#usage "Copy name and value into restrict layer\n" "

" "Generates a command sequence copying the name texts-wires and value texts-wires " "of all elements of your layout into restrict layers (41 and 42)." "

" "Author: support@cadsoft.de" // THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED AS IS AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED int tNames = 25, bNames = 26; real distance = 0.2; // distance Wire <> Text in Millimeter. string cmd; string h; string scriptfile; string help = "If the Autorouter shall avoid the NAME and VALUE text area\n" + "we have to draw the texts as wires in the restrict layers.\n" + "To let the Autorouter keep a minimum distance to the texts (wires)\n" + "to avoid short circuits, we have to draw the text wires with a\n" + "higher width which includes the respective minimum clearance.\n" + "\n"+ "German help text inside the ulp file.\n"; /*string German help = "Kopiert die Texte 'Name' und 'Value' in die Restrict-Layer.\n" + * "Soll der Autorouter unter den NAME- und VALUE-Texten\n" + * "nicht routen, so muss der Text als Wire in die Restrict-Layer\n" + * "kopiert werden.\n" + * "Damit der Autorouter einen Abstand zu den Elementen (Textlinien)\n" + * "einhaelt, sodass keine Kurzschluesse erzeugt werden, muss die Linienbreite\n" + */ "um den entsprechenden Mindestabstand erweitert werden.\n"; void header(void) { sprintf(cmd, "# Exported from %s by %s\n", scriptfile, EAGLE_SIGNATURE ); sprintf(h, "# Distance = %.3f mm\n", distance); cmd += h; cmd += "SET UNDO_LOG OFF;\n"; // advisable for speed reasons cmd += "set wire_bend 2;\n"; cmd += "GRID mm;\n"; } // Distance menue int menue(void) { int d = dlgDialog("Place Text as Wire") { dlgLabel(usage); dlgLabel(help); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgLabel("&Distance [mm]"); dlgRealEdit(distance); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("+&OK") dlgAccept(); dlgPushButton("-&Cancel") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(1); } }; return d; } if (board) board(B) { if (!menue()) exit (0); scriptfile = filesetext(B.name, ".scr"); header(); distance *= 2; B.elements(E) { E.texts(T) { // *** smased *** if (T.layer == 25) { sprintf(h, "Change Layer %d;\n", 41);cmd += h; T.wires(W) { sprintf(h, "WIRE %5.3f (%5.3f %5.3f) (%5.3f %5.3f);\n", u2mm(W.width) + distance, u2mm(W.x1), u2mm(W.y1), u2mm(W.x2), u2mm(W.y2) ); cmd += h; } } if (T.layer == 26) { sprintf(h, "Change Layer %d;\n", 42);cmd += h; T.wires(W) { sprintf(h, "WIRE %5.3f (%5.3f %5.3f) (%5.3f %5.3f);\n", u2mm(W.width) + distance, u2mm(W.x1), u2mm(W.y1), u2mm(W.x2), u2mm(W.y2) ); cmd += h; } } if (T.layer == 27) { sprintf(h, "Change Layer %d;\n", 41);cmd += h; T.wires(W) { sprintf(h, "WIRE %5.3f (%5.3f %5.3f) (%5.3f %5.3f);\n", u2mm(W.width) + distance, u2mm(W.x1), u2mm(W.y1), u2mm(W.x2), u2mm(W.y2) ); cmd += h; } } if (T.layer == 28) { sprintf(h, "Change Layer %d;\n", 42);cmd += h; T.wires(W) { sprintf(h, "WIRE %5.3f (%5.3f %5.3f) (%5.3f %5.3f);\n", u2mm(W.width) + distance, u2mm(W.x1), u2mm(W.y1), u2mm(W.x2), u2mm(W.y2) ); cmd += h; } } } E.package.texts(T) { // *** non smased if (T.layer == 25) { sprintf(h, "Change Layer %d;\n", 41);cmd += h; T.wires(W) { sprintf(h, "WIRE %5.3f (%5.3f %5.3f) (%5.3f %5.3f);\n", u2mm(W.width) + distance, u2mm(W.x1), u2mm(W.y1), u2mm(W.x2), u2mm(W.y2) ); cmd += h; } } if (T.layer == 26) { sprintf(h, "Change Layer %d;\n", 42);cmd += h; T.wires(W) { sprintf(h, "WIRE %5.3f (%5.3f %5.3f) (%5.3f %5.3f);\n", u2mm(W.width) + distance, u2mm(W.x1), u2mm(W.y1), u2mm(W.x2), u2mm(W.y2) ); cmd += h; } } if (T.layer == 27) { sprintf(h, "Change Layer %d;\n", 41);cmd += h; T.wires(W) { sprintf(h, "WIRE %5.3f (%5.3f %5.3f) (%5.3f %5.3f);\n", u2mm(W.width) + distance, u2mm(W.x1), u2mm(W.y1), u2mm(W.x2), u2mm(W.y2) ); cmd += h; } } if (T.layer == 28) { sprintf(h, "Change Layer %d;\n", 42);cmd += h; T.wires(W) { sprintf(h, "WIRE %5.3f (%5.3f %5.3f) (%5.3f %5.3f);\n", u2mm(W.width) + distance, u2mm(W.x1), u2mm(W.y1), u2mm(W.x2), u2mm(W.y2) ); cmd += h; } } } } } cmd += "SET UNDO_LOG ON;\n"; cmd += "GRID LAST;\n"; // EditBox int Result = dlgDialog("Copy Text in Restrict.Layer") { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgTextEdit(cmd); dlgVBoxLayout { dlgSpacing(300); } } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgSpacing(500); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("+&Execute") dlgAccept(); dlgPushButton("-&Cancel") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(1); } }; if (Result == 0) exit(0); output(scriptfile, "wt") printf("%s", cmd); exit("script '" + scriptfile + "';\nREMOVE '" + scriptfile + "';\n");