#usage "Offers a selection to open (one of) the respective Library Editor window(s) of the currently edited DEVice/PACkage/SYMbol.

" "It is also possible to edit a DEVice, PACkage, or SYMbol from Schematic or Board directly.

" "Example:
" "RUN edit-used-dev-pac-sym
" "RUN edit-used-dev-pac-sym partname gatename
" "RUN edit-used-dev-pac-sym partname @
" "If the Device consits of one Gate only, use the option '@' for the gatename.
" "In case of using @ for a device with more than one Gate, the first Gate used by the Device will be opened.

" "Attention: If the used Library is not available in the given path, see - Options - Directory - Library - in the Control Panel,
" "a new Schematic/Bord with the Device/Symbole/Package name will be opened!
" "Author: support@cadsoft.de
" // THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED AS IS AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED string Help = "Öffnet in der Bibliothek das Editorfenster das mit dem gerade editierten DEVice/SYMbol/PACkage verknüpft ist.

" + "Vom Schaltplan bzw. Board muss es mit den Optionen Bauteilname Gatename aufgerufen werden.

" + "Beispiel:
" + "RUN edit-used-dev-pac-sym
" + "RUN edit-used-dev-pac-sym Bauteilname Gatename
" + "RUN edit-used-dev-pac-sym Bauteilname @
" + "Besitzt das Bauteil nur ein Symbol (Gate) kann mit @ das Symbol aufgerufen werden.
" + "Wird @ bei einem Bauteil mit mehreren Symbolen (Gates) angewendet, so wird das erste benutzte Symbol aufgerufen
" + "Achtung: Ist die benutzte Bibliothek nicht im Pfad im Menü - Optionen -- Verzeichnisse - Bibliotheken
" + "enthalten, so wird ein Schaltplan bzw. Board mit dem Bauteil/Symbol/Package-Namen angelegt.
" + "Author: support@cadsoft.de
"; // Version 1.0 -- 19.05.2005 support@cadsoft.de // 1.1 -- 29.06.2006 support@cadsoft.de // 1.2 -- 05.12.2012 alf@cadsoft.de checkapostroph() in Symbol- und Device-Name if (language() != "de") Help = usage; string devList[]; string pacList[]; string symList[]; string pac_name; string sym_name; int cntDev, cntPac, cntSym; string use_in; string Object = strupr(argv[1]); // use in schematic (Device) or board (Element) string Gate = strupr(argv[2]); // only in schematic can use string checkapostroph(string s) { // da der ganze String in ' eingeschlossen wird, // müssen die Apostrophen verdoppelt werden. string t[]; int cnt; cnt = strsplit(t, s, '\''); // check Apostroph if (cnt > 1) { s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { if (i == 0) { if (t[i]) s += t[i]; } else if (i) s += "''" + t[i]; } } return s; } int newDevice(string DS_name) { int new = 1; for (int n = 0; n < cntDev; n++) { if (devList[n] == DS_name) { new = 0; break; } } return new; } int newSymbol(string S_name) { int new = 1; for (int n = 0; n < cntSym; n++) { if (symList[n] == S_name) { new = 0; break; } } return new; } if (schematic) { schematic(SCH) { SCH.sheets(S) { S.parts(PA) { if (PA.name == Object) { if (Gate) { int foundgates = 0; PA.instances(I) { foundgates++; if (Gate == "@") { exit("OPEN " + PA.deviceset.library + ";\nEDIT '" + checkapostroph(I.gate.symbol.name) + ".SYM'"); } if (I.name == Object+Gate) { exit("OPEN " + PA.deviceset.library + ";\nEDIT '" + checkapostroph(I.gate.symbol.name) + ".SYM'"); } } if (foundgates) if (dlgMessageBox("! Gate '" + Gate + "' from Device '" + Object + "' not found.\n" + "Use INVOKE to see available Gates.", "Yes", "No") != 0) exit(0); exit("INVOKE " + Object); } else { exit("OPEN '" + PA.deviceset.library + "';\nEDIT '" + PA.deviceset.name + ".DEV'"); } } } } } dlgMessageBox(Help, "OK"); } else if (board) board(B) { B.elements(E) { if (E.name == Object) { exit("OPEN " + E.package.library + "; EDIT '" + E.package.name + ".PAC'"); } } dlgMessageBox(Help, "OK"); } else if (library) { if (deviceset) { deviceset(DS) { DS.devices(D) { if (D.package) { pacList[cntPac] = D.package.name; cntPac++; } } DS.gates(G) { if (newSymbol(G.symbol.name)) { symList[cntSym] = G.symbol.name; cntSym++; } } } dlgDialog("EDIT selected Package or Symbol") { int selectPac = cntPac+1, selectSym = cntSym+1; dlgHBoxLayout dlgSpacing(400); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgVBoxLayout { dlgLabel("Used p&ackages"); dlgListView("Packages", pacList, selectPac) { dlgAccept(); exit("EDIT '" + pacList[selectPac] + ".PAC'"); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("Edit &Package") { dlgAccept(); exit("EDIT '" + pacList[selectPac] + ".PAC'"); } dlgStretch(1); } } dlgVBoxLayout { dlgLabel("Used s&ymbols"); dlgListView("Symbols", symList, selectSym) { dlgAccept(); exit("EDIT '" + checkapostroph(symList[selectSym]) + ".SYM'"); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("Edit &Symbol") { dlgAccept(); exit("EDIT '" + checkapostroph(symList[selectSym]) + ".SYM'"); } dlgStretch(1); } } dlgVBoxLayout dlgSpacing(200); } dlgLabel("Double click on listed Package or Symbol to edit."); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("-Cancel") { dlgReject(); exit(0); } dlgStretch(1); } }; exit(0); } if (package || symbol) { if (package) { package(P) pac_name = P.name; devList[0] = "!No Devices use this package"; use_in = "Package used in"; library(L) { L.devicesets(DS) { DS.devices(D) { if (D.package) { if (D.package.name == pac_name) { devList[cntDev] = DS.name; cntDev++; } } } } } } if (symbol) { symbol(S) sym_name = S.name; devList[0] = "!No Devices use this symbol"; use_in = "Symbol used in"; library(L) { L.devicesets(DS) { DS.gates(G) { if (G.symbol.name == sym_name) { if (newDevice(DS.name)) { devList[cntDev] = DS.name; cntDev++; } } } } } } } if (cntDev) { if (cntDev > 1) { // 2006.06.29 dlgDialog("EDIT selected Device") { int select; dlgLabel(use_in); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgListView("Devices", devList, select) { dlgAccept(); exit("EDIT '" + checkapostroph(devList[select]) + ".DEV';"); } dlgVBoxLayout dlgSpacing(200); } dlgLabel("Double click on listed device to edit."); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("+OK") { dlgAccept(); exit("EDIT '" + checkapostroph(devList[select]) + ".DEV';"); } dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(1); } }; } else exit("EDIT '" + checkapostroph(devList[0]) + ".DEV';"); } else dlgMessageBox(devList[0], "Ok"); }