#usage "Component-Array.ulp
" "This ULP allows users to create both circular and rectangular" " arrays using components already placed on the board\n" /* ******************************************************************************* * Jorge Garcia, Cadsoft Computer * January 21, 2014 * * Revision Log * V1.0 - Initial Release * V2.0 - Allowed for arbitrary angle swing * V3.0 - Improved accuracy * * Copyright (c) 2014 Newark, Premier Farnell DBA Cadsoft Computer * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************************* */ string Version = "3.0"; string help = "

This ULP assumes that the components to be arranged \ have already been placed on the Board. The prefix and index \ fields allow you to define the reference designator of the components and \ what the starting index is, usually it will be 1 but there are cases in which \ you might need to start with a different component. For example lets say \ you want to arrange LED20-LED40, the prefix would be LED and \ index would be 20.The units radio buttons allow you specify \ the working units for the component placement.The values entered in the \ various fields will assume these units.


For rectangular arrays, starting point defines the bottom left\ corner of the array, the first element will be placed there. Spacing \ defines the offset or seperation between elements in the X and Y dimensions. \ Rows and Columns help you define the size of the array, for \ example an array with 4 rows and 5 columns would give you a \ total of 20 components.


For circular arrays, the center and radius fields allow you \ to define the parameters of the circle on which the components will be placed. \ The components field defines the number of components that will be \ placed around the circle. The theta field defines the angle over which \ components will be placed. For example 360 is a full circle, while 180 is a \ semi circle; the components will be placed assuming 0 deg is starting from the \ 3 o'clock postion. The Rotate components toward center of array checkbox\ will additionally rotate the components to point towards the center. This is \ handy for arraying LEDs around a watch PCB.

"; /* ******************************************************************************* * GLOBAL VARIABLES ******************************************************************************* */ string prefix; real x = 0; real y = 0; real start_angle = 0; real end_angle = 360; real radius; real xo; real yo; int rows; int columns; int components = 1; int units; int rotation; int index = 1; /* ******************************************************************************* * GUI FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************************* */ /* ******************************************************************************* * dlgMessage() * * Description: This function displays useful documentation for the ULP, as well * as any error messages that might popup. * * Arguments: Name Dialog Title * MSG Message to Display * * Return: none * * Caller: Master GUI, rect_ARRAY, circ_ARRAY * ******************************************************************************* */ void dlgMessage(string Name, string MSG) { int Result = dlgDialog(Name) { dlgLabel(MSG); dlgPushButton("OK") dlgAccept(); }; } /* ******************************************************************************* * ARRAY FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************************* */ /* ******************************************************************************* * rect_ARRAY() * * Description: This function calculates and writes the command string necessary * for arranging components in a rectangular array. Upon exit that * string is passed onto EAGLE. * * Arguments: pref Component Prefix (R, C, IC, etc.) * ind Starting component index (Usually 1, but could be any * Integer. * xr Starting X coordinate * yr Starting Y coordinate * xore X offset for the rectangular array * yore Y offset for the rectangular array * row Number of rows * col Number of columns * unit Units of measure either inches or milimeters * * Return: none * * Caller: Master GUI * ******************************************************************************* */ void rect_ARRAY(string pref, int ind, real xr, real yr, real xore, real yore, int row, int col, int unit) { int i = 0; int n = 0; int m = 0; /* Loop Variables */ int in = ind; /* Index */ real xp = xr; /* Starting Point */ real yp = yr; string a[]; /* Will store all of the command and later converted to a big string of EAGLE commands*/ string commands; /* Big string with all of the commands */ if (in < 1 || pref == "" || row <= 0 || col <= 0 || xore <= 0 || yore <= 0){ dlgMessage("ERROR", "

Make sure all fields have been filled. With the \ exception of the starting point, the numerical fields must have \ positive non-zero values

"); return; } if (unit == 0) { a[i] = "GRID IN;"; /* First command sets units */ i++; /* Increment */ } else { a[i] = "GRID MM;"; i++; } for (n = 0; n < row; n++){ /*This loop places components from left to right, bottom to top */ for (m = 0; m < col; m++) { sprintf( a[i], "MOVE "+pref+"%d (%0.6f %0.6f);", in, xp, yp); i++; in++; xp += xore; } yp += yore; xp = xr; } a[i] = "GRID LAST;"; /* Restores Grid settings prior to running ULP */ commands = strjoin(a, ' '); /* This function takes the string array and combines it into.. */ /* .. one large single string which is executed upon exit. */ exit (commands); /* Command string gets passed to EAGLE for processing */ } /* ******************************************************************************* * circ_ARRAY() * * Description: This function calculates and writes the command string necessary * for arranging components in a circular array. Upon exit that * string is passed onto EAGLE. * * Arguments: pref Component Prefix (R, C, IC, etc.) * ind Starting component index (Usually 1, but could be any * Integer. * xc Center X coordinate * yc Center Y coordinate * rad Radius of the circle the components will be placed on * sang Starting Angle over which to place components * eang Ending Angle over which to place components * comp Number of components to place * rot Determines if components will be rotated toward center * or not. * unit Units of measure either inches or milimeters * edit Tells what editor the ULP is running from * * Return: none * * Caller: Master GUI * ******************************************************************************* */ void circ_ARRAY(string pref, int ind, real xc, real yc, real rad, real sang, real eang, int comp, int rot, int unit, int edit) { int i = 0; /* Loop variables */ int n = 0; int in = ind; real angle_offset = abs(eang - sang)/(comp-1); /* Angular seperation between elements of the array */ real direction = 1; /* Sets the direction of the part placement */ real cang; /* Temporary place holder for rotation angle of component */ string a[]; string commands; if (eang > sang) { /* Make sure rotation is in the correct direction */ direction = 1; } else { direction = -1; } if (eang > 360 || eang < -360 || sang > 360 || sang < -360){ /* Make sure angle values are within limits */ dlgMessage("ERROR", "Angle values are outside of the range -360 to 360"); return; } if (in < 1 || pref == "" || comp <= 0 || rad <= 0){ /* Error-checking */ dlgMessage("ERROR", "

