#usage "<b>Renumber board components</b>\n"
       "See Help of the ULP for further instructions."
       "<author>Author: support@cadsoft.de (based on original code from Michel Dagenais, jcmae@sympatico.ca)</author>"


// 16.06.2002 "Scan window"/"Unit" do not take effect in the current instance of the program -- alf@cadsoft.de

string HelpText =

  "This ULP will renumber a board's components starting from any corner, renaming from suffix 1, either horizontally or vertically."
  "If there are names like R01, the program will ask you if it may change those names. "
  "Otherwise no renaming can be performed."
  "Your board MUST be drawn on layer 20 (dimension) and all components MUST be inside it, otherwise the result is unpredictable.\n"
  "<b>Meaning of Parameters</b>\n"
  "Unit for the value entered in the Scan window.\n"
  "Renumber direction.\n"
  "<b>Top Side: Start from</b>\n"
  "Renumber starting point for top (component) side.\n"
  "<b>Bottom Side: Start from</b>\n"
  "Renumber starting point for bottom (solder) side.\n"
  "<b>Scan window</b>\n"
  "Dimension of the user-defined window to determine row or column width for components scanning.\n"
  "<b>Bottom suffix</b>\n"
  "Renumbering starts at the component side.\n"
  "If Bottom suffix is 0, the bottom component suffixes are continued in sequence.\n"
  "If Bottom suffix is  > 0, the bottom component suffixes start with this number, provided there is no overlapping with component names at the top side.\n"
  "<b>Show scripts</b>\n"
  "If this box is checked, the respective command scripts are shown before execution of Preview and Renumber.<br>\n"
  "The Renumber Script can be saved.\n"
  "Highlights all components in the order of the currently selected renumbering sequence.<br>\n"
  "Please note that on fast computers Preview might be too fast to watch!\n"
  "Executes the renumber function and quits program.\n"

real    window, win;
int     sequence_bottom;
int     dir;
int     c_top;
int     c_bottom;
enum    {unitINCH, unitMM};
int     unit = unitINCH;
int     show_script;
string  params;

if (!argv[1]) {           // first program instance
   //---- edit the following default values to your liking ---------------------------------
   window = 0.4 ;         // default scan window width
   sequence_bottom = 100; // if no overlap, use this new suffix to start on bottom,
                          //  otherwise continue in sequence
   dir = 0;               // 0 = horizontally, 1 = vertically
   c_top = 0;             // starting point for top side
   c_bottom = 3;          // starting point for bottom side
   unit = unitINCH;       // change to unitMM, if you want mm as default
   show_script = 0;       // 1 = show script file before execution
else {
   if (argv[1] == "end") {           // last program instance
      dlgMessageBox("Renumber finished!", "&OK");
   sprintf (params, " %s", argv[1]); // other program instances
   window = strtod(params);
   for (int ix = 2; ix <= 7; ix++) {
       string hx = "";
       sprintf (hx, " %s", argv[ix]);
       params += hx;
   sequence_bottom = strtol(argv[2]);
   dir             = strtol(argv[3]);
   c_top           = strtol(argv[4]);
   c_bottom        = strtol(argv[5]);
   unit            = strtol(argv[6]);
   show_script     = strtol(argv[7]);
   if (unit == unitINCH)
      win = window;
      win = window / 25.4;

string h, cmd;
int Result, tmp_int, i, j, z, length_of_name, number_prefix, largest_number_prefix;
int i_p_top, index_top[], old_suffix_top[], new_suffix_top[];
real comp_x_abs_top[], comp_y_abs_top[];
int i_p_bottom, index_bottom[], old_suffix_bottom[], new_suffix_bottom[];
real comp_x_abs_bottom[], comp_y_abs_bottom[];
int i_p_both, index_both[], old_suffix_both[], new_suffix_both[];
real tmp_real, w, pcb_min_x, pcb_min_y, pcb_max_x, pcb_max_y, pcb_length, pcb_height;
string tmp_string, ref_name, last_prefix, prefix_top[], prefix_bottom[], prefix_both[];

void DisplayHelp(void)
  dlgDialog("Renumer Help") {
    dlgHBoxLayout dlgSpacing(400);
    dlgHBoxLayout {
      dlgVBoxLayout dlgSpacing(300);
    dlgHBoxLayout {
      dlgPushButton("-Close") dlgReject();

string get_progname(void) {
  string s = strsub(argv[0], 0, strlen(argv[0])-4);
  string p = s;
  char c = '/';
  int pos = strrchr(s, c);
  if (pos >= 0) {
     p = strsub(s, pos + 1);
  return p;

