = get_step(-1); StepMode = strtod(Again); } if (symbol) symbol(S) { // 2007.10.16 Vfind = strupr(argv[1]); if (!Vfind) { dlgMessageBox(usage + "
" + Version); exit(0); } library(L) gridunit = (L.grid.unit); S.pins(P) { if (P.name == Vfind) { sprintf(Vfind, "WIN (%.4f %.4f);", u2u(P.x), u2u(P.y) ); exit(Vfind); } } exit("run ulpmessage.ulp '" + Vfind + " not found!';\n"); } else if (package) package(P) { // 2007.10.16 Vfind = strupr(argv[1]); if (!Vfind) { dlgMessageBox(usage + "
" + Version); exit(0); } library(L) gridunit = (L.grid.unit); P.contacts(C) { if (C.name == Vfind) { sprintf(Vfind, "WIN (%.4f %.4f);", u2u(C.x), u2u(C.y) ); exit(Vfind); } } exit("run ulpmessage.ulp '" + Vfind + " not found!';\n"); } else if (schematic) { if ( strupr(argv[1]) == SCHfPinPad[1]) { Fpin = SCHfPinPad[1]; Vfind = argv[2]; } // "PIN" else if ( strupr(argv[1]) == SCHfPinPad[2]) { Fpin = SCHfPinPad[2]; Vfind = argv[2]; } // "PAD" else if ( strupr(argv[1]) == SCHfPinPad[3]) { Fpin = SCHfPinPad[3]; Vfind = argv[2]; } // "DEV" else if ( strupr(argv[1]) == SCHfPinPad[4]) { // "GATE" Fpin = SCHfPinPad[4]; Vfind = argv[2]; if (!Vfind) { // found Gates are not placed in schematic Vfind = "0"; } } else if ( strupr(argv[1]) == SCHfPinPad[5]) { Fpin = SCHfPinPad[5]; Vfind = argv[2]; } // "VALUE" if (argc > 2) Again = strupr(argv[argc-1]); else Again = ""; } else if (board) { if ( strupr(argv[1]) == BRDfPinPad[bPad]) { Fpin = BRDfPinPad[bPad]; Vfind = argv[2]; } // "PAD" else if ( strupr(argv[1]) == BRDfPinPad[bValue]) { Fpin = BRDfPinPad[bValue]; Vfind = argv[2]; } // "VALUE" else if ( strupr(argv[1]) == BRDfPinPad[bPolygon]) { // "POLYGON" Fpin = BRDfPinPad[bPolygon]; Find = BRDfPinPad[bPolygon]; PolyWidth = strtod(argv[2]); if (argc > 3) Again = strupr(argv[argc-1]); else Again = ""; } else if ( strupr(argv[1]) == BRDfPinPad[bDrill]) { // "DRILL" Fpin = BRDfPinPad[bDrill]; Find = BRDfPinPad[bDrill]; DrillDiam = strtod(argv[2]); if (argc > 3) Again = strupr(argv[argc-1]); else Again = ""; } else if ( strupr(argv[1]) == BRDfPinPad[bVia]) { // "VIA" Fpin = BRDfPinPad[bVia]; Find = BRDfPinPad[bVia]; Vstart = strtod(argv[2]); Vend = strtod(argv[3]); if (argc > 4) Again = strupr(argv[argc-1]); else Again = ""; } else if ( strupr(argv[1]) == BRDfPinPad[bRoundness]) { // "ROUNDNESS" 2013-07-02 Fpin = BRDfPinPad[bRoundness]; Find = BRDfPinPad[bRoundness]; Roundness = strtol(argv[2]); if (argc > 3) Again = strupr(argv[argc-1]); else Again = ""; } } else { if (language() == "de") dlgMessageBox("Starten Sie dieses ULP in einem Schaltplan, Board, Symbol oder Package Editor", "OK"); else dlgMessageBox("Start this ULP in Schematic, Board, Symbol or Package Editor", "OK"); exit(0); } if (argv[3] == "CH") { Change_Value = 1; NewValue = argv[4]; } if (Again == "*") all = 1000; else all = strtol(Again) - 1; if (!Vfind) { Vfind = getfind(); } if (Change_Value) Find = Vfind; // 2013-11-25 else Find = strupr(Vfind); if (!Find && Change_Value) exit (0); cnt = all + 1; if (!Fpin && !Find) { dlgMessageBox("Missing options", "OK"); exit(-1); } // *** Board coord. *** if (board) { int mx, my; // 2008.06.10 alf if (argv[2] == "-S") OptShow = 1; // Show option 2006.04.25 board(B) { gridunit = (B.grid.unit); if (OptShow) { all = 10000; repeat = check_layer(); repeat += ";SHOW;\nWIN;\nSHOW "; // refresh window clear showed elements // 2007.06.27 alf } mx = B.area.x2 + (B.area.x1 * -1); my = B.area.y2 + (B.area.y1 * -1); if (Vfind) { B.elements(E) { if (E.value == Vfind || E.value == Find) { FndPin = "Value"; if (StepMode && all > 0) { ; // do nothing } else { repeat += show_B(u2u(E.x), u2u(E.y), 2, 5, E.name, all, E.mirror); sprintf(foundelement, "Element %s on (%.4f %.4f)", E.name ,u2u(E.x), u2u(E.y) ); } if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } } if (!Fpin && Find) { B.elements(E) { if (E.name == Find) { FndPin = "Element"; repeat += show_B(u2u(E.x), u2u(E.y), 2, 5, Find, all, E.mirror); sprintf(foundelement, "Element %s on (%.4f %.4f)", E.name, u2u(E.x), u2u(E.y) ); check(repeat); } } B.signals(S) { if (S.name == Find) { S.contactrefs(C) { if (C.contact) { // 2011-02-30 first request if a connect. FndPin = "Signal"; repeat += show_B(u2u(C.contact.x), u2u(C.contact.y), 2, 5, Find, all, 0); // 0 = dummy for Layer if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } else { dlgMessageBox("Found signal '"+S.name+ "' without contactref!\nCheck consistence and corrupted signals.", "OK"); exit(-1); } } } } B.signals(S) { if (S.name == Find ) { S.wires(W) { FndPin = "Wire"; real z = zfactor(u2u(W.x1), u2u(W.y1), u2u(W.x2), u2u(W.y2) ); repeat += show_B( u2u((W.x1 + W.x2)/2), u2u((W.y1 + W.y2)/2), z/(z/2) , z/(z/5), Find, all, W.layer); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } } B.signals(S) { if (S.name == Find ) { S.polygons(P) { FndPin = "Polygon"; P.contours(W) { real z = zfactor(u2u(W.x1), u2u(W.y1), u2u(W.x2), u2u(W.y2) ); repeat += show_B( u2u((W.x1 + W.x2)/2), u2u((W.y1 + W.y2)/2), z/(z/2) , z/(z/5), Find, all, W.layer); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; break; } } } } B.signals(S) { if (S.name == Find ) { S.vias(V) { FndPin = "Via"; repeat += show_B(u2u(V.x), u2u(V.y), 1, 5, Find, all, 18); // 18 dummy layer for via sprintf(foundelement, "Element on (%.4f %.4f) %s
", u2u(V.x), u2u(V.y), unit[gridunit], u2u(V.diameter[1]), u2u( (V.diameter[1] - V.drill) / 2), u2u(V.diameter[2]), u2u( (V.diameter[2] - V.drill) / 2), u2u(V.diameter[16]), u2u( (V.diameter[16] - V.drill) / 2), u2u(V.drill) ); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } } } B.elements(E) { if (Fpin == BRDfPinPad[bPad]) { // "PAD" E.package.contacts(C) { if (C.pad) { if (C.pad.name == Find) { FndPin = "Pad/Smd"; repeat += show_B(u2u(C.pad.x), u2u(C.pad.y), 2, 5, E.name, all, E.mirror); sprintf(foundelement, "
PAD %s on (%.4f %.4f) %s [Element %s]
", C.pad.name, u2u(C.pad.x), u2u(C.pad.y), unit[gridunit], E.name, u2u(C.pad.diameter[1]), u2u( (C.pad.diameter[1] - C.pad.drill) / 2), u2u(C.pad.diameter[2]), u2u( (C.pad.diameter[2] - C.pad.drill) / 2), u2u(C.pad.diameter[16]), u2u( (C.pad.diameter[16] - C.pad.drill) / 2), u2u(C.pad.drill) ); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } if (C.smd) { if (C.smd.name == Find) { FndPin = "Pad/Smd"; repeat += show_B(u2u(C.smd.x), u2u(C.smd.y), 2, 5, E.name, all, E.mirror); sprintf(foundelement, "