Make sure all fields have been filled. The index, component and radius fields need to have positive non-zero values

"); return; } if (unit == 0) { a[i] = "GRID IN;"; /* First command sets units */ i++; /* Increment */ } else { a[i] = "GRID MM;"; i++; } sprintf(a[i], "MARK (%0.6f %0.6f);", xc, yc); /* This command sets up the relative origin at the center of the circle */ i++; for (n = 0; n < comp; n++) { /* This for loop writes the command and depending on the rotation flag .. */ cang = n*direction*angle_offset + sang; /* .. sets the rotation for the component in absolute terms. */ sprintf(a[i], "MOVE "+pref+"%d (P %0.6f %0.6f);",in, rad, cang); i++; if (rot == 1 && edit == 0) { sprintf(a[i], "ROTATE =R%0.6f '"+pref+"%d';", cang, in); i++; } else if (rot == 1 && edit == 1) { /* Detect that you're in the schematic and the rotation is set */ dlgMessage("ERROR","

The schematic editor forbids non-orthogonal rotations. Please uncheck the point to center checkbox.

"); return; } in++; } a[i] = "MARK;"; /* Removes the relative origin */ i++; a[i] = "GRID LAST;"; /* Sets grid back to the way it was before running ULP */ commands = strjoin(a, ' '); exit(commands); } /* ******************************************************************************* * ULP STARTS EXECUTING FROM HERE ******************************************************************************* */ int Result = dlgDialog("Component Array - "+Version) { dlgTabWidget { dlgTabPage("Rectangular Array") { dlgGridLayout{ dlgCell (0,0) dlgLabel("Prefix"); dlgCell (0,1) dlgStringEdit(prefix); dlgCell (0,2) dlgLabel("Starting Index"); dlgCell (0,3) dlgIntEdit(index); dlgCell (1,0) dlgLabel("(S)tart Point"); dlgCell (1,2) dlgLabel("Spacing"); dlgCell (2,0) dlgLabel("X"); dlgCell (2,1) dlgRealEdit(x); dlgCell (2,2) dlgLabel("XO"); dlgCell (2,3) dlgRealEdit(xo); dlgCell (3,0) dlgLabel("Y"); dlgCell (3,1) dlgRealEdit(y); dlgCell (3,2) dlgLabel("YO"); dlgCell (3,3) dlgRealEdit(yo); dlgCell (4,0) dlgLabel("(R)ows"); dlgCell (4,1) dlgIntEdit(rows); dlgCell (5,0) dlgLabel("(C)olumns"); dlgCell (5,1) dlgIntEdit(columns); dlgCell (4,2,5,3) { dlgGroup("Units") { dlgRadioButton("Inches",units); /* units = 0 */ dlgRadioButton("Millimeters",units); /* units = 1 */ } } dlgCell (6,0) dlgPushButton("Help") dlgMessage("Help", help); dlgCell (6,1) dlgPushButton("OK") rect_ARRAY(prefix, index, x, y, xo, yo, rows, columns, units); dlgCell (6,2) dlgPushButton("Cancel") dlgReject(); } } dlgTabPage("Circular Array") { dlgGridLayout{ dlgCell (0,0) dlgLabel("Prefix"); dlgCell (0,1) dlgStringEdit(prefix); dlgCell (0,2) dlgLabel("Starting Index"); dlgCell (0,3) dlgIntEdit(index); dlgCell (1,0) dlgLabel("(C)enter"); dlgCell (1,2) dlgLabel("(R)adius"); dlgCell (1,3) dlgRealEdit(radius); dlgCell (2,0) dlgLabel("X"); dlgCell (2,1) dlgRealEdit(x); dlgCell (2,2) dlgLabel("# Components"); dlgCell (2,3) dlgIntEdit(components); dlgCell (3,0) dlgLabel("Y"); dlgCell (3,1) dlgRealEdit(y); dlgCell (3,2) dlgLabel("(S)tart Angle"); dlgCell (3,3) dlgRealEdit(start_angle); dlgCell (4,2) dlgLabel("(E)nd Angle"); dlgCell (4,3) dlgRealEdit(end_angle); dlgCell (4,0,6,1) dlgCheckBox("Rotate components to point \ntowards center of array",rotation); /* checked, rotation = 1; not checked, rotation = 0 */ dlgCell (5,2,6,3) { dlgGroup("Units") { dlgRadioButton("Inches",units); /* units = 0 */ dlgRadioButton("Millimeters",units); /* units = 1 */ } } dlgCell (7,0) dlgPushButton("Help") dlgMessage("Help", help); if (schematic) { /* The schematic forbids non-orthogonal rotations, this if .. */ dlgCell (7,1) dlgPushButton("OK") circ_ARRAY(prefix, /* .. statement allows the program to detect that it's in the.. */ index, /* .. schematic if point toward center is selected EAGLE will.. */ x, /* .. flag a warning and not continue. The user will have to .. */ y, /* .. uncheck the flag in order for the circular array to work. */ radius, start_angle, end_angle, components, rotation, units, 1); } else { dlgCell (7,1) dlgPushButton("OK") circ_ARRAY(prefix, index, x, y, radius, start_angle, end_angle, components, rotation, units, 0); } dlgCell (7,2) dlgPushButton("Cancel") dlgReject(); } } } };