void renumber (void) {
      cmd = "";
      h = ""; sprintf(h, ";\n"); cmd += h;
      h = ""; sprintf(h, "Grid Inch;\n"); cmd += h;
      h = ""; sprintf(h, "Display None;\n"); cmd += h;
      h = ""; sprintf(h, "Window fit;\n"); cmd += h;
      h = ""; sprintf(h, "Display 20 21 22 25 26 -27 -28;\n"); cmd += h;
      for (i = 0; i < i_p_both; ++i) {
          new_suffix_both[i] = i + 1 ;
      sort (i_p_both, index_both, prefix_both, new_suffix_both, old_suffix_both);
      for (j = 0; j < i_p_both; ++j) { // all parts ------------------------
          z = 1;
          tmp_int = 1;
          tmp_string = prefix_both[index_both[j]];
          for (i = j; prefix_both[index_both[i]] == tmp_string; ++i) {
          if ((sequence_bottom > largest_number_prefix) && (new_suffix_both[index_both[i]] > i_p_top) && (tmp_int == 1)) {
                 z = sequence_bottom;
                 tmp_int = 0;
              if ((new_suffix_both[index_both[i]] > 0) && (old_suffix_both[index_both[i]] != z)) {
                 new_suffix_both[index_both[i]] = z * -1;
              else {
                 new_suffix_both[index_both[i]] = 0 ;
              if (i == i_p_both - 1) break; // added!!!
          if (i == i_p_both - 1) break; // added!!!
          j = i - 1;
      for (i = 0; i < i_p_both; ++i) {
          if (new_suffix_both[index_both[i]] < 0) {
             h = ""; sprintf(h, "Name '%s%d' '$$%s%d';\n", prefix_both[index_both[i]], old_suffix_both[index_both[i]], prefix_both[index_both[i]], abs(new_suffix_both[index_both[i]])); cmd += h;
      for (i = 0; i < i_p_both; ++i) {
            if (new_suffix_both[index_both[i]] < 0) {
               h = ""; sprintf(h, "Name '$$%s%d' '%s%d';\n", prefix_both[index_both[i]], abs(new_suffix_both[index_both[i]]), prefix_both[index_both[i]], abs(new_suffix_both[index_both[i]])); cmd += h;
      h = ""; sprintf(h, "Grid Last;\n"); cmd += h;
      if (show_script) {
         Result = dlgDialog("Edit Commands") {
           dlgVBoxLayout {
             dlgLabel("Edit only if you are sure what you do!");
           dlgHBoxLayout {
                dlgPushButton("+Ok") dlgAccept();
                dlgPushButton("-Quit") dlgReject();
                dlgPushButton("+Save") {
                                       string dest = dlgFileSave("Save Script File", "renumber.scr", "*.scr");
                                       if (dest != "") output(dest, "wt") {printf(cmd);}
        if (!Result) exit(0);
    cmd += "RUN "+get_progname()+" end";

void preview(void) {
    cmd = "";
    sprintf (params, " %f %d %d %d %d %d %d",
           window, sequence_bottom, dir, c_top, c_bottom, unit, show_script);
    h = ""; sprintf(h, ";\n"); cmd += h;
    h = ""; sprintf(h, "Grid Inch;\n"); cmd += h;
    h = ""; sprintf(h, "Display None;\n"); cmd += h;
    h = ""; sprintf(h, "Window fit;\n"); cmd += h;
    h = ""; sprintf(h, "Display 20 21 22 25 26 -27 -28;\n"); cmd += h;
    for (i = 0; i < i_p_both; ++i)
      h = ""; sprintf(h, "Show %s%d %s%d;\n", prefix_both[i], old_suffix_both[i], prefix_both[i], old_suffix_both[i]); cmd += h;
    if (show_script) {
        Result = dlgDialog("Edit Commands") {
           dlgVBoxLayout {
             dlgLabel("Edit only if you are sure what you do!");
           dlgHBoxLayout {
                dlgPushButton("+Ok") dlgAccept();
                dlgPushButton("-Quit") dlgReject();
        if (!Result) exit(0);
    cmd += "RUN "+get_progname()+params;
//--- collect data ---------------------------------------------------------------