SMD %s on (%.4f %.4f) %s [Element %s]", C.smd.name, u2u(C.smd.x), u2u(C.smd.y), unit[gridunit], E.name ); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } } } } if (Fpin == BRDfPinPad[bPolygon]) { // "POLYGON" B.signals(S) S.polygons(P) { if (PolyWidth == u2u(P.width)) { FndPin = "Polygon"; P.contours(W) { sprintf(FndPin, " Polygon with WIRE-Width %.4f", PolyWidth); repeat += show_B(u2u(W.x1), u2u(W.y1), 2, 5, S.name, all, P.layer); sprintf(foundelement, "
POLYGON in Layer %d on (%.4f %.4f) %s", P.layer, u2u(W.x1), u2u(W.y1), unit[gridunit] ); break; } if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } B.polygons(P) { if (PolyWidth == u2u(P.width)) { FndPin = "Polygon"; P.contours(W) { sprintf(FndPin, " Polygon with WIRE-Width %.4f", PolyWidth); repeat += show_B(u2u(W.x1), u2u(W.y1), 2, 5, "POLYGON", all, P.layer); sprintf(foundelement, "
POLYGON in Layer %d on (%.4f %.4f) %s", P.layer, u2u(W.x1), u2u(W.y1), unit[gridunit] ); break; } if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } } if (Fpin == BRDfPinPad[bDrill]) { // "DRILL" B.elements(E) { E.package.contacts(C) { if (C.pad) { if (u2u(C.pad.drill) == DrillDiam) { sprintf(FndPin, " Drill %.4f", DrillDiam); repeat += show_B(u2u(C.x), u2u(C.y), 1, u2u(B.area.x2 - B.area.x1)/DrillDiam/10, "DRILL", all, 17); sprintf(foundelement, "
Drill %.4f on (%.4f %.4f) %s", DrillDiam, u2u(C.x), u2u(C.y), unit[gridunit]); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } } E.package.holes(H) { if (u2u(H.drill) == DrillDiam) { sprintf(FndPin, " Drill %.4f", DrillDiam); repeat += show_B(u2u(H.x), u2u(H.y), 1, u2u(B.area.x2 - B.area.x1)/DrillDiam/10, "DRILL", all, 45); sprintf(foundelement, "
Hole %.4f on (%.4f %.4f) %s", DrillDiam, u2u(H.x), u2u(H.y), unit[gridunit]); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } } B.signals(S) { S.vias(V) { if (u2u(V.drill) == DrillDiam) { sprintf(FndPin, " Drill %.4f", DrillDiam); repeat += show_B(u2u(V.x), u2u(V.y), 1, u2u(B.area.x2 - B.area.x1)/DrillDiam/10, "DRILL", all, 18); sprintf(foundelement, "
Dril %.4f in Via on (%.4f %.4f) %s", DrillDiam, u2u(V.x), u2u(V.y), unit[gridunit]); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } } B.holes(H) { if (u2u(H.drill) == DrillDiam) { sprintf(FndPin, " Drill %.4f", DrillDiam); repeat += show_B(u2u(H.x), u2u(H.y), 1, u2u(B.area.x2 - B.area.x1)/DrillDiam/10, "DRILL", all, 45); sprintf(foundelement, "
Hole %.4f on (%.4f %.4f) %s", DrillDiam, u2u(H.x), u2u(H.y), unit[gridunit]); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } } if (Fpin == BRDfPinPad[bVia]) { // "VIA" B.signals(S) { sprintf(FndPin, "VIA stack %d-%d", Vstart, Vend); S.vias(V) { if (V.start == Vstart && V.end == Vend) { repeat += show_B(u2u(V.x), u2u(V.y), 2, 5, Find, all, 0); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } } } if (Fpin == BRDfPinPad[bRoundness]) { // "ROUNDNESS" B.elements(E) { E.package.contacts(C) { if (C.smd) { if (C.smd.roundness == Roundness) { sprintf(FndPin, " Roundness %d", C.smd.roundness); repeat += show_B(u2u(C.x), u2u(C.y), 1, u2u(B.area.x2 - B.area.x1)/5, "ROUNDNESS", all, 17); sprintf(foundelement, "
