The MSP430F5529 LaunchPad (MSP-EXP430F5529LP) features on-board emulation, which means you can program and debug your projects without the need for additional tools. The MSP430F5529 device features integrated Full-speed USB 2.0 (HID/MSC/CDC) for creating PC-connected applications, 128KB Flash & 8KB RAM of onboard memory, 16ch 12-bit ADC, 4 16-bit Timers, and up to 4 serial communication ports (I2C, SPI, UART).
The LaunchPad supports 20-pin and 40-pin BoosterPack plug-in modules that add additional functionality such as connectivity, sensing, and more. Simply connect the LaunchPad to a host PC via USB cable and program the microcontroller with various free software options.