void get_data(void) {
board(B) { // Get board size to determine ratio.
  tmp_int = 1;
  B.wires(W) {
        if (W.layer == 20) {
           if (tmp_int == 1) {
              pcb_min_x = u2inch(W.x1);
              pcb_min_y = u2inch(W.y1);
              pcb_max_x = u2inch(W.x1);
              pcb_max_y = u2inch(W.y1);
              tmp_int = 0;
           if (u2inch(W.x1) < pcb_min_x){pcb_min_x = u2inch(W.x1);}
           if (u2inch(W.x1) > pcb_max_x){pcb_max_x = u2inch(W.x1);}
           if (u2inch(W.x2) < pcb_min_x){pcb_min_x = u2inch(W.x2);}
           if (u2inch(W.x2) > pcb_max_x){pcb_max_x = u2inch(W.x2);}
           if (u2inch(W.y1) < pcb_min_y){pcb_min_y = u2inch(W.y1);}
           if (u2inch(W.y1) > pcb_max_y){pcb_max_y = u2inch(W.y1);}
           if (u2inch(W.y2) < pcb_min_y){pcb_min_y = u2inch(W.y2);}
           if (u2inch(W.y2) > pcb_max_y){pcb_max_y = u2inch(W.y2);}
  pcb_length = pcb_max_x - pcb_min_x;
  pcb_height = pcb_max_y - pcb_min_y;
  number_prefix = 1;
  last_prefix = "";
  largest_number_prefix = 1;
  B.elements(E) {
    ref_name = E.name ;
    if (!(strlen(ref_name)<=1 || isdigit(ref_name[0]))) { // exclude R, 04 etc.
       length_of_name = strlen(ref_name) ;
       prefix_top[i_p_top] = "" ;
       new_suffix_top[i_p_top] = 0 ;
       tmp_string = "" ;
       if (isdigit(ref_name[length_of_name - 1]) && E.mirror == 0 ) {   // on top & num suffix
          for (i = strlen(ref_name) - 1; isdigit(ref_name[i]); --i);    // find prefix + suffix
          prefix_top[i_p_top] = strsub(ref_name, 0, i+1); // prefix
          tmp_string = strsub(ref_name, i+1);             // suffix

          if (prefix_top[i_p_top] == last_prefix) {
             ++number_prefix;                                  // inc as long as same prefix
          else {
             last_prefix = prefix_top[i_p_top];
             if (number_prefix > largest_number_prefix) {
                largest_number_prefix = number_prefix;               // update largest_n..
                number_prefix = 1;
          old_suffix_top[i_p_top] = strtol(tmp_string) ;
          switch (c_top) {
          case 1:            // Top-Right
                comp_x_abs_top[i_p_top] = abs(u2inch(E.x) - pcb_max_x) ;
                comp_y_abs_top[i_p_top] = abs(u2inch(E.y) - pcb_max_y) ;
          case 0:            // Top-Left
                comp_x_abs_top[i_p_top] = abs(u2inch(E.x) + abs(pcb_min_x)) ;
                comp_y_abs_top[i_p_top] = abs(u2inch(E.y) - pcb_max_y) ;
          case 2:            // Bottom-Left
                comp_x_abs_top[i_p_top] = abs(u2inch(E.x) + abs(pcb_min_x)) ;
                comp_y_abs_top[i_p_top] = abs(u2inch(E.y) + abs(pcb_min_y)) ;
          case 3:            // Bottom-Right

