#usage "en: This ULP generates the CONNECT list for a new Device

" "consisting of several Symbols (Gates), " "which have been extracted from one big Symbol by GROUP CUT and PASTE.

" "Example:
" "It is possible to generate a Device with Symbol and Package from a BSDL or a text file (spreadsheet) with " "the help of RUN make-symbol-device-package-bsdl. In case the Symbol becomes too big and does not " "fit onto a single schematic sheet due to the number of pins, you can divide it into several smaller Symbols with " "the commands GROUP, CUT, EDIT xx.sym, PASTE and so on. With the help of this ULP you can adopt the Connect " "list from the 'original Device'.

" "Please note:
" "There must not be pins with same names. So it is impossible to use this ULP for Devices that consist of " "several identical Symbols (gates like NAND or OP-AMP..).
" "The chosen Package variant will be generated in the current Device. If this variant already exists, the " "Connect list will be checked. If there are already connects between pins and pads, the ULP will exit with an error message. " "

" "librarian@cadsoft.de" , "de: Dieses ULP erstellt die CONNECT-Liste für ein neues Device

" "aus mehreren Symbolen (Gates), " "die mithilfe von GROUP CUT und PASTE aus einem großen Symbol entnommen wurden.

" "Beispiel:
" "Mit RUN make-symbol-device-package-bsdl kann mit einer BSDL- oder Textdatei (Tabelle) ein Device mit Symbol " "und Package generiert werden. Falls das Symbol durch die Anzahl der Pins zu groß wird, " "um es im Schaltplan auf eine Seite zu platzieren, kann mit GROUP - CUT - EDIT xx.sym - PASTE .... das Symbol in " "mehrere kleinere Symbole aufgeteilt und mithilfe dieses ULPs die Connect-Liste vom 'Original-Device' übernommen werden.

" "Es dürfen keine Pin-Namen doppelt vorkommen. So ist es z.B. nicht möglich dieses ULP für ein Device, das aus mehreren gleichen " "Symbolen (Gates wie NAND oder OP-AMP) besteht, zu benutzen.
" "Die gewählte Package-Variante wird im aktuellen Device erzeugt. Sollte die Variante schon vorhanden sein " "wird die Connect-Liste überprüft. Sind Connects zwischen Pins und Pads vorhanden, so wird das ULP mit einer Fehlernummer beendet." "

