#usage "<b>Change shape, diameter, flags and drill of all pads in a library</b>\n" "<p>" "<author>Author: support@cadsoft.de</author>" // THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED AS IS AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED // Version 4.2 -- 20.04.2004 alf@cadsoft.de // Version 4.3 -- 04.03.2005 alf@cadsoft.de // Change Drill gerundet auf 1/10 mm // wenn angegebenes Toleranzfenster eingehalten wird. // Change Restring wenn angegebenes Toleranzfenster eingehalten wird. string drill_help = "<nobr>Changes the drill diameter for all pads within the tolerances.<br>" + "</nobr>"; string rounddrill_help = "<nobr>Rounding the drill diameter to 1/10 mm.<br>Only for drill diameter of pads that are within the given tolerances.<br>" + "</nobr>"; string restring_help = "<nobr>Changes the restring of pads that are within the given range.<br>" + "</nobr>"; if (language() == "de") { drill_help = "<nobr>Ändert nur Bohrdurchmesser von PADs deren Wert innerhalb des Toleranzfensters liegt.<br>" + "</nobr>"; rounddrill_help = "<nobr>Bohrdurchmesser auf 1/10 mm runden.<br>Rundet nur Bohrdurchmesser von PADs deren Wert innerhalb des Toleranzfensters liegt.<br>" + "</nobr>"; restring_help = "<nobr>Ändert nur Restringe von Pads deren Wert innerhalb des Bereiches liegt.<br>" + "</nobr>"; } string script_change = ""; int Result = 0; string grid = "GRID MM FINEST;\n"; string cmd, s; // *** flags for changes int change_pac; int cntPac = 0, cntContact = 0; int to_change[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; int begin = - 1; // *** pointer of flags int P_firstpad = begin + 1; int P_shape = P_firstpad + 1; int P_drill = P_shape + 1; int P_rounddrill = P_drill + 1; int P_diameter = P_rounddrill + 1; int P_restring = P_diameter + 1; int P_stopmask = P_restring + 1; int P_creammask = P_stopmask + 1; int last = P_creammask + 1; int changefrom = P_drill; int changeto = last - 1; real change_values[] = { 0, // Pad-First-Pin 0, // Pad-Shape 0, // Pad-Drill 0, // Pad-Drill round 0, // Pad-Diameter 0, // Pad-Restring 0, // Pad-Stop-Mask 0, // Pad-Cream-Mask 0 }; string tochange[] = { "Change pad flag '&First' ", "Change pad &shape", "Change pad &drill", "Round pad drill 1/&10 mm", "Change pad dia&meter", "Change pad &restring", "Change pad s&top mask ON/OFF", "Change pad &cream mask ON/OFF", "" }; string menuchange[] = { "Change Pad Flag 'First' ", "Change Pad Shape", "Change Pad Drill", "Rounding Pad Drill 1/10 mm", "Change Pad Diameter", "Change Pad Restring", "Change Pad Stop Mask ON/OFF", "Change Pad Cream Mask ON/OFF", "" }; real min_val[] = { 0.0, // Pad-First-Pin 0.0, // Pad-Shape 0.0, // Pad-Drill 0.0, // Pad-Drill round 0.0, // Pad-Diameter 0.0, // Pad-Restring 0.0, // Pad-Stop-Mask 0.0 // Pad-Cream-Mask }; real max_val[] = { 0, // Pad-First-Pin 13.1, // Pad-Shape 13.1, // Pad-Drill 13.1, // Pad-Drill round 13.1, // Pad-Diameter 13.1, // Pad-Restring 1, // Pad-Stop-Mask 1, // Pad-Cream-Mask 0 }; string min_max[] = { "", // Pad-First-Pin "in the range of 0.0...13.1 mm", // Pad-Shape "in the range of 0.0...13.1 mm", // Pad-Drill "", // Pad-Drill round "in the range of 0.0...13.1 mm", // Pad-Diameter "in the range of 0.0...13.1 mm", // Pad-Restring "in the range of 0 Off / 1 On", // Pad-Stop-Mask "in the range of 0 Off / 1 On", // Pad-Cream-Mask "" }; string fist_pad_name = "1"; // change to A-Z alphabetical (example: for transistor emitter = E) string first_onoff[] = { "OFF", "ON" }; int flag_offon = 1; string stop_onoff = "ON"; string cream_onoff = "ON"; int shape = 0; int shape1 = 0; int round_drill = 0; // to round pad drills to 1/10 mm int mpercent = 2, ppercent = 5; real minrestring = 0.0, maxrestring = 0.3; string pad1, padx; string shape_form[] = { // change Shape "NONE", "SQUARE", "ROUND", "OCTAGON", "" }; int cntchrestring = 0; int cntchdrill = 0; // *** function *** void get_changemenue(string lib) { Result = dlgDialog("Change PAD in Library") { dlgLabel("(" + lib + ")"); dlgStretch(0); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgGroup("Change") { dlgCheckBox(tochange[P_firstpad], to_change[P_firstpad]); dlgCheckBox(tochange[P_shape], to_change[P_shape]); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgCheckBox(tochange[P_drill], to_change[P_drill]) if (to_change[P_rounddrill]) to_change[P_rounddrill] = 0; dlgSpacing(45); dlgCheckBox(tochange[P_rounddrill], to_change[P_rounddrill]) if (to_change[P_drill]) to_change[P_drill] = 0; dlgStretch(1); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgCheckBox(tochange[P_diameter], to_change[P_diameter]) if (to_change[P_restring]) to_change[P_restring] = 0; dlgSpacing(20); dlgCheckBox(tochange[P_restring], to_change[P_restring]) if (to_change[P_diameter]) to_change[P_diameter] = 0; dlgStretch(1); } dlgCheckBox(tochange[P_stopmask], to_change[P_stopmask]); dlgCheckBox(tochange[P_creammask], to_change[P_creammask]); } dlgStretch(1); } dlgStretch(1); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton("+Change") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("-ESC") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(0); } dlgStretch(0); }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); if (to_change[P_shape] || to_change[P_firstpad]) { Result = dlgDialog("Change Pad Shape") { if (to_change[P_firstpad]) { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgCheckBox(tochange[0], to_change[P_firstpad]); dlgLabel(" b&y name "); dlgStringEdit(fist_pad_name); dlgLabel("&On/Off"); dlgComboBox(first_onoff, flag_offon); dlgStretch(1); } dlgStretch(1); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgGroup("Shape of Pin 1") { dlgGridLayout { dlgCell(2, 1) dlgRadioButton(shape_form[0], shape1); dlgCell(3, 1) dlgRadioButton(shape_form[1], shape1); dlgCell(4, 1) dlgRadioButton(shape_form[2], shape1); dlgCell(5, 1) dlgRadioButton(shape_form[3], shape1); } } dlgLabel(pad1); dlgGroup("Shape of other pin(s)") { dlgGridLayout { dlgCell(2, 1) dlgRadioButton(shape_form[0], shape); dlgCell(3, 1) dlgRadioButton(shape_form[1], shape); dlgCell(4, 1) dlgRadioButton(shape_form[2], shape); dlgCell(5, 1) dlgRadioButton(shape_form[3], shape); } } dlgLabel(padx); dlgStretch(1); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("-ESC") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(0); } }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); } for (int n = changefrom; n <= changeto; n++) { if (to_change[n]) { int todo = 1; Result = dlgDialog(menuchange[n]) { if (n == P_drill) { dlgLabel(drill_help); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgGroup("Tolerance") { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgLabel(" &- %"); dlgIntEdit(mpercent); dlgLabel(" &+ %"); dlgIntEdit(ppercent); dlgStretch(1); } } dlgStretch(1); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgLabel("&Drill diameter "); dlgRealEdit(change_values[n], min_val[n], max_val[n]); dlgStretch(1); } todo = 0; } if( n == P_rounddrill) { dlgLabel(rounddrill_help); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgLabel(" &- %"); dlgIntEdit(mpercent); dlgLabel(" &+ %"); dlgIntEdit(ppercent); dlgStretch(1); todo = 0; } } if( n == P_restring) { dlgLabel(restring_help); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgGroup("Range") { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgLabel(" m&in "); dlgRealEdit(minrestring); dlgLabel(" m&ax "); dlgRealEdit(maxrestring); } } dlgLabel(" New &Restring "); dlgRealEdit(change_values[n], min_val[n], max_val[n]); dlgStretch(1); } todo = 0; } if (todo) { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgRealEdit(change_values[n], min_val[n], max_val[n]); dlgStretch(1); } } dlgVBoxLayout { if (min_max[n]) dlgLabel(min_max[n]); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(1); dlgSpacing(100); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(0); } } }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); } } return; } // change First flag void change_first(string onoff, int x, int y) { sprintf(s, "Change FIRST %s (%.4f %.4f);\n", onoff, u2mm(x), u2mm(y)); cmd += s; return; } // change Pad Shape void change_shape(string shape, int x, int y) { sprintf(s, "Change SHAPE %s (%.4f %.4f);\n", shape, u2mm(x), u2mm(y)); cmd += s; return; } // change Drill Diameter void change_prill(real diameter, int x, int y, int drill, string pac) { real isdrill = u2mm(drill); if (isdrill >= diameter - (diameter / 100 * mpercent) && isdrill <= diameter + (diameter / 100 * ppercent)) { if (abs(diameter - isdrill) < 0.000001 ) return; sprintf(s, "Change DRILL %.4f (%.4f %.4f);\n", diameter, u2mm(x), u2mm(y)); cmd += s; cntchdrill++; } return; } // change Drill Diameter rounded 1/10 mm void change_prillround(real diameter, int x, int y, int drill) { real isdrill = u2mm(drill); real rval = round(isdrill * 10.0) / 10.0; if (abs(rval - isdrill) < 0.000001 ) return; if (isdrill >= rval - ((rval / 100) * mpercent) && isdrill <= rval + ((rval / 100) * ppercent)) { cntchdrill++; sprintf(s, "Change DRILL %.4f (%.4f %.4f);\n", rval, u2mm(x), u2mm(y)); cmd += s; } return; } // change Pad Diameter void change_pdiameter(real diameter, int x, int y) { sprintf(s, "Change DIAMETER %.4f (%.4f %.4f);\n", diameter, u2mm(x), u2mm(y)); cmd += s; return; } // change Pad Restring void change_restring(real mRestring, int diam, int x, int y, int drill) { real isrestring = u2mm(diam) - u2mm(drill); if (isrestring) isrestring /= 2; // ** do not device by zerro ** if (isrestring < 0) isrestring = 0; // negativ parameter not allowed if (isrestring >= minrestring && isrestring <= maxrestring) { sprintf(s, "CHANGE DIAMETER %.4f (%.4f %.4f);\n", u2mm(drill) + 2 * mRestring, u2mm(x), u2mm(y)); cmd += s; cntchrestring++; } return; } // change Stop mask flag void change_mask(string onoff, int x, int y) { sprintf(s, "Change %s (%.4f %.4f);\n", onoff, u2mm(x), u2mm(y)); cmd += s; return; } // ******************************************************** if (library) { pad1 = "<img src=change-pad-in-lbr-1.bmp>"; padx = "<img src=change-pad-in-lbr-x.bmp>"; int n = 0; library(L) { get_changemenue(L.name); // *** check if a change parameter activ *** if (!to_change[P_shape] && !to_change[P_drill] && !to_change[P_rounddrill] && !to_change[P_diameter] && !to_change[P_restring] && !to_change[P_stopmask] && !to_change[P_creammask] && !to_change[P_firstpad]) exit (0); if (change_values[P_stopmask]) stop_onoff = "ON"; else stop_onoff = "OFF"; if (change_values[P_creammask]) cream_onoff = "ON"; else cream_onoff = "OFF"; script_change = filesetext(L.name, "~~~.scr"); output(script_change, "wtD") { printf("DISPLAY NONE 1 16 17;\n"); int firstf = 1; L.packages(P) { cntPac++; change_pac = 0; cmd = ""; P.contacts(C) { cntContact++; if (C.pad) { if (to_change[P_shape] && (shape || shape1)){ if (C.name == "1" && shape1) change_shape(shape_form[shape1], C.pad.x, C.pad.y); else { if (shape) change_shape(shape_form[shape], C.pad.x, C.pad.y); } } if (to_change[P_firstpad]) { if (C.name == fist_pad_name) { change_first(first_onoff[flag_offon], C.x, C.y); } } if (to_change[P_drill]) { change_prill(change_values[P_drill], C.pad.x, C.pad.y, C.pad.drill, P.name); } if (to_change[P_rounddrill]) { change_prillround(change_values[P_drill], C.pad.x, C.pad.y, C.pad.drill); } if (to_change[P_diameter]) { change_pdiameter(change_values[P_diameter], C.pad.x, C.pad.y); } if (to_change[P_restring]) { change_restring(change_values[P_restring], C.pad.diameter[LAYER_BOTTOM], C.pad.x, C.pad.y, C.pad.drill); } if (to_change[P_stopmask]) { change_mask("STOP " + stop_onoff, C.pad.x, C.pad.y); } } else if (C.smd) { if (to_change[P_stopmask]) { change_mask("STOP " + stop_onoff, C.smd.x, C.smd.y); } if (to_change[P_creammask]) { change_mask("CREAM " + cream_onoff, C.smd.x, C.smd.y); } } } if (cmd) { printf("EDIT %s.PAC;\n", P.name); printf("%s",grid); printf("%s",cmd); } } // printf("GRID DEFAULT;\n"); printf("DISPLAY NONE 1 16 17 20 21 29 31;\n"); } } string sc; s = ""; if (cntchdrill) { sprintf(s, "%d Drills to change!\n", cntchdrill); sc += s; } if (cntchrestring) { sprintf(s, "%d Pad-Restring to change!", cntchrestring); sc += s; } if (sc) if (dlgMessageBox(sc, "Ok", "Cancel") != 0) exit(0); exit ("SCRIPT '" + script_change + "';\n"); } else { dlgMessageBox("! Start this ULP in a Library"); exit (0); }