                comp_x_abs_top[i_p_top] = abs(u2inch(E.x) - pcb_max_x) ;
                comp_y_abs_top[i_p_top] = abs(u2inch(E.y) + abs(pcb_min_y)) ;
          default:            // default is Top-Left Corner for Top side.
                comp_x_abs_top[i_p_top] = abs(u2inch(E.x) + abs(pcb_min_x)) ;
                comp_y_abs_top[i_p_top] = abs(u2inch(E.y) - pcb_max_y) ;
          ++i_p_top ;
  if (number_prefix > largest_number_prefix) {
     largest_number_prefix = number_prefix;               // update largest_n..
     number_prefix = 1;
if (dir == 1) {
   sort (i_p_top, index_top, comp_x_abs_top, comp_y_abs_top, prefix_top, old_suffix_top, new_suffix_top) ;
   j = 0 ;
   do {
      w = comp_x_abs_top[index_top[j]] + win;
      for (i = j + 1; i < i_p_top; ++i) {
          if (comp_x_abs_top[index_top[i]] > w) {
             break ;
          if (comp_y_abs_top[index_top[i]] < comp_y_abs_top[index_top[i - 1]]) {
             tmp_real = comp_x_abs_top[index_top[i - 1]];
             comp_x_abs_top[index_top[i - 1]] = comp_x_abs_top[index_top[i]];
             comp_x_abs_top[index_top[i]] = tmp_real;
             tmp_real = comp_y_abs_top[index_top[i - 1]];
             comp_y_abs_top[index_top[i - 1]] = comp_y_abs_top[index_top[i]];
             comp_y_abs_top[index_top[i]] = tmp_real;
             tmp_string = prefix_top[index_top[i - 1]];
             prefix_top[index_top[i - 1]] = prefix_top[index_top[i]];
             prefix_top[index_top[i]] = tmp_string;
             tmp_int = old_suffix_top[index_top[i - 1]];
             old_suffix_top[index_top[i - 1]] = old_suffix_top[index_top[i]];
             old_suffix_top[index_top[i]] = tmp_int;
             tmp_int = new_suffix_top[index_top[i - 1]];
             new_suffix_top[index_top[i - 1]] = new_suffix_top[index_top[i]];
             new_suffix_top[index_top[i]] = tmp_int;
             i = j ;
      j = i ;
      } while (j < i_p_top) ;
else {
   sort (i_p_top, index_top, comp_y_abs_top, comp_x_abs_top, prefix_top, old_suffix_top, new_suffix_top) ;
   j = 0 ;
   do {
      w = comp_y_abs_top[index_top[j]] + win;
      for (i = j + 1; i < i_p_top; ++i) {
          if (comp_y_abs_top[index_top[i]] > w) {
             break ;
            if (comp_x_abs_top[index_top[i]] < comp_x_abs_top[index_top[i - 1]]) {
               tmp_real = comp_x_abs_top[index_top[i - 1]];
               comp_x_abs_top[index_top[i - 1]] = comp_x_abs_top[index_top[i]];
               comp_x_abs_top[index_top[i]] = tmp_real;
               tmp_real = comp_y_abs_top[index_top[i - 1]];
               comp_y_abs_top[index_top[i - 1]] = comp_y_abs_top[index_top[i]];
               comp_y_abs_top[index_top[i]] = tmp_real;
               tmp_string = prefix_top[index_top[i - 1]];
               prefix_top[index_top[i - 1]] = prefix_top[index_top[i]];
               prefix_top[index_top[i]] = tmp_string;
               tmp_int = old_suffix_top[index_top[i - 1]];
               old_suffix_top[index_top[i - 1]] = old_suffix_top[index_top[i]];
               old_suffix_top[index_top[i]] = tmp_int;
               tmp_int = new_suffix_top[index_top[i - 1]];
               new_suffix_top[index_top[i - 1]] = new_suffix_top[index_top[i]];
               new_suffix_top[index_top[i]] = tmp_int;
               i = j ;
      j = i ;
      } while (j < i_p_top) ;
// Bottom side of board
board(B) {
  B.elements(E) {
    ref_name = E.name ;
    if (!(strlen(ref_name)<=1 || isdigit(ref_name[0]))) { // exclude R, 04 etc.
       length_of_name = strlen(ref_name) ;
       prefix_bottom[i_p_bottom] = "" ;
       new_suffix_bottom[i_p_bottom] = 0 ;
       tmp_string = "" ;
       if (isdigit(ref_name[length_of_name - 1]) && E.mirror == 1 ) {
          for (i = strlen(ref_name) - 1; isdigit(ref_name[i]); --i); // find prefix
              prefix_bottom[i_p_bottom] = strsub(ref_name, 0, i+1);
              tmp_string = strsub(ref_name, i+1); // suffix
          old_suffix_bottom[i_p_bottom] = strtol(tmp_string) ;
          switch (c_bottom)
          case 1:            // Top-Right
                comp_x_abs_bottom[i_p_bottom] = abs(u2inch(E.x) - pcb_max_x) ;
                comp_y_abs_bottom[i_p_bottom] = abs(u2inch(E.y) - pcb_max_y) ;
          case 0:            // Top-Left
                comp_x_abs_bottom[i_p_bottom] = abs(u2inch(E.x) + abs(pcb_min_x)) ;