" "librarian@cadsoft.de" string Version = "1.02"; // 1.00 - 2006.12.01 alf@cadsoft.de // 1.01 - 2007.08.07 Abfrage der selektierten Variante darf nicht negativ sein. // überprüft die Connectliste falls die Package-Variate schon angelegt ist // 1.02 - 2008.04.24 Hinweis zum selektieren durch doppelklick string listv1 = "Select a &Device to get Connect list"; string listv2 = "Select a Package &Variant"; string listv3 = "double click in list"; string listv4 = " "; if (language() == "de") { listv1 = "Wählen Sie ein &Device für die Connectliste"; listv2 = "Wählen Sie eine Package &Variante"; listv3 = "doppelklick in Liste"; listv4 = " "; } string DeviceVariant, Pin_Name[], Pad_Name[]; string DeviceSet; string Device_Sets[]; string Variant[]; string Package[]; string Device_Variant[], Device_Package[]; int cntD = 0; int cntConnect = 0; string actualpackage = " "; string cmd; string DeviceDescription; string replacenewline(string nl) { string a[]; int n = strsplit(a, nl, '\n'); if (n > 0) { nl = ""; for (int x = 0; x < n - 1; x++) { nl += a[x] + "\\n"; } nl += a[x]; } return "'" + nl + "'"; } string checkVariant(string s) { if (s == "''") s = "''''"; return s; } void getPackage(int x) { actualpackage = Device_Package[x]+".PAC"; return; } void getVariant(int x) { string p[], v[]; int cnt; cnt = strsplit(p, Package[x], ' '); cnt = strsplit(v, Variant[x], ' '); for (int n = 0; n < cnt; n++) { Device_Variant[n] = v[n]; Device_Package[n] = p[n]; } return; } string getPadName(string name) { for (int n = 0; n < cntConnect; n++) { if (name == Pin_Name[n]) return Pad_Name[n]; } return ""; } if (library) { string file; if (deviceset) { deviceset(DEV) { DeviceSet = DEV.name; DEV.devices(D) { cntConnect = 0; D.gates(G) { G.symbol.pins(P) { cntConnect++; // count all pins } } } } if (!cntConnect) { if (language() == "de") { dlgMessageBox("!Dieses Deviceset besitzt kein(e) Symbol(e)", "OK"); } else { dlgMessageBox("!This Device set has no Symbol(s)", "OK"); } exit(0); } int selD = -1; int selV = -1; library(L) { L.devicesets(DEV) { // collect only devicesets with the same counts of connects as the actual deviceset int cntC; if (DEV.name != DeviceSet) { DEV.devices(D) { cntC = 0; D.gates(G) { G.symbol.pins(P) cntC++; } if (cntC == cntConnect) { Device_Sets[cntD] = DEV.name; Variant[cntD] += D.name + " "; // Package Variant Package[cntD] += D.package.name + " "; } else { // only for test / nur zum test // sprintf(cmd , "%d Connects in %s : %d connects in %s", cntC, DEV.name, cntConnect, DeviceSet); // if (dlgMessageBox(cmd, "OK", "esc") != 0) exit(-99); } } if (cntC == cntConnect) cntD++; } } string use_Device; int listsel = 0; string infodev; sprintf(infodev, "%d Devivces found with %d connects", cntD, cntConnect); do { int RESULT = dlgDialog(filename(argv[0])) { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgLabel(DeviceSet+".DEV"); //dlgLabel(" Variant:"+DeviceVariant); } dlgSpacing(8); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgGridLayout { dlgCell(0, 1) dlgLabel(listv1); dlgCell(1, 1) dlgListView("Device", Device_Sets, selD, listsel) { getVariant(selD); actualpackage = " "; if (language() == "de") actualpackage = "doppelklick in Liste"; else actualpackage = "double click in list"; listv3 = " "; } dlgCell(0, 2) dlgSpacing(12); dlgCell(0, 3) dlgLabel("Select a Package &Variant") ; dlgCell(1, 3) dlgListView("Variant", Device_Variant, selV) getPackage(selV); dlgCell(2, 1) dlgLabel(listv3, 1); dlgCell(2, 3) dlgLabel(actualpackage, 1); } dlgStretch(1); } dlgLabel(infodev); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); dlgPushButton("&Help") dlgMessageBox(usage); } }; if (!RESULT) exit(0); if (selD < 0) { if (language() == "de") { dlgMessageBox("Kein DEVICE gewählt!", "OK"); } else { dlgMessageBox("No DEVICE selected!", "OK"); } } else { // 2007.08.03 if (selV < 0) { if (language() == "de") { dlgMessageBox("!Keine Variante gewählt.\nWählen Sie eine Variante.\nDurch doppelklick auf das Device wird die Spalte Variant angezeigt.", "OK"); } else { dlgMessageBox("No package variant selected!\nTo display the variant colomn, select a Device with a double mouse click first.", "OK"); } } } } while (selD < 0 || selV < 0); } library(L) { file = filesetext(L.name, "~connect.scr"); L.devicesets(DEV) { if (DEV.name == Device_Sets[selD]) { DEV.devices(D) { if (D.name == Device_Variant[selV]) { int n = 0; D.gates(G) { G.symbol.pins(P) { Pin_Name[n] = P.name; Pad_Name[n] = P.contact.name; n++; } } } } DeviceDescription = DEV.description; } } } deviceset(DEV) { int variant_not_used = 1; int variant_exist = 0; DEV.devices(D) { if (D.name == Device_Variant[selV]) { if (D.package) { // 2007.08.06 variant_exist = 1; D.gates(G) { G.symbol.pins(P) { if (P.contact) { variant_not_used = 0; break; } } } } if (variant_not_used == 0) { string h; if (language() == "de") { sprintf(h, "Package-Variante %s
schon vorhanden und connected.
Benutzen Sie eine noch nicht vorhandene Variante in der Quelle,
oder löschen Sie die Variante im aktuellen Device!", D.name); } else { sprintf(h, "Package-Variant %s
is already defined and connected.
Choose a a new variant in the source or delete this variant in the current Device.", D.name); } dlgMessageBox(h, "OK"); exit(-1); } } } if (variant_not_used) { output(file, "wtD") { DEV.devices(D) { if (!variant_exist) printf("PACKAGE %s %s;\n", Device_Package[selV], Device_Variant[selV]); D.gates(G) { G.symbol.pins(P) { string pad = getPadName(P.name); if (language() == "de") { if (!pad) dlgMessageBox("Kein PAD gefunden für "+ P.name +"\nÜberprüfen Sie die Pinnamen der Symbole", "OK"); } else { if (!pad) dlgMessageBox("No PAD found for "+ P.name +"\nCheck the Pin names of the Symbols", "OK"); } printf("CONNECT '%s.%s' '%s';\n", G.name, P.name, pad); // 2007.08.6 *** Namen in ' ' wegen Kommentarzeichen in Scripten "#" } } string t[]; printf("DESCRIPTION %s;\n", replacenewline(DeviceDescription+"
Connect-List generated from "+ Device_Sets[selD] +".DEV Variant "+ checkVariant(Device_Variant[selV]) +" with "+ filename(argv[0])+"")); } printf("WIN FIT;\n"); } exit("SCRIPT '"+ file + "';\n"); } } } else { if (language() == "de") { dlgMessageBox("Öffnen Sie ein Device.", "OK"); } else { dlgMessageBox("Edit a Device.", "OK"); } } } else dlgMessageBox("Start this ULP in a LBR (Device)", "OK");