Roundness %d on (%.4f %.4f) %s", Roundness, u2u(C.x), u2u(C.y), unit[gridunit]); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } } } } B.texts(T) { // 2010.09.03 nach Texten suchen status("Texte:" + T.value); if (T.value == Vfind) { FndPin = "Text"; sprintf(foundelement, "TEXT %s : on (%.4f %.4f)", T.value, u2u(T.x), u2u(T.y) ); // Text kann nicht anhand von T.value angezeigt werden, // deshalb muß die Koordinate als Text übergeben werden. string tv; sprintf(tv, "(%.4f %.4f)", u2u(T.x), u2u(T.y)); //show_B(real x, real y, real zoom1, real zoom2, string findb, int fist, int layer) { repeat += show_B(u2u(T.x), u2u(T.y), 2, 15, tv, all, T.layer); // if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } } if (repeat) check(repeat); string StepFound = " not found!"; if (Fpin == "VIA") sprintf(StepFound, " %d-%d not found!", Vstart, Vend); if (Fpin == "ROUNDNESS") sprintf(StepFound, " %d%% not found!", Roundness); if (StepMode) { get_step(-1); // do not count upper while not found StepFound = " no more found!"; } dlgMessageBox("" + dpbacksl(Find) + StepFound, "OK"); exit (0); } // *** search and find in Schematic *** if (schematic) { lastSheet = 0; schematic(S) { gridunit = (S.grid.unit); if (Fpin == "GATE" && Find == "0" || Fpin == "GATE" && Find == "*") { // 2007.04.03 Find not placed GATEs S.parts(PA) { PA.instances(I) { if (!I.sheet) { if (Find == "0") { sprintf(repeat, "INVOKE %s %s\n", PA.name, I.gate.name); exit(repeat); } else { sprintf(Invoke[Fcnt], "INVOKE %s %s\n", PA.name, I.gate.name); Fcnt++; } } } } exit(get_invoke()); } S.sheets(SH) { SH.parts(PA) { if (Fpin == "DEV") { if (PA.device.name == Find) { // 2005.11.14 alf@cadsoft.de PA.instances(IN) { IN.gate.symbol.pins(P) { FndPin = "Dev"; sprintf(foundelement, "DEVice %s : sheet %d on (%.4f %.4f)", IN.name , IN.sheet, u2u(IN.x), u2u(IN.y) ); repeat += show_S(IN.sheet, u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.x1), u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.y1), u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.x2), u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.y2), PA.name ); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; break; } break; } } } else if (Fpin == "GATE") { PA.instances(IN) { if (PA.name+IN.gate.name == Find || IN.gate.name == Find) { FndPin = "Gate"; sprintf(foundelement, "GATE %s : sheet %d on (%.4f %.4f)", IN.gate.name , IN.sheet, u2u(IN.x), u2u(IN.y) ); repeat += show_S(IN.sheet, u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.x1), u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.y1), u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.x2), u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.y2), PA.name ); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; break; } } } else if (Fpin == "PIN") { PA.instances(IN) { status("Pin:"+PA.name); IN.gate.symbol.pins(P) { // Pin if (P.name == Find) { FndPin = "Pin"; sprintf(foundelement, "PIN %s : sheet %d on (%.4f %.4f)", P.name , IN.sheet, u2u(P.x), u2u(P.y) ); repeat += show_S(IN.sheet, u2u(P.x)-u2u(50000), u2u(P.y)-u2u(50000), u2u(P.x)+u2u(50000), u2u(P.y)+u2u(50000), PA.name ); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; break; } } } } else if (Fpin == "PAD") { status("Pad:"+PA.name); PA.instances(IN) { IN.gate.symbol.pins(P) { P.contacts(C) { if (C.name == Find) { FndPin = "Pad"; sprintf(foundelement, "PAD %s (PIN %s) : sheet %d on (%.4f %.4f)", PA.name, P.name , IN.sheet, u2u(IN.x), u2u(IN.y) ); repeat += show_S(IN.sheet, u2u(P.x)-u2u(100000), u2u(P.y)-u2u(100000), u2u(P.x)+u2u(100000), u2u(P.y)+u2u(100000), PA.name ); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; break; } } } } } } SH.nets(N) { status("Net:"+N.name); if (N.name == Find) { FndPin = "Net"; N.segments(SEG) { SEG.wires(W) { real ox, oy; // 2008.06.10 alf neue Berechnung des Zoomausschnitt if (W.x1 < W.x2) { ox = -0.1 * (u2u(W.x1 + W.x2) / 2); } else { ox = 0.1 * (u2u(W.x1 + W.x2) / 2); } if (W.y1 < W.y2) { oy = -0.1 * (u2u(W.y1 + W.y2) / 2); } else { oy = 0.1 * (u2u(W.y1 + W.y2) / 2); } repeat += show_S(SH.number, u2u(W.x1) - ox, u2u(W.y1) - oy, u2u(W.x2) + ox, u2u(W.y2) + oy, Find ); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } } } } S.sheets(SH) { SH.parts(PA) { status("Part:"+PA.name); if (PA.name == Find) { PA.instances(IN) { // Gate if (IN.sheet) { FndPin = "Part"; sprintf(foundelement, "Device %s : sheet %d on (%.4f %.4f)", PA.name , IN.sheet, u2u(IN.x), u2u(IN.y) ); repeat += show_S(IN.sheet, u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.x1), u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.y1), u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.x2), u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.y2), PA.name ); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } } } SH.busses(B) { status("Bus:"+B.name); if (findBus(B.name, Find)) { FndPin = "Bus"; B.segments(SEG) { SEG.wires(W) { real ox, oy; // 2008.06.10 alf neue Berechnung des Zoomausschnitt if (W.x1 < W.x2) { ox = -0.1 * (u2u(W.x1 + W.x2) / 2); } else { ox = 0.1 * (u2u(W.x1 + W.x2) / 2); } if (W.y1 < W.y2) { oy = -0.1 * (u2u(W.y1 + W.y2) / 2); } else { oy = 0.1 * (u2u(W.y1 + W.y2) / 2); } repeat += show_S(SH.number, u2u(W.x1) - ox, u2u(W.y1) - oy, u2u(W.x2) + ox, u2u(W.y2) + oy, Find ); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } } } SH.parts(PA) { status("Value:" + PA.name); PA.instances(IN) { // Gate if (PA.value == Vfind) { FndPin = "Value"; sprintf(foundelement, "Value %s | %s : sheet %d on (%.4f %.4f)", PA.value, PA.name , IN.sheet, u2u(IN.x), u2u(IN.y) ); repeat += show_S(IN.sheet, u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.x1), u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.y1), u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.x2), u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.y2), PA.name ); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } } SH.texts(T) { // 2010.09.03 nach Texten suchen status("Texte:" + T.value); if (T.value == Vfind) { FndPin = "Text"; sprintf(foundelement, "TEXT %s : sheet %d on (%.4f %.4f)", T.value, SH.number, u2u(T.x), u2u(T.y) ); // Text kann nicht anhand von T.value angezeigt werden, // deshalb muß die Koordinate als Text übergeben werden. string tv; sprintf(tv, "(%.4f %.4f)", u2u(T.x), u2u(T.y)); // je nach Rotation den Zoomausschnitt verschieben int px1 = T.size * 2; int py1 = T.size * 2; int px2 = T.size * 2; int py2 = T.size * 2; repeat += show_S(SH.number, u2u(T.x-px1), u2u(T.y-py1), u2u(T.x+px2), u2u(T.y+py2), tv ); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } } } check(repeat); } else { dlgMessageBox("Start this ULP from schematic or board!", "OK"); exit (0); }