                comp_y_abs_bottom[i_p_bottom] = abs(u2inch(E.y) - pcb_max_y) ;
          case 2:            // Bottom-Left
                comp_x_abs_bottom[i_p_bottom] = abs(u2inch(E.x) + abs(pcb_min_x)) ;
                comp_y_abs_bottom[i_p_bottom] = abs(u2inch(E.y) + abs(pcb_min_y)) ;
          case 3:            // Bottom-Right
                comp_x_abs_bottom[i_p_bottom] = abs(u2inch(E.x) - pcb_max_x) ;
                comp_y_abs_bottom[i_p_bottom] = abs(u2inch(E.y) + abs(pcb_min_y)) ;
          default:            // default is Top-Right Corner for Bottom side.
                comp_x_abs_bottom[i_p_bottom] = abs(u2inch(E.x) - pcb_max_x) ;
                comp_y_abs_bottom[i_p_bottom] = abs(u2inch(E.y) - pcb_max_y) ;
          ++i_p_bottom ;
if (dir == 1) {
   sort (i_p_bottom, index_bottom, comp_x_abs_bottom, comp_y_abs_bottom, prefix_bottom, old_suffix_bottom, new_suffix_bottom) ;
   j = 0 ;
   do {
      w = comp_x_abs_bottom[index_bottom[j]] + win;
      for (i = j + 1; i < i_p_bottom; ++i) {
            if (comp_x_abs_bottom[index_bottom[i]] > w) {
               break ;
            if (comp_y_abs_bottom[index_bottom[i]] < comp_y_abs_bottom[index_bottom[i - 1]]) {
               tmp_real = comp_x_abs_bottom[index_bottom[i - 1]];
               comp_x_abs_bottom[index_bottom[i - 1]] = comp_x_abs_bottom[index_bottom[i]];
               comp_x_abs_bottom[index_bottom[i]] = tmp_real;
               tmp_real = comp_y_abs_bottom[index_bottom[i - 1]];
               comp_y_abs_bottom[index_bottom[i - 1]] = comp_y_abs_bottom[index_bottom[i]];
               comp_y_abs_bottom[index_bottom[i]] = tmp_real;
               tmp_string = prefix_bottom[index_bottom[i - 1]];
               prefix_bottom[index_bottom[i - 1]] = prefix_bottom[index_bottom[i]];
               prefix_bottom[index_bottom[i]] = tmp_string;
               tmp_int = old_suffix_bottom[index_bottom[i - 1]];
               old_suffix_bottom[index_bottom[i - 1]] = old_suffix_bottom[index_bottom[i]];
               old_suffix_bottom[index_bottom[i]] = tmp_int;
               tmp_int = new_suffix_bottom[index_bottom[i - 1]];
               new_suffix_bottom[index_bottom[i - 1]] = new_suffix_bottom[index_bottom[i]];
               new_suffix_bottom[index_bottom[i]] = tmp_int;
               i = j ;
      j = i ;
      } while (j < i_p_bottom) ;
else {
   sort (i_p_bottom, index_bottom, comp_y_abs_bottom, comp_x_abs_bottom, prefix_bottom, old_suffix_bottom, new_suffix_bottom) ;
   j = 0 ;
   do {
      w = comp_y_abs_bottom[index_bottom[j]] + win;
      for (i = j + 1; i < i_p_bottom; ++i) {
           if (comp_y_abs_bottom[index_bottom[i]] > w) {
              break ;
           if (comp_x_abs_bottom[index_bottom[i]] < comp_x_abs_bottom[index_bottom[i - 1]]) {
              tmp_real = comp_x_abs_bottom[index_bottom[i - 1]];
              comp_x_abs_bottom[index_bottom[i - 1]] = comp_x_abs_bottom[index_bottom[i]];
              comp_x_abs_bottom[index_bottom[i]] = tmp_real;
              tmp_real = comp_y_abs_bottom[index_bottom[i - 1]];
              comp_y_abs_bottom[index_bottom[i - 1]] = comp_y_abs_bottom[index_bottom[i]];
              comp_y_abs_bottom[index_bottom[i]] = tmp_real;
              tmp_string = prefix_bottom[index_bottom[i - 1]];
              prefix_bottom[index_bottom[i - 1]] = prefix_bottom[index_bottom[i]];
              prefix_bottom[index_bottom[i]] = tmp_string;
              tmp_int = old_suffix_bottom[index_bottom[i - 1]];
              old_suffix_bottom[index_bottom[i - 1]] = old_suffix_bottom[index_bottom[i]];
              old_suffix_bottom[index_bottom[i]] = tmp_int;
              tmp_int = new_suffix_bottom[index_bottom[i - 1]];
              new_suffix_bottom[index_bottom[i - 1]] = new_suffix_bottom[index_bottom[i]];
              new_suffix_bottom[index_bottom[i]] = tmp_int;
              i = j ;
      j = i ;
      } while (j < i_p_bottom) ;
i_p_both = 0;
for (i = 0; i < i_p_top; ++i) {
     prefix_both[i_p_both] = prefix_top[index_top[i]];
     old_suffix_both[i_p_both] = old_suffix_top[index_top[i]];
     new_suffix_both[i_p_both] = new_suffix_top[index_top[i]];
for (i = 0; i < i_p_bottom; ++i) {
    prefix_both[i_p_both] = prefix_bottom[index_bottom[i]];
    old_suffix_both[i_p_both] = old_suffix_bottom[index_bottom[i]];
    new_suffix_both[i_p_both] = new_suffix_bottom[index_bottom[i]];
// change names if necessary: R01 -> R100001 etc.

string correct_name(string s) {
string s1, s2;
int i, j;
  if (strlen(s) < 2 || isdigit(s[0]))
     return s;                      // single character or name starts with 0
  if (!isdigit(s[strlen(s)-1]))     // no suffix
     return s;
  for (i = 0; !isdigit(s[i]); ++i); // i points to first numeric character
  for (j = strlen(s) - 1; isdigit(s[j]); --j); // j points to last non-numeric character
  if ((i < strlen(s) -1) && s[i] == '0') {
     s1 = strsub(s, 0, i);
     s2 = strsub(s, i);
     s = s1+"1000"+s2;
   return s;
void view_names(void) {
 board(B) {
   B.elements(P) {
     h= ""; sprintf(h, "%s\n", P.name);
     cmd += h;

  dlgDialog("Part names") {
    dlgHBoxLayout {
      dlgVBoxLayout dlgSpacing(300);
    dlgHBoxLayout {
      dlgPushButton("-Close") dlgReject();

void check_names(void) {
 int name_changed = 0;
 string corr_name;
 cmd = ";\n";
 board(B) { // replace R01 with R100001 etc.
   B.elements(P) {
     corr_name = correct_name(P.name);
     if (corr_name != P.name) {
        name_changed = 1;
        h= ""; sprintf(h, "NAME '%s' '%s';\n", P.name, corr_name);
        cmd += h;
if (name_changed) {
   if (dlgMessageBox("Board contains packages with leading zero\nsuffixes (e.g. R01). Renumber cannot handle such names!\n\nChange automatically?",
                      "&OK", "&Quit") == 0) {
      Result = dlgDialog("Changes") {
        dlgHBoxLayout {
          dlgVBoxLayout dlgSpacing(300);
        dlgHBoxLayout {
          dlgPushButton("-OK") dlgAccept();
          dlgPushButton("-Close") dlgReject();
      if (!Result) exit(0);
      cmd += "RUN "+get_progname();
   else {
//--- main -----------------------------------------------------------------------

if (!board) {
   dlgMessageBox(usage + "<hr><b>ERROR: No board!</b><p>\nThis program can only work in the board editor.");

dlgDialog("Renumber Components") {
  dlgHBoxLayout {
    dlgGroup("Unit") {
      dlgRadioButton("&inch", unit);
      dlgRadioButton("&mm",   unit);
    dlgGroup("Direction") {
      dlgRadioButton("&Horizontal", dir);
      dlgRadioButton("&Vertical", dir);
    dlgGroup("Top Side: Start from") {
        dlgGridLayout {
           dlgCell(0, 0)  dlgRadioButton("Top left", c_top);
           dlgCell(0, 3)  dlgRadioButton("Top right", c_top);
           dlgCell(3, 0)  dlgRadioButton("Bottom left   ", c_top);
           dlgCell(3, 3)  dlgRadioButton("Bottom right", c_top);
    dlgGroup("Bottom Side: Start from") {
        dlgGridLayout {
           dlgCell(0, 0)  dlgRadioButton("Top left", c_bottom);
           dlgCell(0, 3)  dlgRadioButton("Top right", c_bottom);
           dlgCell(3, 0)  dlgRadioButton("Bottom left   ", c_bottom);
           dlgCell(3, 3)  dlgRadioButton("Bottom right", c_bottom);
dlgHBoxLayout {
  dlgRealEdit(window, 0.0, 99.0);
  dlgLabel("Scan &window     ");
  dlgIntEdit(sequence_bottom, 0, 1000);
  dlgLabel("Bottom suffix      ");
  dlgCheckBox("&Show scripts   ", show_script);
  dlgHBoxLayout {
    dlgPushButton("&View names") view_names();
    dlgPushButton("+&Preview") { get_data();
    dlgPushButton("&Renumber") { get_data();
    dlgPushButton("-&Quit")      dlgReject();
    dlgPushButton("&Help")       DisplayHelp();